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<br />`I'C[1S AGREEMENT znade �117CI L'XL'CLILCCI Llllti °��-}- day ol'1�inuary, 2011, Liy UNION 13ANK AND TR[JST COMPANY,
<br />hereinafter referred to as "Subordinating Creditor" (whether onc or mc�re), fi�r tlie benefit of IIOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AN[)
<br />LOAN ASSOCIATION Oh' GKAND ISL�IND, hereinafter referred to as "Secured f'arty".
<br />W ITN�SSETH:
<br />Wl1l:�K[�nS, Rolancl W G��wrych ��nd Heather M G�wrych, (whether one or rnore) hereinafter referred to as "I)chtor", has
<br />grantecl tc� the 5ubordinating Creditor a Mc>rtgage or Deed olTrust dated July 13, 20(19, and filed in the office of the IIall County
<br />Rc�ister ol Deeds, on the 24th day of July, 200�, as Document No. Z00�)U6U$U in respect tc> that rcal cslalc dcscribc�l as:
<br />Lc>t Twcnty Six (26), Indianhcad Scvcnth Subdivision, in thc City of (irand Island, Fiall Counly, Nchraska.
<br />Wl1LRC/�S, lhe Secured Narty has agrecd lo cnlcr inlo a loan transaclion with Llie Debtor, wherehy cert<<in Cunds arc te� hc.
<br />��dvanccd to �hc Uchtor conditional u�an lhe Dcbtor provicling thc Sccured Party with a first lie�� in res�ect to the ahc�vc described real
<br />cstace Iiereinafter referred to a� the "Collateral"; and
<br />WHEREAS, the 5ubordinating Creditnr is willing to subordinate a��y lien iC niay have in res��ect �o the Coll aler�l by rcasc�n c�f
<br />Sul�ordin�ting Creditor's Mort�,agc nr Deed ol'Trust of record to perfect security whenever and whcrcvcr filcd in c�rdcr lo assurc lhc
<br />5ccured P�irly of a first lien (�osilion in and lo lhe Co1laLeral;
<br />NOW,'1'I IEREFDRE, it i5 ;igreed:
<br />I. "C'he Subordinating Creditor herehy cc�nsents to �� subc�rdinalic>n c�l ilti pric�rity pusitiun tn Che 5ecured Party ;�nd <igrees tha�.
<br />its li�n in re5(�ect tn tlic Mc�rl�a�*e r>r Dced nf'I'rust hereinahc>ve descrihcd, iC any, tihall �it all limes he Sccrrndary l�� lhc cxlcnt l�erein
<br />�,ro��a�a <�nd 5uhjccl lc� thc licn ol' lhe Secured Narty in respcct tn thc (;nllatcral.
<br />2. 'I'he Subc>rclinating Creditor hereby consentti tn thc Dch�or gr�intin�; Sccured Party a first lien in all Che Collateral as
<br />clescrihed ahc�ve tc� sccure in�lehtedness to be advanced to Uchtc�r hy Securecl Parly, in the original principal aiY�ount of One Hunclred
<br />Fifty Nine'I"housand Seven IIunclred Twenty Five and OO/100ths Dollars ($159,725.0�), recorcled in lhc olTice c�f lhe IIall Ce�unty
<br />Registcr uC L)eeds on thc �� *� day of January, 2U11, as I)ocurnent No. _,�__?D� � (�(S?)�j.
<br />3. Sc� long as an obliga[inn is outstanding from the Dchtor to lhc Sccurecl P�irly for indeblcdncss evidenced by Prornissnry
<br />Notes or other instruments of indcbtedness to the extent herein provided in F aragraph 2, the Secured Party's interest in the Cnllaceral
<br />shall have priority tn over the lien of the Subordinating Creditor in that Collateral, and the Suhordinating Creditor's interest in that
<br />Cc�ll��teral is, in all respects, subject an�l suhorclinaCe to the sccurity incerest ot the Secured Party to the extent of the principal surn yet
<br />c�wing to Seeured �arty in respect te� the in�lebteclness descrihed in Paragraph 2 along with interest and costs allocahle thereto, however
<br />CvidenCed.
<br />4. So long �is any portiori of the described obligatinn to the Secured I'arly is nutstan�lin�* �ind unpaid, lhe prc�visinns of lhc
<br />Ucctl of Trust crr other instrument ol'security hclwccn lhc Dchlor an�l thc Sccurcd Party are controlling as tc:� the Collaleral in which
<br />Sccured P��rty is tn have a firsl sccurity interesl, including any time thcre is a conllicL bclween it and the prnvisi��ns oF any lien
<br />instrument gr,inted lo lhe 5ubordinating Crcclilor hy thc Debtor.
<br />��.
<br />5. This ngreemer�t is a continuing, absolute tl�1CI W1COI1L11[1OI1flI agrcement oC subordination withc�ut rc�arcl tc� lhc v��li�lity or
<br />enl'c>rccahilily c�f lhe I'rornissury Notes or c�ther instruments of indehtcdness hetwecn the Uchtnr an�l lhe Secured Party evielencin�;
<br />