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<br /> ___r„�„����, Assignee shell be undai no ob/Jgirlon ro Aulpnor to press an y o/the riph ts or c/alms qssle�ed
<br /> to it her�under or to per/orm or cany out any ol the obligetlonr undert�ken by ArsJpnor under the -
<br /> - --�_������ ' leaser,and it does not�ssume any o/thP/!ab!/!tles In connecdon with,or ritlnp or growiny out ol,
<br /> - �r - _� ihu cavrrr�a�fts and a8resmants af thc Ass/gner;and Asslgnar co�nan►a�+nd agrees that lt w!//1�lth• _
<br /> .'�������'��"� lu//y perlorm alI o/[he obhparions Imposeal upon it undei the leaser heiein assipred,end aprees to '
<br /> :._��;'F�:°'-��:•_:,
<br /> - � ;,�Y-� indem»ify Assipneo,And ho/d Auignee harmlest,from any end al/llabi/ltv,!ou or demaye whlch
<br /> �•�_._ ��•��•:� �•�=��-=��•-�•• mayor mlqht be lncuned by Asslgnee under fhe/eases or under or by reason o/thls Asslgnmenf,and �
<br /> �'���; �, /rom any and�l/claims and damands whetsoever whlch be asseited ageinsr the Aasignee by reason of
<br /> ����--�����. ' �s�� any al/eyed ob/lgnr�on or undertakings on ira part to perform oi discharye any of the rerrr�s,covenantp
<br /> r+��•�, ;y'sf,�:,:;�;., •.,��: or shal/not operate to p/ece responsibillty ior the convol,csre manageinent or�epalr of seld/eased
<br /> '�}��'�'� � p�emises upon Ass/gnee,nnr for the cenying aut of the terrns end condltlona of the/eases,nor sha//
<br /> �r�.YU�:+'ic#6vfi':":'.�
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<br /> ���;l�,f,;.;�i°',,,...': it operare to make Asrlgnee responsib/e or Ilable for any waste commltted on the praperty by tenants
<br /> �*.!�..+�.....,�'.•�,.:�' � or occupants under such leases or any other party,or for any dengerous o�defective condrtlon of the
<br /> ' <<;�i�*""°��''� premises or for anynegligence in the manag�menr,upkeep,repair or contro/of said premires reru/riny
<br /> �.""�,�.,:
<br /> �����h�`.,,p�:,�„�}.;?:,.�,, ,4A fq�,inJury or death to any tenant,/icensee,employee,occupani or eny other persons. _
<br /> J^i:.� is� �� �� � 11 on a ment in full ol!he indebtedness for which lhis Agreement is additlonal secuilty,
<br /> ,l�ti!•�m':'S::�a.:s
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<br /> �-,r.��.�.�,�+;��'� �;��1:�'' � :��this Assignrrtent shall be,and become,null and vpid from and eher saJd date;and otherwlse,!t
<br /> . ��r�.y..;:;.�,)�c.;t;+�F
<br /> r,?�� '•=���;�� .�f � mhalf remaln and be in/u//force and eHect as hereln provided,and royether with the covenants and
<br /> -- l��t�` • . � �'�'1>; warranfies here/n co�tained,shaN inure to the benetit of ihe AssignPe and any subsaquent holder
<br /> :..�� `.�j:�'.i"�'+�'tl�lj�'l::�;1,'
<br /> �• �,;r,;�sr.�.a,� ' ;��.,,� • of said lndebtedness,end shell be binding upon Assi9nor,its helrs,execu[ors,sdministiatore,
<br />;��.: „�,`,�,r� ki�,;r�,`'t(�t?�
<br /> �r ,,�;1.;��r,r,,,��� r . successers end essiyns and any subsequeni owner ol the mortyaped prem/ses.
<br /> ��l�:� ' -
<br /> - ���'1{4��h���r � •f
<br />��� •: � „ � � lN W/TNESS WNEREOF,Assignor has executed this Ayreement as of the day and yea�above
<br /> - — ;:, written.
<br /> ��� �� �.i;1.�
<br /> "+�' ..Ad . .. ...
<br /> �� . G
<br />-'.�:;�� •;.., ;:�' xIVERSIDE INVESTMENT. INC. -
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<br /> �:1;, . •:".;;�;�i,� ' Hy s � "�
<br />- . ' '`L�.';4� J s S. Seltzar. Preside
<br /> '�•,'�`�`�. STATE OF NEBRASKA 1
<br /> ,�} �U• �i1�.�'�r I S.$.
<br /> �. . ° ., '�'}{':•�:, COUNTY OF �L 1
<br /> .,�.
<br />- ° +� ' On rhis 19 day of_---MaY,_1992 _ --A.O.,befo�e me a Notary _
<br /> ,° " Public in and for said Counry,personally appeared •rameo g. .HelsaQr
<br /> ;•ti �. ' r. `� � �_.____....." _'__ ' ' ' —'—'_ _ _"__ �.
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<br /> '`;'� ' � '��rf'�" " to me known to he the persons named in and who executed the fore oing instrumenf,and
<br /> ,gwhF ;•,, :� 9 --
<br /> '�����• �;:�'ti�a�� he hie -
<br /> ,�{i�.�s .,_� ecknowledged[hat_ ._ executed the same as _
<br /> ,,,..
<br /> �,�r.,� ;. •• �'".',i?C voluntary ac[and deed.
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<br /> . • °� ta��,;''��`•'' WlTNtSS my hand and Notaria/Sea/on the day and year lasr above written,
<br /> . ,..,,,r:�.�,
<br /> �� " �,� ' . �autroru�r -- `_�4.�tr�� �!_�.�Q_,apc1.`�C'� — —
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