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<br /> �—_�aiY�raeii,.v+�: .��� =�j•i`"a�r,rELSc�.:1M����..'i" --- rS�. _ , . ��ja�==-=.5.��r=_- ..__}a�r.- --
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<br /> s.�sa,�d��ikopeNg�I�w�e. 9o�ro,va stu�u icocp�e Mprovt�noW exiuin�«r�o�itor rneccea on tho Pro�tr
<br /> insured 1Q�inat"�oss by fito. d�rlsi inclaxLad within the tcrm"axut9ded cuver�o"aad aciy other t�atinis,iaclutlln� flaods or
<br /> fbodi�,for wbich i.aKler requirr�irts�usnco.�insurusct shW bc maiatalnod in tho rmouats And far the paiwds that Le+�ier
<br /> tt�ua�s.ST�tn�ursncc cs�tirs pm��iait�tho iasunncc shall be cdo�by Botrowct wb}oct to irccxkr's�ov�l whlcb cd�ll not
<br /> bo uiueasanabf�/ wW�kl. If Bat�uw�cr faila co aiaUu�la co��e dwcribed abov�. l�ender auy. at iu�tkt's option. obtala
<br /> covtr�a to prt+ic�t I.c.�sd::'r ri�A:s:in t�P�ia accord�ca wi8s psrs�rapb 7.
<br /> All iasuntice polki�s aad n:u�wals ehall be�eeenubb w Lender�ud chall inelude a cnadard mo�rtQa�e eLase.Lc�s3a stu�U
<br /> havo tba right to dokl tbo pa�icie�and rus�w�is.If I.end�r rayuiers,Borrowu sh�U peon'�PQY Qive to I.�ndet all t+occipts of�paid
<br /> p�emiumc�ad►r.aewal notiaes.G�the evau of bs�,Aorrower slWl give pcompt notice to the insuranx c,�rriet wd i.wdtr.Lettida
<br /> m�y make pct»t'of{oss if acu ma��P�P�Y by Bortowet.
<br /> Uakss L�t�der atsd Botrou+�r�uherwise�yrao ia writiug.iawtaace pcooeals shall be a�plicd w re,:WtoBoa�or r�air of tLe
<br /> PropeitY cVm�o�l..if tl�a t�ratin�a�rep�ir is oconanicaUy featible�od l.�eacTe�'s aeciuity is aoi{cssened.If tl�e restaradoia or
<br /> reair is not�conomicaUy fe.ssihtti o�I.aukr���wo�a�e zes�eooa.�ne�asu�oe pcoc«as c��a�ea�o�ne s�uas
<br /> secut+ed by ttetv SocuritY Instaumitnt� whethet or not thm due, wit��ny exocss piid to Bannwer. If Botmwet ab�uxloos the
<br /> Property.or does not aasrtix.r K�istiia 30 d�ys a aotice from I.atider thrt the +'�.�c�rtier 6�s of�'aed w�ettle a cWm.then
<br /> I.esder may coilxt ttsa insuraaccs�roeeeds.I�ea�kr enay nse tbo proceeds ta e+epsir or restoce tlfe Propeity ae tA pqy suc�s socu�+ed
<br /> by this Soa:ri�y instrurtxnt,what�nr or not tbea dua.'Ib�30�day petiod wil!be�is�wl�eo tbe aodca is giveo.
<br /> Uaks�Y;�afder and Botmwrs uiheswi�e a�me ia writin���Y applic�oa of P�oc�eds W prinap�l s1�aU eot ea�i�end or postpo�e
<br /> tbo due d�to of the a�onttilY PaYn+�rctarod b io pan�s 1 aad 2 a chaege tbe amount of t6e paymnus.lf uoder prr�aipb
<br /> 21 tbe Pro�spty i�aoquctod dy Lcader,&xrowa's right b aay inauanoe policies aad peooeods re.suBing fra�d�w�e to tAe
<br /> Pc�opaty Pc;wr to the aoqutcition �all ptss tu I.enda i�tbe ea�leut of We sums secucetl by this Security Iastzun�nt imm�odi�tely
<br /> prior 10 tho acquisitioa.
<br /> i.OoCttpaacy.Pne�a'v�ti�.�Ilsai�aawoe w1 ProteCtio�ot tie Property: &xt�owa''s I�ou Appliestiu�;L.ea�eYoidi.
<br /> Baroara siwll occupy.esablist�+�nad use tbe Propelty as Barrowa's p�incip�l resi�e wit�ia sixty d�ys after the t�etutloo of
<br /> this sa�ri�y t,�ssbua�at oad s6�t1��aatiaue o0 oocupy the PtoQacy,�s Earmwer's priocip�l naidenoe far�t lcasc aae yar�fter fne
<br /> iWo of oo�upsacy, uaf�ss L.ardtrc oWawiae agioes ia wrimng. �r2�ich oodxat sdiU not be uoremo�bty withhe�d. a un1eas
<br /> exieAUati�p circum�exist a�tieb ace beyuod Boaowrt's 000tro�.Banoarer�all aot destrny.d�Be ae imp�ir tbe Praperty.
