<br /> .,� _ __- . ,�,�� . •i . . , ' ... . i.���I.�a�A��__---_—
<br /> �t� ' i, .�'.�w��/�: L.. ' - _
<br /> ...uo�t ��_�` '._,_ _ _' __--"u'.. _ _ _ '�j� -�Yf•+Y'+.�-•. '��=.uw�{-� •y�.i
<br />: 9�s- �Q��;
<br /> 't�OCE�'Ei�it W11't�a!! tl�: i�rovtmr+�tr'auw or�c:caftc:as^.it�an tt�a pra;uty�:�ad ir! c�c:.'�. �.rasu�.rs,tus3
<br /> fi,:tw��aw or he+�fiu w�t oi tbe��.�y.All r�►l�a�caw wui s�kUti�o+tis s�il s�tc�6a a�vac�b�r W��ity Ioitriw�au.
<br /> A!1 af tbo fare�otc�ic rtf�to ia thia Sacurity IiuGUintu�l aa dw"Pro(►atY•"
<br /> BOttROwRR COvENMfSS ttvs Bamurr�k luwlt�lly snis�d af th�cscnts tr.rz2,y camxyca usd l�as i3�e r�gtst ra orant�nc!
<br /> oortvcy tAo Fm�xrty �nd tlut tha Propaty ia wroacumhcraf,cxce�st for encumbr�,r►xs aP rocarcL Bamow�er w:.:.an md wlll
<br /> dctasd�e+�er�lly the titie W!he�'opatY�,�wut all ckdtnA swd dc:au��cW.subjoct to�np w�.uratuAOCea of rc�cord.
<br />. THIS SFse1JRiTY IN5'IRUMENT com6lra�s wttFitrm covcn'uts for natioa�l usc�nd tma-unifam wva�ots wi�h limilod
<br /> v�rl�tiaiu by jurlsdlcik�n w oonst�uite a uNfuim exurily i�uu�uncnt covaiaS�L��Y•
<br /> [lNIPQ.RM COYF.l�M*1'S.&trrou�atset[cnd�x ccvs��►t sad�as idbux�
<br /> 1.Pa�e�t ot Prietlpal u�d Intetat;Pt'el►AYmmt aad Late C4ary�a. IIc►�s�►v►rl sha11 P�A�Y PaY wixn duo the
<br /> grincip�l of arb iata�oa tho deEt evklaac�6y tha IVoto and anY P�Y�aad tr�a ctur�es dua uceder the Ncue.
<br />. 2.FY�ad�fa Tua asd inw�asoe. SubJact to appllcabJa Ww or to a writ� W�i��er by I.ender.Ba�rawer chslJ pay ta
<br /> l�ea�3er an tbe day moa�lY P�Y��ara dua unct�r tha Nuse.and.!t!�!�e»r.;i� 'sn fu!!.a;.u.:a('t3�:.3s')fur:(a)y;,:::j t:.:a:
<br /> aad assess�aU whicb may utai�d priority 4a�r ttti9 Sacurity Inswa�enl as a litn c�n tt�a Ampaty:(b)y+earlY��P�Y�'�
<br /> or gmuod re�ts m tLe Propaty.if any:(a)Yc�aiy tmz�d at property insivaace prtmiumz;(d)Yes�rlY flocxi insuraace p�rini�uns.if
<br /> mY:(�)Y�Y�8�8a lnwranoe pmmiva�.if+�y;a�W(�say�aos pay�bie by Ilorrowcr w Imdrr.ia accad�ace with tba
<br /> provisioas of pra�spi�8. io 13w of d�a ps►ymaat of a�ottgage iamumce prcsaivat�s.7txx iteso��+c cal3ed "Exxow I1aas."
<br /> I.ea�er eo�q►.u aY tim�.oollxt aad f�otcl Fwuls in an a�nount not w racooed tho auaimum aa�ount�{a�da far a foder�lly nWbed
<br /> r�cri�ge bao may roquire fix Aoimwtr'a escmw�ccount uttider tbe fodaal Re�l�3tt�te Satkmeat Pr000dw'+�s Act of 1974 a�
<br /> ama�d�ed from tLaa 10 timo,l2 U,S.G.Soct3wt?.b01 et seq. ("RESPA'�,uakss mott�cr 1�w that s�rplies W tba Punds�s a k,sur
<br /> �aoun� If aa i,�aa ca�y.at �ny tima couoa aMt aow Fl�ads la m amoua ape a c.�coea tbo kssa Amui,nt.Lender a,ay
<br /> est�mate tbe amount of l�liods dua an tbo W�sit of cutsratt dah wd rea�oasibia�af e�yx�it�crs of fwunc Btcrov i�ans ar
<br /> otherviu in axad�oca wiQb a{t�lltmbid Lw. �
<br /> Tbe�ods�La[!be hek!ln an in�titudan �uama dcposits m inwred by a foder�►l�rACy�iast�ummtaliry.c�r eodty(iacWdinB
<br /> Leoder.if I.eadet it a��n ittstipitioa)or iu�ny Foderd Haan Lawa B�oic.I.m�icr thtll�ppty dia Tt�ad9 on pay the Fxmwr
<br /> Ita�es.l.e�der may not cLarga Bartowtr for 6o3ding sad applyiag tbc Flmds.�noualty�lym�g the escrow aocotmt,or vcr:fyie�
<br /> dse Fi�ctoM Ytaas,uaieu Leadtr paya Bamwrr interest on We FuMs aod��nw pamits Irader w m�ice sucb a c.�r�e.
