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20110040G <br />(()) "Periodic x'a}�m���k" means th�; regY�larly scheduled ariiount duc: for (i) principal and int�rest rrnder the <br />Note, plus (ii) any amounts under Section 3 nf tlris Securiky Instrirrnent. <br />(Y) "RESPA" means tlie Real l:state Setl]ement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. 5ection �601 et seq.) ancl its <br />implementing regulatinn, Regulalic>n X(24 (:.P.R. Part 3500), as they ini�;ht be amended frr�in time fo <br />time, or any additinnal or successor legislation ar regulation that governs the same suhject maCter. As used <br />in tliis Security Tnstrument, "RESPA" rcfers to all requiremcnts and restrictioils that are in�iposed in regard <br />to a"federally related mortgage loan" cvei7 if tlie r..nan diics riot qualify as a"federally related martgage <br />loan" under RI:SPA. <br />((�) "Successor in lntcrest of' Burrower" means arry party that has taket� kide lo llie Property, whc:lher ��r <br />not lhat party has assumed Borrowcr'S obligations undc;r the Note and/nr lliis Security [nstrument. <br />TRANSPET2 OP RIGH'T'S TN T1I� PROP�,RTY <br />This Security Instrument secures tc� Lender: (i) the repayn�ent of thc; I.oan, and all renewals, extensinns and <br />naodifications of flie Note; and (ii) tlie perfnrinai7ce of Borrower"s covenants and agreezncnls under this <br />Security Iristrumenf and tlae Note. ror chis ��urpose, }3nrruwer irrevocably grants and curiveys to <br />'I'rustee, in tn�st, wifh pnwer of sale, lhe fc�llowi�ig descrihed property located in lhe <br />CQUNTX o(' EiA.LL . <br />[Type of Recording lurisdicliun] <br />�Name of Recording Juriscliction] <br />Lot (}ne (1), Reberniss Subd3.vis�[an, Aal..l.. Coianty, Nehraska <br />TAX STAT�MENTS SH�UT�D B� SENT TO <br />11701, N�WARIC, NJ 0710197Q1 <br />Parcel ID Number: <br />6686 5 COTH RD <br />ALDA <br />("Prnperty Address"): <br />WET,T,S FARCO fiOME MORTGAGE, P.O. BQX <br />which curr�ntly has the address oF <br />[stre�q <br />f�'r�Yl, Nehraska 68810 �'[.�pCode� <br />"1'OGI:'T'TI�;R WI1'I-3 all the improverner�ts now or hereafter erected �n the property, and all <br />easen�ents appurtenances, and fixlures now or l�ereafter a part of fl�e property. All replacements and <br />additions shall also bc cavered by tliis Security InSlrunient. All ol' lhe fore�oiug is ref'erred tc� in this <br />5ecurity Tnstrumen[ as the "1'roperty." <br />BORROW�;R C."OVI;NANTS that Borrc�wcr is lawfully seised of lhe estate liereby convcycd and has <br />tlre right to grank and convey tlie Properry and lhat li�e Property is Y�nei�cumbered, except fnr encumhrances <br />of record. Borrower warrants and will defend gencrally the title to the T'roperty against all clain�s and <br />dernands, subject lo any ericumbrances of record. <br />NEBRASKA - 5ingle f-amily • Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-61N�) �oa>>� Payn 3 af 15 Initials: ��N Form 3028 1(01 <br />V� � <br />