<br /> aliow We G'xoperty to d�ratt�,or commit rvicte on tbe Ptap�ty. Baaon�er slull be ia default if�uy fafeitiue actioo ar
<br /> proo�edi�.wbd�er civi!a crhrtia�l.b be�un tL�t ia l.eoder's garaci f�j�dQmwt could raWt ia fa�fdame of tbe Propacy a
<br /> od�awise►YUteri�lly impair tbo Litsa cn�tod by ttds Socurity��„�^�^•^�sr�,�.•s security iarrest.Bacro+�r m�y cnce auL a
<br /> de£�ult �ntY re�n�e.as p�aMidrr.'�,w prtgr�ph 16.by cwsmg tbe a��ar�cocealiog tu be di�i�ed nwit6 a cutio�that.io
<br /> l.e�der's Qood faith daarmin�tiora.p�+�cludea forfeidua of die Baro�er's e�ex�st in tbe A�oQe�ty ar ot�w�ial aop�iQa�aot of
<br /> the tiai ar+�ed by this Socwity 3nso�umau a Laider's�eavity iotexrst.Ba�ro�rer sbW�lso be ia defauk if Bano�rc.el�ta�d�e
<br /> io�n apQi�ioA Process.�ava ma�fally falae a iaax�uate�ar moemems oo I�cMr(or 6ilod b p�ovide Lea�ler�vilh
<br /> any er�(eri�t info�matioo) in ornt�a.�ri�oa �vit6 tLe ion ovidemmcG 4y tLa 1Voie.mcl�,brst not �icWOd�o.�ioos
<br /> oono�ni�.gocm�ru•s arupans;v e�€�Pnope�Ry a4 a p�incipal tesucfimoe.lf tkas Saaniry Lsscc�maat ic aa a fea�dwid.l�ttow�a
<br /> slt�i oompty�aii ti�eo psav�qm ai�e aeae.ii�saRO�aap�ioe d�ae us�'r�apa�.aoe ieaeaoQ aa me�oa aua si�
<br /> oot mdqe volras lradei�grees�n the m�gar ia waitiag.
<br /> .'.!�,..----w L:�'�:��fa de Pr+operty. 1f Boearoro��eeu faik q petfarm tbe oC�►aon�ad f�ea�s 000�i�ss]d Io
<br /> �s Seanroty Iax�t.ar d►tre i�a fegal P��B��Y'�Y a�ed L�der's ri�Ets io die ProQaty(�cL is�
<br /> pe�oceedio�io bobup�c.y,P��3e.Wr oa�dea�6on a forfadn�e or to eafaa h�rs ar ngo�l�tioas).thea I.ea�ler may do�od py
<br /> far wr6aoe�ttr es nooessory 1p prt�locx tbe vabto of t6e Pt+opaty�od l.�eoder'a rigt�o ia tbo Peoperty.Lmide�'s awoos miy iec8�de
<br /> payio� ar� ��ocured by u liw Mhic6 has priority ovet this SectiuiY Tnsnumem.�PPe�r's�in oo�rtt.pa�►ic,a rr�ooabie
<br /> atlo�o�y�'Foes rod d�iai�Ig aq�dte.P�oopesty lo mwke n'pirs.A1tmo�6 I�ckt may lalct adaon uodet 14t pMap�e 7.I�e�der
<br /> d0ti OOt Pi2vC q d0!O. :
<br /> MY aa�ou�b disbnroed b}''�andei this p�r�aph 7�hatl beoome additjoa�l debt af BaRO�a set�ocod by dris Security
<br /> In�romeot Unla�Baaor���ad I.r�ckr a��ee�o alhei lenm of paymeot.thwe�aa�o��bear idaest from die dne of
<br /> di�s�aant at tbe NOtO ii1D 711d d�il be p�y�bie,�vit6 iolQe�t,upOn nOtiOC�'10m LaW�b$O[e0�lr r�oqoestt�g PrY�k
<br /> s.11fortp�e Lwra�a. If Leoda ioquirod mo�tg�e mww�asoe u a oa�o�ition of m�the�btr►ioc�od b�►�his Sa�ity
<br /> �,�p/1�1Y�� �,� (�C � i�{1II� k1 111/�1�IC 0101�.��l ialOCS.�s EQ�R�� �IP.
<br /> ���OD O011C[�C 1�WIDd�Y t.COd�l�lCt Of O�9GS 16 j1C m C�OCf,BO[�+OIYEt�hi11 pty SLC�I�OQOi�Od ID
<br /> W�ui■eo�es�e mb�ai�lfy r.�uivaimt a me moct�ge�ooe pevioovy a�effea.�t a cat wb��uy aqan►akat a t1e
<br /> cost b Bam�va o�tbo caa�t$�ge insuraooe previot�Iy im d't'ec�. fsam �n �itan�le mortg�I�e�approved i�r i�endar.If
<br /> mbwce�lLY�uiv�.at axxt�e�e inwriooe oovenge is mt aw�abie.BaYO�es sh�lt pay b l�d�er acL a�m�h a�um eqnd a
<br /> aao-t�vdBL of dra Y��Y�8��P����bS►Bocmwer w�hea tbe inariooe oova�e b�pac+d ar eea�ecl�u
<br /> 6e io efEoct I.e�tkr �rill aoar,p� ase�od ra�in theae pRyaoa�as s loss neuive s� tiw oE mo�e„��I.oss cr�e�ve
<br /> Fot��L srl�
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