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<br /> 13. AU future advancca f'ram Lender to Gruntor or oth:r fut�r�obligatians.•.Grantcu ta I..cnJcr wukr any pronuscary
<br /> note,mntr�ct,guar�nty,or oeher evidence of debt executed by Grantor in fa�•or at Lencier exerutecl after this
<br /> Security Instrument whether ar not tl�is SecuritX Instrument is specifically referenaed. lf murc ti�i cu��rc�.�
<br /> pg;�s this Sc�ueity Insinuncnt,c�ach Grantcu agr.�rs thai this Securiiy tasuumrnt will sccure all Cutura advanctis antl
<br /> future otsligations that ar�gicen to ar incurred by any one a�more Grantor,or any cuw cx' mor�Grantor aud
<br /> �;.�n.;�y(uiure advances and c�t�er future obiicatioas are secure.�i by tlus Security instrwnent even ttwugh all ar
<br /> p,n�y noc ye�t��a��a.All futwe advu�ccs and other future obGgations are scxured ac ii madi:cx�thc date
<br /> o,f thu Secu�ty IastrumcnG Nothins ic�this Security Instrument shall constitute�conimitmc:nt to malce additional
<br /> or tuture toxns or advanoes in any�sount.Any such wmmimnent must be agreed to in a sepu�te writing.
<br /> G �.11 obl'egadons Grantor owes to Lender,which may later arise,to ehe exteat not prohibited by taw,including,but
<br /> not limited to,lia6ilities for overdrafts relating to any cieposit s+ocouut agreement betweea Grantor and l.eader.
<br /> U. A���rtY and'its�value and aay o�ther�sucnsC dvanc d end expeases ineiured by l.endcr under the erms of
<br /> this�ectvity Instrumen�
<br /> Ttus Seeurity Instrwnent wiU not seraue any other ciebt if Lender failc to give any requit�d aotioe of the tight of rescissiou.
<br /> � S. PAl(FiENTS. Grantor agrees thst all payments w�der the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in aaardaace
<br /> with the terms of the Secured DebC aud t6ic Security IacUumen�
<br /> 6 WARRANTY OF 71'I7..E.Grantor warrants ttut Grantor is or will be lawfullY se�zecl of thc estate conveyed by this
<br /> ' Secwity Instrument aad das the right to inevocably grant,wavey,atx!seq the Property to Trustee,in trust,wiih
<br /> pow er of sale.Grantur sLsa warraats that the Property is uneacumbered,excePt far encumbrances of recoc�l.
<br /> ?� p�pi{.gE�()RPTy IlY1ERF.5'15.With regard to any other mortgage,deed of trust,security agreement ar other lica
<br /> d;r�,�s±��nt tl�at creaud a prior s�'conriry interest or encumbrauae on the F'ropertY,GraaLor agrees:
<br /> A. To ma3ce all payments wLer�due aad to perform or complv Wi1�1 zII COV2R8IIS:S
<br /> H. To promptly deliver to Lender any noc�raes that Greator receives from the hcUi�°u.
<br /> � G Not to allow any aaodification or extecs:sba+;of,nor to request any future adva�o���:3er�'r�ote ar agreement
<br /> secared by ihe lien doeument without Licx�er s pcnx written wnsent.
<br /> 8 Ci.AI.KS AGAIIVS"I'Ti'I1.E.Grantor will pay aIF c�ces.�sc�ents,liens.encuasL�.�e.le�paYments,ground
<br /> rents.utilisies.and otber dw�g��elating to the Pr�ert?w&�a due.Lender may requi�:CiranEar to provide to Lender
<br />_ cc,+��f all notia�.s ch3t such amounts are du�,:and the reoeipts evidem�g Grantor`s�}meu�.Grantor w�l defend
<br /> tit�w t2ye Propertrs•�any cAaims that vr�im�air the lien of this S�.�rity Instcumeiet.firaator agxees to�ssi$A
<br /> to l��wkr.as requested by Leuder,any rights,clsims or d�'�ases Graatar may hav.against pazties who suppty iaba
<br /> or materi�ls to aoai,ntain or improve the Property. .
<br /> 9t DUE ON SAI.E OY ENCU�RAN(.'E.Lender may.at its optio4 declare We endre balanoe of tl�e Sectued Y)ebt to
<br /> be iaaasediateiy due and payabie upon the aeation of,or ooatract for the creadon of.�ny lien.e�cumbrana,traasfer
<br /> � or sWe of the Pmperty'Ihis iight is subjcxi to tbe resuictions im}�osed by tederal law(12 GF.R S91).as app�icabk•
<br /> '�1`.�'K,._v_w_r_nf�nt rJ�all run with the P[OQtRY..�i�11 iGlIIaltl ia ef�CCt Wltll tbC$CY1�ftd DG�fI IS Qiil� lil ftlU_il�t�--
<br /> Security Insirtuaznt is rairascd.
