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<br /> S. �{r�rd ti+'('rnperiy [awr��r. Burr•nvor �l►all ka:p ttu:`�ii�ruven�cius aaw exiuing un c�rcallcr erecKed on ttu
<br /> ['ru�essy i�uur�!sr�liest le�ss by fire, hazvrds inult�tl��! within Ilu�le+�n 'rz�e�W.x! wt�er.t�c' :uxl un�•whct lu�zaniy, iacludinr
<br /> 11u�x1r ur Ikw.Bn�. for w•hith l.eruicr rcx�uircs inwi•.u�cc. This ii�urai�ce slwll!+c utirintY�t►e:i in tt�e wixw�u�wxl fur thc periud+�
<br /> ttut Le�xkr �uir�.TAc in►uru�t c�rrier p�•.���iding thv inwratu< <ttall bc duku+�by A�►tir����x.� whj�t to Is+�.r'c�►�rat•a1
<br /> which alwll not be unrcaso�ut+ly withhcld. if Bc�rmwcN faila tu nwliuuln ��uvcf�c Jcuril�aci a1�a���. Lcidcr may, at Lcndcr's
<br /> �tion,c�blain mver�o ta pnxeet Lernler'r rightH iu iliu P��wa�ty iu u��ecutiLuwc with�saragraph 7.
<br /> AU iacurw�ce policks ux!eeixwals shall hc su:i�eptubla tu L�xier urxi shall inclu�ie a samuland nwrtga�e clause. L.ender
<br /> shall lwir•c the ri�ht ta hoW thr:policits atxl a�u�wAlti. If l..c�uicr rcquirc�.&xmw�er stWl pro�ry�tl��give ta L.cnder ill re��lpts af
<br /> paid Prcmiunu u�d renewal noeices. 1n tho o��rru uf liuc. iiartowcr ctu�ll eivc pmmpt nt�tiac lt►ti►c inwra►ktic curier aud LenJer.
<br /> l.ender m�y rnLke prooi af toss if not m�do p��mptty by Borrowcr.
<br /> Uc�less Lendu and Bc�ttow•er othcrwi�agrce in writing.IltSill'�RCC F1fi�CGCds sh111 tfC Aj�j1�i01�tn rCSto1'iliiw�ur�C�dt:of W:.
<br />' Prope:ty dan�yod. if the restoration or repAir is economicully fcusiblc and Lender's socurity i��wt le.csenc�.If ihe restoratiot�or
<br /> �pair is not oconaaucxily feisibie ar Lendur's socurity would bc lessened.thc inwrance pn►000ds stwll be applial to the sums
<br /> socu�d by this Socurity t�ut�ument, whuthcr or nat then due. with any excess psid to &►1mwu. If Bonnwer at�ndons the
<br /> Pn�+ert}.or das not xnswu within 3�duys A natice from l.ender Uu+t the inwrance c:uficr hAS affered to setde a claim.tben
<br /> Lender m�y collxt tho insurance pro+.�ea1s. Lendar nwy uae thc proceecis to rcpair or ra�ta� thc Property or to pay sums
<br /> sxured by this Security Irutcument,wt�c+ther or not ttun duc.Thc 30-day period will begin af►cn tt�e notice is givea�.
<br /> Unless I.ender aad Borrower othanvise s�ree in writing, anY application of{xoc�tods ta�►rincipal stwll uot extend or
<br /> postpone the due d�te of the monthly payments referced to in paragraplw 1 and 2 or ctuu�a t1x unxiunl of tlu pay�reuts. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the PmpeTty iS acquircd by l.onder. Barrower's right to any inwrance policies snd prooeeds resulting from
<br /> danuige to the Propaty prior ta tlia aa�uisition shall pas.s to I.ender to the eztent of the sums socurod by this Securiry Iruwmau
<br /> imroediatdy priar to the aoquisition.
