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20 110�457 <br />(P} "�'eriod'xc �'ayment" tneans the z'egularly scheduled amount due fnr (i) principal and interest under tkAe <br />Note, plus (ii} any aznounts wnder Section 3 of this Security Instrument. <br />(Q) 'RESPA" rneans the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. Sectaon 2601 et seq.) and its <br />implementing regu]ation, Regulation X(24 C.F.R. Part 350D), as they might be amended from tirne to <br />time, or any addzti.onal or su�cesspr Iegislalion or rew lation. that governs the same subject matter. As used <br />in this Secwrity Tnstrument, "RESPA" refers ta all requirements and restrictions tlaaz are imposed in regard <br />to a"federally relate� xz�o�rtgage loan" even if the Loan does not quali�y as a"federalty related mortgage <br />loan" under RESPA. <br />(R) "Successor in Interest of �ax means any party thai has taken. tztle to the k'zoperty, whether or <br />nul i��at party has assumed Borrower' s ahligations under tlae Note and/or this Security Instrument. <br />TRANSFF.R OF RIGHTS 1N "]'HE PRQPER"i'Y <br />'Ihe beneficiary of tlais Security Inscnunent is MER5 (solely as naminee for Lender and <br />T.ender's successors ar7d as5iga5) and the successors and assigns of MERS. This Security <br />Instrument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of tk�.e S�oan, an.d all renewals, exte�zsio�zs <br />and modifcai�o�s of the Not�; and (ii) the performancc of Borrower's covenants az�d agreements under <br />tYiis Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably gz and <br />co;aveys to `I'rustee, in txust, with powcr of sale, the following describecl property located in rhe <br />County of Hall . <br />[T'ype of Kecordinq Jurisdiction] [Name of Recording Jurisdictionj <br />Lot 7we�ve (1�). Block Twa (2), in 5tewart Place Subdiv�sion, being a <br />par� of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of 5ection Twenty-nine (29), in <br />Township E7even {lI) North. Range Nine (9), West of �he 6th P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />Parcel ID Number: 40Db95335 <br />291� Circl� Drive <br />Grand Island <br />("Propercy Address"}: <br />which cuxrently has the address of <br />[$treet] <br />�c�ryj , Nebraska 68B01 [Zip Code] <br />TOGET�IER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the pxoperty, and ali <br />easements, appurcenances, az►d fixtures now or k�ereal'ter a part of the praperiy. All replacements and <br />additions shall also be covered by ih,is Secucity T,�smunent. All of the foregoing is referred to in this <br />Security Instrument as tlxa "Property." Borrower understands an.d agrees that MF.1Z.S holds only legal title <br />to the interest gra�ited by Borrower in this Secuxity Instrument, hut, if necessary to comply with Iaw or <br />custoztx, M�RS (as nominee far Lender and Lender' 5 successor.s and assigr+s) has the right: Yo exerclse axly <br />or all of tIa�ose interests, i.ncluding, Uut not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell [txe Pzoperty; and to <br />take any action rcquired of Lender including, but not liznited to, releasing arid canceling this Secm <br />InstrtYmex�t_ <br />���.��3n�n9 <br />NEBRASKA - 5ingle Femily - Fannle MaelFreddie Mac UNIFARM INSTRUMEN7 W17H��, /' <br />�-BA(NE) �aeta� Pege3 of S5 �,,;�;aim � �� Form 3028 1107 <br />0 <br />