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<br /> txecutc:d fur the piu�►er'ci af u�:atiqy.s.:curi��c�r guu�ntyin�the�eeured[3ebt.A gaxl fuith Iwliet hy l.,c:culer that
<br /> Lender at any tinrt i+�f�►�i:cura with r:-�:rt te�sny pxrs�us cu entity d+l'�geted�m t�e Secured Debt or thut the{m�spert
<br /> of any�uy�r+ra���r�he v�lu�of the Pru�:rty is im�aind slu�ll alw cuns�itute an event of dcfault.
<br /> IS, ftEMEilli'si Qh�E[�AULx in xxix inst:uucs, f�xlcral�nd state law will teyuire i.xiul�P to pravis3.:Granttu with
<br /> notice ot the right to sura or other ncxiscs arul msy cstaWish tirue schcduks tar t�reck�sure aciions.Subjcct to these
<br /> limitations, if aay.[.cnder m�y aceclerat�c tbe Secur�d�D�bt and furccta�cais Sacui►ty lns�reusient in a mauuer -
<br /> pirovidcd by law if GrantUr is ia deLxult.
<br /> At the option at I.ecxler,all ur ony part of Ihe agrced fces and charges,accrucd interest �nd principal shall t►ecame
<br /> immcdiately due and payabtc,nttcr giving n�licc if required by law.u�n thc occuttenre of a dcfault or anytime
<br /> tt►crcaftcr.In additiwt,i,ender st�aU bc cntiticd ta aU the remedies provided by law,the temu aC the Sccurcd Debt.
<br /> this Sc:�;u;,y 0►u;:+;►:�ui:r.d any cala'.�.�d��:as.°�*_s.incluAi�g wilTxw�limi�#tic►n_the pawer ta seil the PropertY•
<br /> If there is a detault.7lrustee sha4 in ackliii�n to any ather permitted remedy,at thc request uf the Lcnder,advertise
<br /> �nd seU the Property av A who{e ar in separate paroels a1 public suction to the highest bidder for cash and convey
<br /> absolute titic frec and clear of ull right,title u�d intcrest of Grantor at such time and plxe as Truwtec designates.
<br /> Tnutec shall give aatioc of salc including�he time.temu ond place of salc and a description of tt�e P�o�enY to be sotd
<br /> As required by the applicai�le law in effcct at the time of the praposed sale.
<br /> Upoa salt ot the pmpeny and to the exteat not ptahibited by law,Trustee shap tn�ke and deliver a deed to the Property
<br /> sold which conveys u6so2ute title to the pnrcha�er,and after 6tst ps►ying all fces,charges and oosts,shap pay to 1-ender aq
<br /> moneys advanced for repairs,taxes,insurance,Gens.�ssessments and pnor encurnb��nces and interest thereon,and the
<br /> principal and interest oa the Secured Debt.paying the su�plus.if aay.to Grantor.Lender may puschase the Property.
<br /> The recitaLs in a�y deed of oom�eyaace s1uJ�be prima facie evidenoe af the facts set fvrth therein_
<br /> p�remedies are d+stinct�cumulative asui n�H excluslve.and the Le�nder is entitkcf to aU remect`es provided at Law or
<br /> equity.whettier or not expressh s�t fortT�`�i he acce�xauce by L.ender d ang sucu ir�.�tayment or parti�i PaYmr�e�t��
<br /> Secured Debt after the bala�ncc:�i;due or is aecclerated or after fon�ctouue pcax:edtags?re filed shall not axR''tute a
<br /> wa,iver of Lendes's r�t Ca�aire oomplete cure at any ex�cting defanti.Bp�T�:-�'r:rcisu�g any remedy oa Graatos's
<br /> �s..,,ct,���s not�;�ir�Lender's right to later co:�vdPr the e��nt a de.fa.�tY i1'ct continues or happet�agaia
<br /> 'pcodbited by.law.Grantor:,�,gr��s tci pap:�L'of Leader s�p�etues if Grantor bg:�.�s any vsYCaant ia t�s Security
<br /> j�nt.Graatar will aFso pay oo cie�d any unount incwred by Lender fo�r us�v.�ing.ins�ect�n&Presetving or
<br /> otherwise protaxing the Property and Lecuier s senuity interest.'r6ese expenscs will bear;nterest from the date a`
<br /> t6e p�yraent until pud in fuU at the highest interest rate ia effect as provided in�Ew:terms of the Secured Debt.
<br /> Grantor agrees m p�y alf casts and expeases incuned by Lender in oolkcxing.enfaring oc�ccuec:ting Lender's rights
<br /> and remedie5�ncSes tAis Securiry lrutrument.7l��nwunt may include.but is not Wnitcd�e�sttomeys'fea.oourt
<br /> eosis��nd other kgal expenses.77iis Security Insirument sh�ll temaia in effect unW nlet+sc6:�Grantor a�ues to pay
<br /> tor aay teoordation costs of sw:h release.
<br /> ty AI.LAVYS AND I�A7.AftDO1JS SiJBSTANCES.As used in thi�soct;ua.il)EnvirauneatW I�w
<br /> -- .. . --�---�--.... . . __.. _ ._...... ..
