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2oi�uo45r� <br />premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Barruwer �o Lender in lzeu of the payment of Mortgage <br />Insurance premiums in accordamce wiih the provisions of Sec�tion J.O. These items are called "Escraw <br />Itetns." At origizaalion or at any time durivag the terr� of tha I.,nan, l,ender may require that Community <br />Asscwiation Dues, Fecs, and .Assessments, if any, be escrowed by �rra�ver, and such dues, fees a�ad <br />assessments shall be an Escrow Item. Bqrrower shall prorx�ptly furnish to Lender all nntices of amounts to <br />be paid under this Section. Borrower shaJ.l pay J.ender the Funds for Escrow Items unIess Lender waives <br />Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or alI Escrow Ttems. Lender may waive Borrower's <br />obligation ta pay to I,ender Funds for any or aII Esc�row Itezns at any tim.a. Any such waiver may onIy be <br />in writing. In the event oP such waiver, Borrower sbali pay direetly, when and whexe payable, the aznounts <br />due for an.y Escrow Ztezns £or which payrr►ent of Funds has beeri waived by Lender and, i�£�.ender requires, <br />shall fuxnish to Lez�.dcr receipts evidencing such payment within such time peri�d as Lender may require. <br />Borrower's obligataon to make such payments and to provide receipts sk►all for all purposes be dee�ned to <br />be a covenant and a� eement contained in this Security Instrument, as tbe pkurase "covenant and agreement" <br />is used in Scction 9. Tf Borrower is obligated to pay EsCrow Items direcCly, pursuant to a waiver, atl.d <br />Bo�rxower fails to pay the amount due for an �scxow Item, Lender may e3cercise its rights under Section 9 <br />and pay such amount and Borrower shall then be obligated under Section 9 to xepay tv Lendex any such <br />amount. Lcnder may revoke the waiver as to a.ny or all Escrow Items at any timc by a notice given in <br />accoxdance witk► Section 15 and, upon such re�ocatian, Borrower shall pay to �ender all Funds, azad i�z <br />such amounts, that are then required under this Sectzon 3. <br />Lender may, at any tirne, collect and hold Nunds in an amount (a) su�cient to peznoit Lez�der to apply <br />the Funds at the time specified under IiESPA, axxd (b) not to exceed tkxe maxiznum aznount a lender can <br />require under RESPA. Lender shx11 eslimate ihe azn�unt of Funds due on the basis of current data and <br />reasonable estimates of expeuditures o£ futur� �:scrow ltems or otIaerwise in accordance with Applicable <br />Law. <br />`i'�e k'unds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a�ederal agency, <br />ixistruzzz�ntality, or entity (including Lc�ndex, if Le;n.dex is an institation whose deposits are so iz�,sured} or i.n. <br />any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shxll apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no late� tkian the tirne <br />specified under �S�A. �ezadez shalJ not charge Boxrower fpz holdang and applying the Funds, annuaIly <br />analyzix� the escrow account, ox verifying the $scraw Itezns, unless Lender pays Borrawer ivatcrest nn t�.e <br />f�unds And Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writing <br />or Applicable Law xequixes interest to be paid an the Funds, T.,ender shall not be required to pay �oz�rowex <br />any interest ox earnings on the �'unds. Sonrower and S�ender r,an. agree in vvriting, however, that in.terest <br />sk�.all be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, withaut charge, an annual accounting of the <br />Fwn.ds as required by RESFA. <br />If thcre is a surplus of Funds held in escrow, as defined under 1qE5PA, J.ender sb.all account to <br />Borrower for the excess funds in accoxdance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, <br />as defined under IiESPA, T�ender sha]l noti�fy Saz�rawer as z by RESk'A, and Borrower shall pay to <br />�ender the azxiount neoessary to make up the shurtage in accordance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 <br />mant}xly payznents. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow, as de�`u�.ed wo,der RESPA, Lender shall <br />notify Borrower as required by RF,SPtI, and $orrower shall pay to T,ender the amovnt necessary to make <br />up the deficiency in accvrdan.ce with RESPA, but in no �zzure than 12 �zzvnthly payzn.ents. <br />Upon payment in �ull of all surns secured by this Security Tnstrument, I,.ez�der sha]1 pxoznptly refund <br />to Borrower any Punds held hy Lender. <br />4, Cbarges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all tawces, assessments, charges, fines, and impasitions <br />attributable to the Property which can attain priority over this Securiry Instrument, leasehold payments or <br />ground rents on the Property, if any, and Community Assoczatzon Dues, T'ees, and Assesszn.e�nts, i�any. xv <br />the extent that these items are Escrow Items, Borrower shal] pay thezn in the zz��net' pxovided in Sectiox� 3. <br />7111334509 <br />NE9RASKA - Single Family -Fannte Mae/Fraddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRlJMENT WITH E �-,�/ <br />� - BA(NEJ�oeia� Pege5af15 ini�iais: /� Form 3028 7101 <br />� --- -•..._ <br />