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<br /> ..�w"I�HfN�Mw�1�]il�M�' __ fS� 1� aRn.• - '���.�_�::._-_- _'}__ - _--� __ -_ u1-�ItNY�rr�"��{t�`��i�
<br /> ���1)�� LOAN N0. 1 5 S 9 2 0 0 6 0 2
<br /> 10.Con�tnrytivn. Tiw proc�e�dt of uty swud or clalm ta dama�ea,diroct or ca�saquer�tia�.In conrwci{or�with
<br /> «ny co�ti.rnru�tkrn a oen�r tnkir�a.ny pa►e a u�e Pro�ty,or Por cor�r.y�ancs In tl�u a caid�m+�srfa.�,ara twxsby
<br /> as4lpnad i►nd�f�1ri D�p�sid to l.�t�d�t.
<br /> In th�w�cnt of�tota�i takin�d�Iw Fto�perty,the ptoce�ds�FtiW bA appllod to tho wrrue�ccurod by thla Sacxxity
<br /> lastrumant�wt►othat or�ot thw�due.with any wco�p�id t2�BorroMwt.ln t!w wrent d e partW takin�d tha Prope�ty(n
<br /> wr�r`►&�t?�a f�rru�ficat v�ft,►�a�E tiw Pruperty krxn�Ci�taty betoro ttw taki►p t�equat W or pr�sater than tiw smaur►t of the
<br /> stuno s�CUrwd by tN�Security Inatrun�tu kwnediately betore tfw takirp,unte�s Borro�wr and Lerxiar otfwrwise agrae in
<br /> v��'`d�.the stuns siCw'ad by tl�is SeCtr�ty It�strtKrwrx ShaM be�educ�d bY the atnount d the proc�da multlplled by the
<br /> f iraatbn:(t�the totat�motxx d the s�uno secur�ed Irtu'r�edtately batoro tFse tstldnp,dNfdod bY(b)the tak maricot
<br /> vatua of tha Prap�ty knrn�dtately betore thi taktnp.My bdanoe shaY be to Bo�rcwe►.In the�rent d a pe�ti�l
<br /> ta�;r+�oi t�P�ry in wfMcA tiw fair market vatue of the Pr�opetty inn�ne�Fy t�foro the takk�la le�s than the
<br /> emout�t d th�sim�3eCUted Irtun6dk�teiy bo(oro tha takirq,tu�less i�rr�owor and ler�der otltirvrri�e in wtit�np or
<br /> �wf�eth�►ar��at�are then d �1 ba ra�ppiled to the surr�s secured by tt�ls..�ecurity
<br /> If tho Property fs abaixia�ed by Borr�cwer.ar�,aRer notice by Lsnder to Borrower that the condertu�or al(ets to
<br /> meke an award or a�t1e o daim tor 8orro�wr i�to respond to L�r�wkhln 30 days aRer the date the
<br /> �oUco ia piven,trender ts auttwrized cv ana.ppi�r a�e proceeas,at�ts opti«i,athe�w resc«Ation«repair a u�e
<br /> , Property or to the surris secund bIl thta SecuritY��tnxr��Mtetlier or not Nen due.
<br /> � UNes�Leixler end Bar�a++�rer othe�wise a�ree(n vrrtiti�,anY applkatbn of Procaeds to principal shaq not wde�d or
<br /> po��ths dua d�te of Ne mont�tSl PaY��roferrad to in parepraptq L tan�2 or ct�snQe the artwurx d such
<br /> . t t.Ba�+owK l�lat R�i�ss�d;Fa�rar�By l.�ndK Nat a Walwr Extension d the Wrw for payrner�t or
<br /> moditica�tlae�1�sUon af the sturts�ecured by tt�is Seauficy p,ti�tnxne��t pranted by��erxier to eny�ssor tn
<br /> intarest af 6c,wro�rer t11aN not operate t�refeass the IiaWity af tfi� - Barnaw�er or Bomorwera:ucces�ors ire
<br /> . k�terea�L�tiar�not be requk�ed ta comr�ance Proceedh�s�anY wocessor in Qtter+est oi'►efuse W eodend
<br /> tlma�peymerk or otltetwisa modYy artw�zatlon of tiw wms aect�ed by thi�Securlty Ir�stnmerk by r�eason of any
