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„•L;”, . ,h��-.q'•_ i�.y" J� � �_��'{... '.7. `'��, :,1.� ^j.r.a. _. . �1�5� � .Y - '� .1�.. —._. -r-_- <br /> �i�, . .• . -,.e�+� t{�: { '.{y�?Y � ...�M7w.•� �w;: - �1 �7' 't � m?.-_ -v_.j� 1 �'... r ` .'�51.__ �.4/i A S���d31�:- .�1 { — _— <br /> ��F�.... '��_r r- i1 t- * ^y,ry..t.. J. <br /> �5,:.-`1b�us�d�Ait3+i�ti�'h ��aa�et'",w�::w.. � . - <br /> - ..,*• - . . , , � _ <br /> ' .��r�r. ..l' ' . . � <br /> . ('... .3.t'.. ._ .r - <br /> - t _ . �.�.�":-����il. . �-..��..���� - - __ _:�__—_ . <br /> ' U.S.D�p�AnHnt of Hauslnp ��� c.-"� _ <br /> s,�T_.},,,. Decl�ration of Trust ��dU.b�n D�wlopm�nl O ,r <br /> �' � �. .,,,,: • Public Hou¢inp Modarnlzation pM,a ol PuW�e n�d Mdan Nou��np �� 1Q���i <br /> �:':r..�'..'i!:'w L�� Yt PfOlYC1 <br /> 1cs�yfj�.�,r.- ''• �^µ <br /> �'�� ''�i`'' N'herea+�,(t,�ae imwcuom) Hall Countv Nuusinn Authori v • - <br /> - �ayrR-�•�•�`*� � <br /> nrsin etlld th�PulAic Hou�in A en PHA).�public bod au ruo oid 6iic.duly ctt�ted u�d ot��ni�ad puRUanl b u�d m�ecordancc wuh 1h� <br /> .�:,,.—_, •_ _.�•.�...= (h t { �'( Y ri'� P° _ <br /> .�},�„,,�,�,},�- t� �a���a(���wr�u{we(2)_ 9t■ e o f Nebre ska _ ,�nA�hc Unncd Sutcs of Amoriu,Secreury of Hvusin��nd _, <br /> 7wr;::..... <br /> _ Urb�n Develof�ment(hatein ealbd HUD)Purtu�nt w Ua Unikd Stau�Hou�in�Ac�of 1937(42 U.S.C. II37,ct coq J u�d the Deputment a(Homir+t�nd <br /> • - ,. ., � Urbu�Qcvelapmant Ae�(S U.S.C.62/)en�ered imo�un�in conuaci w��th�he e((cciiva due u of(?)_Ap r t 1 30 ,l9 62(h�rcm c�lled �_,.�_ _ <br /> ? ����1��• U�o Mnud Conuibutioru Convut)md a ceruin Modemir�lion 14ojeci G��m Amcndmau a�hc Mnua)Convibuuons Conuict wiU�the cffccove d�te as <br /> ^•' '"v,;�"`':'x'r:�.".',� o��4� Novembe r 1 S - --.19 91(harein edled�he Modemi:��ion Orue�Amendmmq pro�idm�far�pu�t�o bo mdc by HUD w as�itt�ho 1'F{A <br /> .. �` ' in modcmirinY lowa lcuome housina ptojoct(s):a�d � ,_ <br /> ,.. <br /> �'+,�a•��'�� � W hereas.u of�he due of�ha�aecwion of�!►i�DeeluaUon of Trus�,�he Modemir.adon dran�Amendmrnt�nd the Atuwd Convibutio�s Cantr�ct <br />—� -:.�L::�_�+�•-'��±�-� �''` envu xnain indlvidu�l bwer incoms hou�in�projxu IaRicd in:(3) City of Grand I sland. ,Count of Hall. _ <br /> . . State of NQbraoka__ 1� PP� Y( ) :�� •. _��:-- <br />�= _ whieh W�II v�de a osimalel 6 ��•��uy -- --- --- <br /> r�x.,, ,� - . " uniu:and which lowa income hou�in�projexu ars Irnowe u Mademits�m Projoet No.(7) NE26P003904-Z u�d indi.�iduxl projects+s falbw�: <br />�4r NE26P003005 w{�h� �Imucl 103 dwelling units, <br /> .. . ProJat No.(6) PPn Y — - - <br />��'. .�' '' " '� ' Projxt No.(8) . wi�h approxim�tely dwelling units.uid � <br /> 4.:.� , „ - Projxt No.(8) wi�h�pp�oximstcly dwallin�unia:u�d <br /> r�• �`' � • � h «'boreas�tho madanizuioa of each Project wiU h�ve 6cen finu�ced wlth iran�u�ixunce�ovided by HUD. <br /> a..' - 1/"^�^��' `� . Now Thtretore,w�ssure HUD o[�he performanu by the PH A of th�eo°ena"�s�°^W��n�e Modemiudon Gr�nt Amendment a�d the Annu�1 <br /> 9,:�i �""'��' � Contributions CantrteG Ihe PHA doet haeby�cknowladge ud declve th�t h is pussessed of�nd holds in wsi for�he be�Gt of HUD,for the purposet <br />:��"`� hcein:nte,d.the following dasaibed:eal propeny sia�ud in:(9) Citv of Grand Island Countv af Hall. ` <br />�• . � . � � - State of Nebraeka . To�ti4t: <br /> �• ;. „ <br /> . . . � . � (Ir�eR la�v desaiptian for sach indivWwl projee�)(1U) <br /> . Soe AttachQd Exhibit "A" -- <br /> ! <br /> r • ' —• - <br /> ,;, � - ��� �� �rd�11 buildlnQs and fiznues aectcd o�w be etated thereon or�ppuruaant therew• m` <br /> �;,� <br /> ' The PHA hereby declues u�d�c{mowledaa th�i dwin�tl�e ex4una ot the aust he�eby aated.HUD hu been�ranted and i:possased of aa lnteme �•r-°'�'.