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<br /> � 3.- .w.q L .� '��.+t .— w� t �'. .a,1+� _15�.] . . • _ .
<br /> 4n 3'�'C-S ` r�.;�tY-(Sj7��S�:1,.'�`�"�',,,� ,L'1. ;�h
<br /> ���f�.r�*MNMMI�lM� ':: +�rYe_; nr r,��, ,
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<br /> �-.. � - _ '_ _ '��— -_ _' __ '_— �Yrr.r��r�r -��—___-- "_ . '_` ___..
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<br /> .'�`'.i .t�'(i�I'�-�!�: .\� .
<br /> LJ�1-','",A:�i}''.'�r' ••
<br /> fr�'VV.����'1~
<br /> ..� ., • � E XHIB IT A � ��4�,�0 _".
<br /> .;� . . �_. .92-
<br /> ' Site 1
<br /> .� -- _-:.. Q - ., �
<br /> . -� '
<br /> .;:...: , � �� „ The Northwesterly 149.54 feet of the Northeasterly 420.0 feet of
<br /> '�'�!'�- ` 81ock Two (2) Golden Age Subdivision, an Addition to the City af
<br /> `° � � " Grand Istand� Hall County. Nebraska. ----
<br /> ._ g.--�-
<br /> ,�,_ .. ,.''� •i r�
<br /> - „�:�;�;�;y:,�� Site lA
<br /> .�.,:� _.�.
<br />---,..=.-�, --;,-�.� ��- --
<br /> °� � A tract of land comprising a part of 81ock Five (5) Golden Age
<br /> x="�.�� �''���"`�� � . � Subdivision. Hall County. Nebraska more particularly described as
<br />;.`;�"� . � 1 fol l ows:
<br />�._••_ :,a.�,;..'r
<br /> ��T •• . � � Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of Boggs Avenue,
<br />'�.� • � � •
<br />:7� also bei�g a point on the Southwesterly line of said Blac:k FiYe (5),
<br /> • said point being One Hundred Seventy-six and F1ve Tenths (176.5)
<br />�:���+ _ feet Northwesterly from the Southwest corner of sa�d 81ock FiYe (5); �.
<br /> r°��� • thence Northwesterty along the Southwesterly line of said
<br /> � -. � � � -� Block Five (5), a distance of One Hundred Fifteen (��5.0) fe�t; --�.
<br /> � �� the�ce deflecting right 89°57'30" and running Northeasterly a --
<br /> " �� . distaince of Fifty (50.0) feet; thence deflecting riqht 90°OP'30"
<br /> � � and running Southeasterly a distance of One Hundred Fifteen
<br /> � � (�15_0) feet;. thence deflecting ri ht 89°57'30" and running --
<br /> � , �� � Southwesterly a distance of Fifty �50.0) feet to the place of
<br /> � , beginning and containing 0.132 acres, more or less.
<br />� , � Site 2
<br /> � Lots Fourteen (14), Fi fteen (15), Si xteen (16), and Seventeen (17) �—
<br />- - -- in �inr��en Subdivisian to Lhe C1ty af Grand Is7�.R:l, Hal! �ount.y: Ne.��ask#.
<br /> � ' Si te 3
<br /> � � � Lots Eleven (11), Twelve (12)� and Thirteen (13) in Block Two (2)
<br /> � in Colonial Estates Second Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br /> � Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> � " Si te 4
<br /> .. r_:.
<br /> � Part af the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/4) ' r'•.
<br />� , � of Section Twenty Qne (21) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) ��.�'
<br /> ; � • West of the 6th P.M. , more particular1y described as follows: —:_
<br /> ' �_.., � ��
<br /> � Comnencing at a polnt Four Hundred Twenty-nine (429) feet k�st �►�'•�_-
<br /> � � of the Southeast Corne� of said Section runn�ng thence North for l��_"
<br /> � � �� a distance of One Hundred Sixty-five (165) feet, running thence °�°�
<br /> ; ,� � , West for a distance of Sixty-six (66) feet, running thence Sauth �`�=�_
<br /> *� ' ° � for a distance of One Hundred Sixty-Five (165) feet, running thence �""--
<br /> , �;,,,,,;. ° East for a distance of Sixty-six (66) feet to the place of beginning. �
<br /> �'`''��•� Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southebst Quarter (SE 1/A SE 1/4) �
<br /> of Section Twenty One (21) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9)
<br /> :;�• ,. ; ; . West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska more particularly described �
<br /> , , ,..: . ,. as fol lows: �
<br /> - .� ' '� ' � � ,''• Commencinq at a point 297 feet West of th� Soatheast Corner flf
<br /> 1 �:��
<br /> ' �:;�; ,� said Section, running thence North for a distance of 165 fePt,
<br /> .';'�. r• running thence West for a distance of 66 feet, running thence
<br /> ' South for a distance of 165 feet and running then�e East 66 feet
<br /> to the ptace of beginning.
<br /> � • ' Part of the South�ast Quarter of the. Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/4) ,
<br /> ,_ � of Section Twenty One (21) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Pline (9)
<br />. Waet .,o *tio ��ti o M Na�t ���mtv. Nebraska more oarticularlv described
<br /> �--_--"--_ � .... v ...... •... . ..._ � ..... . ___"-r . - . - .
<br /> BSYfO1�OW5:
<br /> Commencing at a point Three Hu���lr�e�i �i,��y-three (�53) feet +�es' af
<br /> " � the Southeast Corner of said Section, thence running North One
<br /> Hundred Sixty-five (165) feet, thence West Sixty-six (66) feet,
<br /> thence South One Nundred Sixty-five (165) feet, and thenc� Cast
<br /> Sixty-six (66) feet to the place of beginning, ALL IN HAIL C0�J�11'Y
<br /> EXHIBIT A ,
<br /> . ��. _r._ -- _
<br />