<br /> 6. Occu�acy,Pr+eser�ptian�lliAinte�wnc�and Yrntoctbn ot R6e Propert3�;Borrawtr's Laan APP���+�
<br /> Bort»wer shall oocvpy,essablish,and use tho Froperty as Bomowcr's principal residenoe within sixty days aRu tfie ezocutioa of
<br /> this Security Instrumant�:uul sha11 continue to oocupy thc Property as Barrower's principal irsidence for at fcict one yeu after
<br /> the date of ooai�aix.y; unlass I.and�r otherwisc agrees in writing,which cons�nt shall not t�c unrr.aso�ably withheld, or unlas
<br /> exteauating�cinwnstunas cxist which are beyoad Borrower's oontml. Borrowu shall not destroy. danttYe or impair the
<br /> Property. allow tIta Ptoperty w dcteriorate,or oc�naax@c wastc ou the Property- Borrow�cr sxwll be in default if any forfeiwre
<br /> :�,�cion w praoeeding, whe�her civil or crinw�al,is Qac�:ar�that in l�endu's good fai,t6 jt�gnunt could result ia forfeiture of the
<br /> � Property or ottton�isa m�terially impxir the llen ccr��y this Security Instnunecs¢or Ltnder's sixurity iaienst.Borrower may
<br /> wre wch a�fault�and reinuato,as provided in puagrst�ph 18.by ca�sing tlse a�xion or pnoaood'u�to be discnissed with a niling
<br /> tl�at. in Leadnr's good fnith dcterminatiun,p�cluda farfeiture of tHe Borrower's inttnat in the Propeny or other material
<br /> imp�ircneot of tho Ilen creatod by this Sxurity Iastnuaent or Lender's securiry inttr�st. Barrowu sh�11 also bo in dofa�ilt if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan�ic�tion prooess. ga�+e zaaceriallY f�lse or inxcurat�infoms�iia►or stscema�ts ta L.ader(oc failod
<br /> to ptoviOe Izpd�r u'itit u�g�r�cawi bu'oruniion�in w�a�a.-iitm wiu•ux iw,i cviva,cz,.:r ai-.'v::rw:,.:�,cS'�':,:s. b:.:�li�:t�--- .
<br /> to.repersentatians corxrsning Borrowtr's occupanc.�y of thc Pnopc�ty as a principal resicteac+e.If this Security lnstrumeac is oa a
<br /> ltZCehold. Barro�w slull eomply witc� �11 the provisions of the lease. If Borrower xquires fa tiQe to the Property, the
<br /> , icasdwld�nd thc.fee tide sh�ll�wt merge unless l.ender agrees to the merger in wridag.
<br /> ' 7.P�niedlon ot I.entfts's Rights it�We PropertF.If Borrotver f�ils to perform tbe ootie�ants and agroemeats coatainod in
<br /> t�is Security butrnment, or thua is a legal proaeding that may significantly affa-�I.eridcr's rights in tbe Proputy(such as a
<br /> pt+ooteding in b�ktuptcy.pt+obste. for condenttntion or fotfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatioas). then I.a�Jer m�y do aad
<br /> paY for whaRev� is necessuy to protxt the value of the Prope�ty and Lender's rights i»the Propeity. I.ea�der's actions may
<br /> incltxk payi��any uuns saarred by a Ilen which has priority over this Sawity Inuturr�ent, appeuing in oourt, P�Y�S
<br /> reasonabk attarneys'fas aad csitering on the Prope�ty w n�ice repairs.Altho�I�Lmcier m�y t�ke acxian w�der this pan�rap� �
<br /> 7.I.eader does not 1�ve to do so. �
<br /> Any acnourtts dlsbutse3 by I.ender ut�det this pxragraph 7 sitall beoome additiot�l debc of Borrowa secural by this :
<br /> Security I�uun�cnt.Untess Borrower and l,u�der agrce to otlw teans of paymra�t.ttjese aaxwaes shaU bear inta+est from the
<br /> date of disbtusmr�nt•ai thc Nott rate and ahall bc payable, with intcrest. upon notioe fm�ac l�eoder to Burrower:'oquesti�
<br /> _ PaYmeat•
<br /> �.Mo�tq�e Iaswaace.If Irader required�c�r,ge insuranoe as a oonditi�o of aujdag t6e lo�sec�uai by this Socurity
<br /> - Ir►st�ument.. Burrowa- shall pay the pmn+.ziums rcquice3 to maint�L� tSe mortgage insuranx iR ef�hct. If. for ury reason. the
<br /> � �.art�ge ir�r.urancn c��:rstSe rWtured by Lendcr la?sts or c��e��(�in effax, Bnrrow�er ahsll nav tbe premiums requ;nod tn
<br /> obtain oo��age substa=nlaily equivalent tm the moKg�ge icuurance pr:viously in effxt. a�a cost substantially oquivalent to tl�e
<br /> cost to Borrowct•af,the riartgagc inwiana ptcvic�auty in effect. from�n�1calsuse mutgsge iawrer appmvod by I.u�der. If
<br /> ? �Stuuiaity equuivalc,rrt:rnortgage insaraoce oova�a�e is not available.Borrower slull p�y to I.ender each nwi�th a wm oqual to :
<br /> � ono-twei�fr oE tiu;yrurly mortgago instutince premium be3ng paid by Boaower whai the imuraao�eoverage I�sed or ocasod to
<br /> – be ia tffa.�r. T.mder w�iJUaooe{�t,use acr�ret�in tha�p�ynnrnts as a loss reserve in lieu of niartgage in.wrrnoe. Loss resnva
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