<br /> a�:�.��iti'sa�st ' '3�atioa.tlx Compseheas'ive EnrironmeRtal Response;cAmp�tio�t auu�Y-�'►cx t�-G'��•
<br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.),aad all other fedenl.state and loca! laws. regulations.ord'uinsxx�:court+orders.s�wraey
<br /> geoeral oQinions or iaterpretivc kttcsc conarniag the public heaith.safety.weltue.CAYlCC1ii�1G�Ot a�iiiLJW1s
<br /> wbstaac�e:and (2)Hazardous Substance means any toxic,radioactive or hazardous asat�.ri�waste.poUutant oe
<br /> eootamiaant which h�s characteristics which reader the wbsta�na dang�erous a poteati�llY dan$etous W tbe public
<br /> heatth.safety,wetfare or eavironcuent.The term iadudes, without timitatioo.�ay subeta�ccs d`CSGoed as"hazardo�s
<br /> materi�l,""wYic subst�aces,""hazardo�u waste"or"haxardout subsiance"uader any�x►vimam�nta�L�w.
<br /> Giantor re�tGSeats,w�sr•ants and agrees that:
<br /> p, F.xoept as previouciy disebaed aud�cknawkdged ici writiag W Leader,no HaT�cdouE.Substsnee is or will be
<br /> bcated,stared or reIeased on or in the Property.This resui�sioa does not appiy 4o small qwintities d
<br /> Ha�ardous Subsnnoes that are gener�lly rooa�nized to be apQroqiate�oc tl�e oo�aa.�i+�=aad maintenana of
<br /> tLe Pmpetty.
<br /> g, Faoe�pt a9 previousiy disc]osed aad acknawkdged ia wri��Graatoe aod uverr teaant have baa,ane,
<br /> wd sb�ll rn�ia ia full oomplianoe with aaY appticable
<br /> G Granta shaU im�diately notify Lender if a rekase a tbreauaed rei�ot a Haraudous Substaaco oocurs oa.
<br /> uoder or about the Property or tlsere is a vidatinn of any Envirooroentat Law oonccrt�iag tl�e Pc�operty.In suc�
<br /> � an eveai,Graator sball taice alt ne��sary remeclia!adion m�coocdaaoe with aay Envunaa�ental L�w.
<br /> D. Gra»tos shatl�,T+Wzdia:cly r.�s.i��I.eark:ia writinb�s seo:e as G:�.^.*.cs h«:,r �••K!�+t►elieve there is any
<br /> Pend'u►S or threate�.�d investigation.claicn,or proee�ding relaang to thc rebaase or threatenod rokase of any
<br /> Ha�srdous Substanoz or We violatioa of any Envuonroental l.aw_ .
<br /> 3�. CONDEMNA'IiON.Grantor will give Lender prompt notice of any pending ar threatened adioa,by private or
<br /> public entitia w puschase or tal�e aay or all of tbe Propc�ty throug6 co�lemnatiop.e�..:domaln.or wy otl�e:r
<br /> sneaas.Grantor authotizes Lender to intervene in Graator's name in any of the above descn'bed actio�u or claims.
<br /> Cirantoc assigns w Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for dansages connate�with a oondemnation or other
<br /> t�izaK a°al1 ar anY pact oi the Propeity.Sucb procec�s sh�21 he oonsidernl paymtats and wiA be applied as jxavided in
<br /> t6i:Security Instrument.'Ibis assignment of proceeQi is subject to the terms oi any priue c,ic,:��e,�c:�.:,
<br /> sa�dY abtr,�meot or otifer lien docwnen�
<br /> 19 INStIRANCE.Grantor shalt Iceep Property insarcd against loss by flre,flood,theh and other hazards and ri:ks
<br /> reasonabiy associated with the ProQtrty due to its rype and location.'I'his insurance shall be maintained in the arorwau
<br /> and for the peria3s that Leeder requira.The inswance cazrier providing the insuranoe shall be chacea by Granioc
<br /> subject to Lender's approval.wl�ich shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Grantor fails to mainttin the coverage
<br /> desCiibed aDOVe.Lender tnay�ai iender s opuon.uoiaia wvCi s�,c i8�;:;.cN Lcnder's ri�hts;n L;:.P:r.�r:�;2c�: :�^
<br /> • to tbe teimic af tivs Security IasirumenL
<br /> pl{irssuranc�policies aue3 renewaL�siuli be accepi�ble to Lettd�'.r siad shall include a stand'ani"mortgage etause"anci,
<br /> . wfiere applicable,"toss 1a�5�e elause."Grantor si�at6 ir�omediatef}r notify Lender of canc�fl�lfnn or termination of the
<br /> • uuurance.Lender st�all�ave the right to hold the,poticies and ser.ewals.If Lendet requir��s,Granwr�b•rll ims�edia:eSY .
<br /> gave to I,eader all receipts of paid pce.miu�ns and renewal not�es.Upon loss,Grantor stwlt gtve imm.edi�xe notice w
<br />- tLe iriwrauce carrier and Lender.I.endcT may make proof of loss if not made innnediateiy by C�rantor.
<br /> (pnye 3 d 4)
<br /> Cuw a�ow�sslw..,r�e..s�.C+aua.�w�t�eoa�t•xu»r•or�n etEara+E aaw � - �
<br /> �'� '
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