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2oiloo�7� <br />suins due or documcnts granting a securily intcrest in the Collateral, irrespective of lhe time or order of att achtnent or perfection oC thc. <br />security interest in lhc CollaLeral c>r the ordcr of filing Lhe Dceds of Trust or c>ther inslrumcnLs of security with res�ect tc> the Collateral. <br />(i. ThiS Agreement sh�.�ll remain in Pull foree and efl�ect and is binclin� upon lhe Subordinatin� C;redilor �uu1 upc�n ils <br />successors and assigns, su Ic�n�; ��s any pc?rlion oF the sums secured as describecl in P �iragr�nh 3 ��r� c>utst�.indin�; and unpaicl. <br />7. Thc Subnrdin��ting C;rc�litur an�l agrees that thc Nromissory Nc�lcs c�r othcr insU'uments c�C in�Ichtc�IncSS �>1 thc Dchlor <br />eviclencing thc nhligatic>n hetwecn the Dehtc�r and the Secure[) }��.irly may froin tiine to time bc renewcd, cxlcnded, n�odified, <br />ccm�pron�iscd, aeeeleraled, seltled or released without ne�lice to ur conscnt by the Subordinating Creclitor. <br />[JNION Ein K AND TRUST (_'OMPANY <br />13y <br />`SLII)OI'CI111�111f1?�' CYZCIITOY' <br />S`1'AT� OF NEBRASKA ) <br />(sti: <br />COUNTY OF(.A�. cwc�v) <br />13efore mc, a Nc>t�iry Public yualified in saicl County, personally c��rt�� ��'1 ����^`� �ts <br />pS5'�vit��regio�� _ ol Union 13�.tnk ��nd 1'rust C�>nlpany, a�Ip.b�aS�tq Cofpvf a � d�n , k���>Wn lo rnc to hc lh� idenlict�l <br />J�erscin whn signcd lhc 1'orcgoin�, Suhc�rdination n�rcemenl on hc}�a11 c�t such enti y, �ind acknc�wlcd�cd lhc cxcculion lherec�f to hc <br />(his)(her) voluntary act �nd deed c�n bchalf uC such enlity. <br />Witnc55 my hand �in�l Not ill'IfII tiC�tl (lll �Illti 9�11. clay of��G�v��y y . (�� - <br />�� rc "(.O� �.! ., �..- "• _ <br />�,( iNc�tt y Puhlic <br />My ('ommititiic�n �xpires: � �� f D - � / --- . <br />GENERI� NOTARY •State of Neluaska <br />II cn�rn r., cxR�sroPUEK <br />M c�,,,. exp. Marcn � s, 2o i a <br />Subahtc>hf 12/9� <br />