<br /> L�. PQaPERTY CONDITIOIV,ALTEitAT[ON5 A1�iD INSPECTION.Grantor will keep the Property ip gaod
<br /> conditioo aad make a!1 repairs that�re reuonably necessary•Gr�ntor sball aot comcait or allow any waste,
<br /> impairmeat, or detcrioration of the Property.Gr�ntor will keep the Pmperty fcee of noxious weeds aad grssses-
<br /> G��autor agrees that tlu nature of the oxupaix.y and tue�+i11 not substantiallY ch�n8�M�ithout Le°der's prior wriiteo
<br /> ca�seat..Gra�ntor will not permit any diaage in any lioeaso.restrictive ouvenant����Graato�,a d o�f
<br /> wriuen consen�Gtaotor will norify Lender of all demands.proceedin&c.ciaims+
<br /> any loss or daasage to tbe Property
<br /> L,eader or Lender's agents may,at Lender's option,eaur the Property at�nY*easooael�tia�e for tb�Pu�P�°�
<br /> ' inspecting tIu Property.Lender s6a11 give�raator notice at the time of or before aa iaspection specifyiag a
<br /> reasonsbk purpose for the iuspeaioa MY i�axioO o���°Pe�l'��entirdy for Lender's bene6t aad
<br />= Granto�wiU in ao way re]y oa I.ender's i�wn.
<br /> 1L AUl'HOltl'I'Y TO PERF01tM.If Graator faiis to pcdorm aay duty or aay of the coveaaats oontaiaed in this
<br /> Security I�tavment,I.ender may,without aotioe.Perform or r�ase them to be perfomud.Grrata appoints Leader
<br /> as s�ttor��ey ut fac;t w sign Granwr's na�x or pay any amount neoessary for performance.Leader's right to perfom:for
<br /> Graator shall aot create an obligation to pedorm.and I.ender's failure w pedorm will not prectucle I.ender from
<br /> exenising any of Leoder's other rig�ts w�der the law or this Securiry Lutnuaw�If aay ooauruction on the Propeaty is
<br /> 'di:r�c�inued or not carried on in a reasonable manner,I.ender rtuy take a11 steps nccessary�o Prote�1�°�'s
<br /> searrity interest in tbe P��operty.iacluding compietioa of the ooasuuccion•
<br /> 1b ASSIGI�Il1[F.NT OF LEA.SFS AND RF.N'I'S.Grantor uxevocably grants.coaveys aad sells ta Trustee,in tn�st for the
<br /> bene6t uf Leader,as additional securiry al�tlse right,titfe and in¢erest in aad to aay and ali eri�iag or future kasas.
<br /> sdbfi�,t�es,and u�y�►Wer.vrittea or verbal agreements for the use and oocupancg of aay portion of the Property,
<br /> i�rc�ci�ing�ny extensions,renew'aLs,tnod�5cations or subs�urioac of svch agreements(all referred to as"Leases")and
<br /> reats,iswes aad profits(all refemEd to as"Rents"?.Graata will pcomptlY Pravide I.�nder with true and oorroct
<br /> - ���!1 e�and futnre I..eases.Crantnr may oolkct.reeeive.enjoy and use the Rents so long as Gr�ntar is aot
<br /> - in defauit uncicr�c ieYUts o;:his�r�-�r:,,�:..:....^ni.
<br /> Graator acknowbdges tl�aat this assi�nment is perfectod��on the recording af tluc Deed ot Tnsst aed that Lender is
<br /> �p����;{y�y��ator's tenanu to m�Ye gayment of Rents due or to become due to I.ender.Havever.
<br /> Lender agrces that only on default will Lender notify Gr�ntor and Graatar's tenants aad make demand that all futare
<br /> Rents be paid directly to L.ender.On receiving aotice of default,Graato�will endwxe and deGver to Lender any
<br /> PaYment of Reats in GRaator's possession and will receive any Rents in trust for Lender aad wsll not oommingle We
<br /> Reats with any other fuads. Any amoaats ootlecxed will be appiied as provided in this Securitr���truasent-Grantor
<br /> warrants Wat ao def�Wt e:ists undet the Leases or anY a�Plic�ble laadlordltenant law.Graator afscr agrees to m�iatain
<br /> acsd require aay tenant to oomply v�hth the terms of the L.uitises and applicable law.
<br /> L'�. L�A.SiEH01�CONDOMINI1n14S;PLANNED U1�Yt DEVELOPMENI'S.fizaator agrees to coaapl�w�ith the
<br /> provisions of�aw�lease if this Secwity L�stnunent i�on a iease6old.If the Property inctudes a tsnit in a condominium ,
<br /> or a planned arcit devclopment,Grantor will perfornt all of Grantor's duties under the cnuenants, by-1aws,ar
<br />— regulatiotu oi the cwdaminu�or pia�u�eci a:+�i�deve;o�.a:.
<br /> 1�. DEF�►ULT.Grantor will be in default if any�►arty obC��.ated on the Securcd Debe faits to cnaice payment wt►en due.
<br /> Grantor will be m d�fauit if a breach occan under t6e terms of tl�is Security�trument oc any other document
<br /> (pApa2M4)
<br /> OtYM�r��iy�M�o�Y�e.�Cw1.1w Ua0DJi7,a7f:)fo�RE-0T-lE iNli�
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