<br /> Ho�ver.L�enda may coyuira IIamwer b pwy a a�c-dma ch�ge for�o inde�3s�st rcal es�te t�nq�o�ti�sg savioe�sed by
<br /> Leader in aonaxtioa �h ttds ioaa,uni�s applicabio!aw provides otbawi9e.Uakss�n �oa�tut 1s mAde a�ppticable hM
<br /> reqaic�ea in�arat a be ptid.Leridex etu�U aat be requirod to poy Barnt+er�ay iat�t a eaniqgs on die Fuud�.Bamwra aod
<br /> I�eaBer may�ree in writinB�how+�v�.tb�t intanst�4all be p�id aa tbe Fuads.I�dtf s4�ll give te Borror�.�vilhout charae.ao
<br /> �ooaal aa�ouoo�of the Fuudc.�g ecedlta aod dtbits w tbe ha�ds aod tbo p�apo�e far which e�ch ck{�t 10 da Puods�ras
<br /> mde.lbe F�cEs�ae pledgad as additiooal�uity far atl sums aec�red by tLit Seainiay Inmuma�t.
<br /> If WC�be�d by Lcadcr oxcoed tbo aaWUOt�pr�nlitted t�b0 bdd by�ppti�iC h�r.Le�ier th�II lOOatmi b Bm�O�er fo[
<br /> t�e acoess Fun�ia aoocndanoa with tbo requitemeats of app8cabie l�w.V the aaiouat of Iae F1�nc�s 6d�by I.ea�la��t�y time is
<br /> m��fficieat to p�y tho F.itzow Items whta d�0.I.a�da taag eo notify Bane�rv io wssting.�nd.ia wc6 caaa Bm��ues�all pay .
<br /> to F�nider d�e�a�ouot�noaes�cy to m�lae up d�a deficieoc,y.Bacrower s�ll milcc u�r d�e deLr�e�cy ia np moea th�n tvdve
<br /> . sorhly�vmeelz at I:endar's oaie dimetk�o. - -. - _
<br /> vP�PQY�io,fu3l of�ti wm�sa�ca3 by Uiis Security r„�+w•�I�a�da r3�71 proa�illy nfuod w Saro�ar aoy T�
<br /> 6�eid by Its,�der.If,�uda�21,I.eadtr s�ll acquine ar�e11 t�e PiroQatr.Y�dar_pior b the aocp�ion at a�{e of tbe
<br /> F'a�sty,shaU appi�r.��oy Fnnds�dd by Le�d�r at tLe time a`acqui4itioo ar a�b�s a credit�tha amm��ocuoed t,y�is
<br /> �Y�ti
<br /> 3.A�piintio�Cd'P�p�qais. Uakrs appi�Cabb 1sw pnovkka otbawi�e,all pay�omts rxaved by I�adet�mtie�r p�ra��phs
<br /> 1 aod 2�li.b�e�1kd:fust.to�iy p�ze�meut clwrges dua under tfie No�;sooaarl�b�mo�mb payabtc.�.:.er p�r�cap6 Z:
<br /> thi�d.a inrrest doa fa�uth.coPsioci�a��d ltst.w�ny l�te c6�rga d�e�odar tbe Nae.
<br /> 4.C�;I.ie�s: Bamawer�11 p�y �11 taues.�q,cl�r�t„fieea aod ia�podtiom au�utabie e d�e A�apaty
<br /> �ic�may�mio�y ovrr t�is Sewrity Immvnawt,aod le�ehoid p�yc�eaes ar jrouod rrab,if�oy.3�o�er�il pay d�eae
<br /> obiiption�in the m�ncr providod io par�p6 2.ar if oot p�id ia tbat m�oner,Bai�s6a11 pty tbe:m on ti�oe dieeply w Ibe
<br /> pa�on 01Y�ec1 p�yAnt�L Baro�a a�ull pe0m�ptly futnlsb to I.eader at3 o0tices Oi i�oOaoQt 1�be pYd utldee 1�ps�p�h.1f
<br /> $aQVwer m�ires tttiao payrneats dirodIy.Baem�r sha11 p�omptty fiaanb to I�endar soaipei evidaoGng d�e P�Y�
<br /> . Ba�a�o�ar�i1�I�P�Y�Bo�Y lim�vbicb�s priaiity ovrt t�is Sac�tity I�t aak�s Bat�er:(a1�teee i4
<br /> wii�ia�q d�e pryrrunt of tbo obli�on�earred by tbe taea iw a awmer aocepnbb 1�Leader;(b)oa�iesb a�ood fatb We lia�
<br /> by. or defmdt�anst caforor�t of t6�e liw ia, l�gal P�+0000diQ,g��vhicb ia ti�e l.m�fti's aQia9m aax�ie b pe�evect t6ie
<br /> •„fn.r........•Jf i�ts�d' '�.dS(G}.EOpl1l6 ftOII!�J�Of 1�l0�d!$II�SO�I S8L�3�'�!'f�T� �"�^"a"`�....�"�t w:�11T'
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