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<br /> �-.��,+.�,;��,;,�,,,•.a,�;:cr:' NORWESTBANKNEBRASKA,NAT/ONALASSOCIATlON ASS/GNMENTOF �=a;,w,:
<br /> '�":�:: o;�•'r�.n: ., �s 9�r 104��3 LEASESAND RE/YT �.�
<br /> .�y�. :i; :1�'!�?.��t•��'`�
<br /> - -�'jjaT''�i N'��'kt!+'��
<br /> i .���"��:�^`. _
<br /> G �L��y�.,i+!,'�3i:'k;.�'.�� . This Arsignment made thls 19 day o/ M8y , 19 92 by and -
<br /> :r_ . � •'. . hBfw�eBn__RIVERSI�E INVE3TMENT�NC. _.._. - -- _ . _._ � -
<br /> ---� -- -
<br /> � „� * '�'i; � !'Assiynor'7,and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIAT/0N f'Ar+�iynee"l. - "
<br /> � ' ;�:.�.
<br /> ' �::,�_.,�. . WITNESSETH:
<br /> -- G
<br /> _�3t�� • � . � � lt is ayreed aa followr: ___
<br /> 1. Definitions. As used!n chis Apreement:
<br /> . " � A. 'Morrgage"shell mean that cerfaln Dc�ed of Tiust in ihe principal sum
<br /> , �f,�_ �nn_n90.00 dattal MaY 19 , 19 92 . -
<br /> _ � executedby_ R�.vereide Investment, Inc. ,as Tiusto�,lo NORWESTBANK `'�-
<br /> ��''� � NEBRASKA,NATlONAL ASSOC/ATION,as Benelrciary,upon the real estete and lmp�ovemen�s �``
<br /> °�-:+ .
<br /> - - �':. .. � described/n Exhibei "A';whlch!s a ttached heisto and by this reterence incorporated herein.
<br /> . '.: �z�:
<br />" � B. "Note"shall mea:►that certain note seca�ed by the$ 300,000.00 ��"'��
<br /> . _ �,,1.iesf.,,"'
<br /> . Deed of Trusr,executed contempvraneously therewith by
<br />, � � •� Riverside Inveatment, Inc. as maker,and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA, ����`'
<br /> :..r,y;., •• NATIONAL ASSOCIATION,as payee,and secured by the Deer!of Tiust.
<br />_ , r�i,�: Y . . .
<br /> •� •• '� C. "Loan"as hereinaher used,shal/mean�he/oan in the amount of 8300.000.00 �_
<br /> _ _as evidenced by the note and secured by the Deed oi Tiusr,as w�ll as any other -"�
<br /> . securing instraments. .�..
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, tor and in cansideration of the makingand funding oisaid Loan,and for - -
<br /> • � � o�hergood and va/uab/e c�nsideretion,the receipt wheseof is hereby acknow/edged,Assignor,for itsalf,
<br /> � � . cts sc�ccessors,persone!representatives,heirs and assigns,has bargeined,so/d, transferred,assigned,
<br /> '� �_;��, . �onveyed,set overand delivered,and by rhese presents does hereby bargain,sell, hansfer,assJgn,and
<br /> ,_�,;:�,y,. convey as secu►fry for the repayment af the ebove desc�ibed in�lebtedness and the payment and per•
<br /> • • � . ;,,,•;` . formance of al/of the terms end condrtions of the Note end Mo�ryege evidencing[he same,and eny
<br /> � ,,;;,;�:�f;:;;•;;:,.•• and al!amendments,extensions and renewals thereo/a/l/eases r�ow ar herea/ter executed aflecrin�
<br /> ,� . ��.�t.�:..•:
<br /> . y:�� ,_, the Mortgaged Premises,and a//rents,issues,profiis and income and sums of money which may now
<br /> ' ''��`•''�" orhereafter be or become due and owing under a»d by virtue of said/eases, it being the intention
<br /> � 'S��� ' hereby to estab/ish a comp/eto trans/er andassignment ol the/eases heieby r+ssigned and al/the avai/r �
<br /> ' • � thereunder unto the Assignes,its successors and assigns,together with the right,but withotit fhe �_-
<br /> .. �}, obligation,to collect all of the said rents,is,wes,prolits and income arising or accruing,or which may �"_
<br /> become due st any time during the /ile ol this Auignment. Assigno�further agrees,upon demand
<br /> • thereof, to dellver[o and deposit seid leases with Assignee. -
<br /> '..��;�� ,.
<br /> � �"•�:�';:' � , Assignor hereby designafes,consritures and appoints Assignee,its successors and assigns,with -
<br /> . � .�r'r:;"n • /ull powei of subslrtution, its true and law/ul attorney with powier tor it and in its neme,place and
<br /> � �,�i,.:t�<,'• -
<br /> �••�,�. stead,/or in the name of Assignee, to ask, demand,co/%c[,receive, receipt and give full and com• _
<br /> - \,w:
<br /> plete acquittances for any and all rents, issues, pro�its and income hereby assigned which mey became
<br /> •• due and payable by lossees or other occupants of the Mortgaged Premises;and at its discretion to file _
<br /> eny claim or take any other action or proceeding to make any sett/emen[of any claim,either in its � -
<br /> • . • own name or in the naine of Assignar,or otherwise,which the Assignee,o�any successor may deem �'"r'
<br /> desiiable in order to col%ct and en force the payment of an y and al/rents,issues,profits and lncome —
<br /> � herein assigned. The/essees and occupen[s o/the Mortgaged Premises, or any part hereo%are hereby �-
<br /> n.�•..
<br /> .,,. expressly authorired and directed to pay a!1 rants and sums herein assigned which would be payabJe [���
<br /> •� to Assignor,excepf�or thrs Assignrnent,ro the Assrgnee,and to transmit and deliver such peyment �
<br /> '�'• `� to the Assignee or such nominee as it may designate in writing, deli vered to and received by such
<br /> • �:•; lessee or occupant, who is expressly relieved ol any and all du[y,liabrlity or obligation to fhe I
<br /> � Assignor in respect ol alI payments so nrade. '
<br /> Assignee shall be,and hereby rs, vested with fiill power ro cise all such measures,Jegal.�nd I
<br /> Rquitable,as in:ts discreriun m.ay be deemed necessary or proper[o en/orce th�s Agree►nent and
<br /> to collect the rents, issues,pro/its and income assignecl hereunder, �ncluding rhe right to en[er upon
<br /> the premises and to[ake possessio►� thereo%aiid Assi,qnor hereby g�ants lull power ar�d authority
<br /> ' to Che Assignee to exercise all rights,prrvr/eges and powers here�n granted at any and alI times here-
<br /> _ . .._ ..a_ ..�.. ..i� ..�.ti... ,.r....�.,.r
<br /> _._. .. ... . .� . �
<br /> . '" ..._ illf@!,WIfIIUUI IIUUG'C[O NJJryitci�,w�ii� iiui vvrci iv iiac o..a.o'� u., v. .••••° •°'••°'
<br /> N Nr�,� .... ...... . ...........::.'.............
<br /> income herein assigned to the payments uJany indebted►►ess nr Ilat�ility ol the Ass�gnor to the
<br /> Auignee,in such order as Assignee may deterrnme.
<br /> w•:4��11 urt't i,,,p+a��.r� {
<br /> � �
<br /> � � �
<br /> . �/
<br />