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20110045 <br />tC)"Lender"is METRO 15T MTG LLC QIV METRO HEALTH 5UC FCU <br />Lender is a CORP�RATIQN <br />organized and existing under the laws of THE UNITE� STATES <br />Lender's address is 74509 F STREET <br />OMAHA, NE 68137 <br />(b)'"Trustee" is Mi chael F. Ki Vett, Attorney A� L�W <br />(�) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronzc Regzstxation Systems, Inc. M�ELS is a separate corporation that is <br />acting solely a5 a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. MERS is the beneficiary <br />under this Security Tnstrument. MERS is organized and existing under tfae Jaws o� Delaware, and has an <br />address a[ad talephone nurnber of P.�. Rox 2026, Plint, MI 4$SOi-2026, tel. (888) b79-MERS. <br />(k�'Tlote"' means the promissory nnte signed hy �o�ower and clated �ecember 27 , 2010 . <br />TheNute states that Barrower owes Lender ONE Nl1NDRf� SEVEN TH�USAND FIVE Hf1NDREq AND <br />00/100 Dollaz <br />(U.S. $ 107 . 5ao . oo ) plus interest_ �olTOWex has pxomised to pay this debt in regular Periodic <br />Payments and to pay the debt in full not later than Janua ry 1. , 2041 , <br />(G) 'Troperty" �aaeaz�s tb.e pxoperty that is described below und�r the heading "Trazxsfer of Ri�ts in the <br />Praperty. +' <br />(I� 'Zoan" means the debt evidenced by tlie Note, ptus interest, any prepayment char$es and late charges <br />due under r.�e Note, and all sr,u�as due u�tde�r tbXS Securiry Instrument, plus interest. <br />{n "Riders" means a11 Riders to this Security Instrutnent that are executed by $�nower. The foliowing <br />Riders are to be executed by Borrower [checl� box as applicable]: <br />0 Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 Second Home Rider <br />0�alloon Itider � Ptanned Unit Developrrxent Ride�r ❑ 1-4 Family Ride�r <br />0 VA Rider � Biweekly Payzn.ent Ridar 0 Other(s) [specify] <br />(� "Applicable Law" means all contralling applicabie federal, state and 1oca1 statutes, reguIations, <br />ordi.nances and administrative rules and orders (that have the efFect of law) as well as all applicable �unal, <br />non-appealable judiciai opinions. <br />(I� "Community Association Dues� Fees� and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessmen�.s and nther <br />charges that axe iu�posed on Borrower or the Property by a condominiu�m associatian, hameowners <br />association or sinnila:r or�aniza.tian. <br />(L) "Eleetronic Funds Trxnsfer" rneans any �ansfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by <br />check, dxaf't, or siimilar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, te�ephonic <br />instrut�aent, camputer, or magnetic tape so as to nrder, instruct, or authorize x�nancial instifutzon tv debzt <br />or credit an account. Such te�xn ancludes, but is not limited to, point-vf-sale transfers, automated telIer <br />machine �ramsactions, txansfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearindhouse <br />transfers. <br />(M) "Eserow Ztems" meatxs tkzose ztazxxs that are described in Section 3. <br />(1� "Miscellaneous Proceeds" meazas any compensation, settlement, award pf damages, or proceeds paid <br />by azry third party (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5) for: (i) <br />dam�age to, or destruction of, the Pr�perty; (ii) candemnation or other taking of all or any part oF the <br />Property; (iii} conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv) misrepresentatiqns of, or omissions as Lu, Lhe <br />value azzd/or condition of the Property. <br />(0) "Mortgage Tnsuranc�" xneans insu:raz�ce protecting Leadez agaznst the nonpayment of, or default vn, <br />the Loan. <br />71113345a9 <br />N�BRASKA - 5ingle Family - Fannle MaelFreddie MaC UNIFpRM INSTRlJMENT W17H N�itS <br />�-6A{NE) (oeto) raaes or �e i„�, _-"�� Form 3028 11Q1 <br />m <br />