� <br /> �,'� � ' � in Uw above detaibed Ptolec�PropmtY.To�{'It: —,--- - <br /> _ '' Thn�irht to require the PHA to rem�in seiud of�he title W said propaty and tn reGai�►from transferring,conveying,usigning,lasin�,mortg+;in6, _ <br /> • '•'� ' � ' �� pledaina,or otherwLse a►eumbmina or permiaing ar�uftering+my tnnsfer.conveymee,arsiQnmmt,iese,mong�ge,p1eJYz or whE+cnc'ombrsncc ai ssid �.____�^_'- <br /> b ' <br /> � " • proputy or any put thereot,appurtenanas tAerea,or�ny ren�revenues,income,or rece ipts t herc Bom or i n c o n n e c t i o n�A e r e w i�h,o r�n y o f�h e b e n e f i t s o r '*- <br /> contribu8ons grmted to it by ar pursuant w�he Modemizuion Orant Amandmmt�nd�he Annual Convibutions Canaact,or any intcrcst in any of�he:ame ��;;`:�=` <br />. ':,; :; " exeepc Uut the PHA m�y (1)a�hn excent md in�he mnmor provided in�he Aanud Coneributfons Contruti(�)lease dwe l lings m d o t her spues a n d K����.�. <br /> fuUit�a in�ny ProJx6 or(b)eonvey or oiherwise dispose o(any real or pasond propercy which is de�ermined to bc exeess to ihe needs of any Projee�,or �.•'��•.:: �•. <br /> � (c)eonvey or dedicate Imd for use u streeu,alleys,or oU�ar public right-of-way,and groit easemm�s for the esublishmcn�,opeudon�nd main�enu►ca of .�,.,�Q.::;- <br /> . " , .. puWic utilitins;or(d)enrer in�e and paform contrua for the s�e ot dweUfng units to membets of trnant familia,at w�hori�cd by the Uniad Suia T.. <br /> ' Housing Ae[of 1937.or(2)with the approval of HUD,telease�ny Project(rom�he wu haeby created;Provided,Thn nothjaa herein cona'uwd:Aall be ��`�`i'�° <br /> �� <br /> • "° eonswed as prohibiting the conveyance of title w or the de8very of possasiou of�ny Project to HUD purauanl to tha Annwl Contri6ucions Convact. <br /> ., ^ The endorsement by a duly authorized otficer of HUD(1)upon my wnvcyanee or tnnsfer made by the PHA of ar�y ru)or personal propary which is �`�—�--- — <br /> �wn-`..:C.,,�;. <br /> • de►amined to be execss to the needs of�ny Project,or (2)upon any inswmcnt o[conveyance or dcdication of propary,w+ny intc*�st iherein.for usc u • <br /> � sneess,dleys,or othcr public right-0f-way,or for the establishmcn4 0,cra�ion and maintenmce of public utiliacs,or (3)upon any ir�.�uument truufcrting , : <br /> , ot conveying�dwcQing uni�or an intcrc:t thcrein,a�membcro(��cnant family,ot (�t)upon any in�trumcnt of rclaasc m�de by thc PHA of aiy Projcc� .,,�,,,.�:;_ <br /> " shdl be et[a.uvc w rclease such properry trom thc ws�hereby crc��cd. .����_ <br /> �:�'�..._.. <br /> 1� The indi.•idual projecu eovered by�}►e 1�lodcrttiza�ion Gran�Amendmcnt ah�ll b_subjat to 1hu Decls+rapon of Trust for a period of twmty years ti,��.�rj;: <br /> � ' ' � beginning on�he date of the Modemiaarion Grant Amendment. Each individual projec�sh�ll also bc subject to thi�Decluiuon of Tnui for�paiod of <br /> � � , tweny yeata sflet the d�te of�he most tceent Modemiz�aon Gnnt Amendmrnt applicable to that project. Upon expir+�tionof the period during which the �' <br /> � ' �� I'HA is obligated w operste the individu�l projects in ucordanu wi�h the Annud Convibu4ons Conau4�c ws�hcrcby acalcd th�ll tetminau and no 4 <br />' lon¢cr lr_cffativc. � �� <br /> ' � � In�1'Itness�1'henof,the PHA by i of' therounto duly iuthorizcd hu caused Ihese prescn�t to be signed in its nune uid iu cotp�nte saal w be , <br /> here�mto affixed.�nd uusted�his ��� d�y of .19�. ,��`�F' <br /> , ,/ . ��. ._. <br /> � ' (Se�l)� ,;� . r• (1) Hall Countv Housin� Authority <br /> � �;e. ' - ' � r. <br /> , /r.-, , > � � gy; 1�� Chairperson <br /> '1 l 1 � <br /> ` •�' •'I. AUCSI: � C ' "' CiM�7' . • <br /> _ lorm HUD•52�90•B (390� � <br /> • ' � ►ef Ha��oo�7485 1 �� , <br /> ,: .. , <br /> - � - --- � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> ,� ( <br /> � <br /> . •: � _ _ - ' - - <br />