<br /> deinand med�by t!�ori�irwl Bon�o�wer ot Borr�wr's wcoe�sora in tntereat My torbeeranoe by Lwxler tn aocenclak�
<br /> ` anv ripht a�n'�edY�hsM na be,a+wakwr of or procivae a»aooerciee a any riphc or ronwdr-
<br /> t2.succ«.or,.�d �a eouna;,loi�,t.na s.wrn� .Co�si�n«s. rne cau+ar�ents and a�eerr�e�,s a
<br /> a,�s s�«x�y t�xn�,c swa�a.�a da�eartne�s«�a�r�a�.s�a�.e�dora�a ea�,sua�e�xwme
<br />. p�biotr ofp t 7.Bortvwer'a co�+�enartis a�d apreerne�xs sh�ll ba JoEnt and seMer�E.Any 8orrvw�r wtw
<br /> oaei�ns tNs S��r�stnxrMnt but doea not�.�s the Noa:(a)ts ca-si�ninD thia Se�stY Or�trv�nmrt oNyto
<br /> ��a�•��esr�t eoRq�wr:rn�w+ss¢1nn�e Prope�ty ur�dera�eter�at�secx�rtr�nst�rrwn�(b)ts
<br />. �P��Y�ad�P�y�sis�s secix+ed by thl�Sec�xihr tnstnxnent;snd(c)spreemQhat ler�ar and arry atl�er
<br />� � Bt�arrc�M+ec cu��y�Y a�r�'eeJ t_o eode�d.�m� o"dl[y.fiori�ar or mslce any Mdtl�t�fetd to ths tetnc�s c1 t1�4 Seax�gP
<br />"� y M��,�RM��M�Y����
<br />: E ����r�° ��'..,..."�'t�.��'�LZ s��iv:nna3i.-..iit�i.wit:'s-..stw`,jiw:xiNiliaf�irrlriilCll3�sli�luniall �
<br /> } d'i�T���T1d 1��AYY�i 1�11�i�y�11t6fpf�Ht6(��0 U1�titd I�Yfi96t Ot Cth6r IOAfl C�1if�COII6C[6d 0�t0�00�6d�fl '
<br /> �O�ki6Ct�Otf 1�1�1 t�1Y 10�1�D(L�Yd t119 Q6fi11�lt9f��fl1�.tf16f1:(3�i11y SUC11�OB�f Cfl�ln9 S11SN bY t�dtJC9d by 1�19 afl'101X� '
<br /> � t0 f�VIJLi�Ct10f�LO��'�1'1k�{�IT1�B�Id_ ro��11y1 ElJfl'1i�ifN�y CO�YidB[4�CCd'A BOIfOAAIYf M1�1+Ch
<br /> l���rtl�ted Ih1Ri WN b0 f6fl1t1498d t0 BO�fOlIY9f.�,cset may�noo..w r�a a,rs�a a/re��•
<br /> � ��� P��a�Yn���a�1��119f�C11�Y Ufldir�111Y NOt�.��1119 fbdlJC�jOf1
<br /> 14.NoIiCN. My notics to Bort�ow�� ided ior in ttfis Sec;utRy I�sttt�rnei�t sheN b��WM�bY dailw�e4rq R or b�t
<br /> n�alirq�by flrot c:i�q mrl t��s ap�ii�t�r nquires 1sa of s�notl�x meft�ocl.Th�notiGe s1�aM ba dir�ctod to tl�a
<br /> � �or�ny atl��adtiro�s BorraMSr d�ti�rnt�t by r�atk�to lentlK 4y notke to L�xlar aheM b��f
<br /> �ypr�Id�d tor tn tM�t s Ir�trtmark ahe�bo�att�r addr�ess L.er�der daeiprutes by noBce to Borr�rer Any
<br /> as Qrai�d in this p�raycaph,�y d�r�wd to hsw b�n��en to Borr�pwr or Lar�l�rt wMn�i�ron
<br /> �t 1�.��p th�,P�r�p�t��Iar�tnad�.In�yaMa�t�sfwN bs�o�wmed by tederals�y�Or��x or�
<br /> aq�licabfe Y �ct�ptrr+Ubix a�f�af tl�ia
<br />: �l�c�s w�h farr.�tt��conUct ttwl not alNct Sac�xKy Inarutn�t or ths Nota
<br /> Naa are d�c4rad������°A'To tNs�nd ttw prorl'r�ions of Ws S�xrlty t�sstr.ryrnent and tl�e
<br /> � :� ea.-r;;::��Ca�y. �orr�s�aa g'w�,c�w conForrr�ea copy of tne�ice ana a ws sac�,rity�r�stnxnwY.
<br /> 17. Ttin�Nr of Q�PropNty or t Ban�AcLl kM�r+Mt tn�etnwK N aM or any part d the Prop�ty pr eny
<br /> tnc�wt tn�Ys�oid a Var�n�ed(ar�a b�naNcid b�terest in 6arraw�er Is sdd or trdt�fetred and Borraw�er is not a
<br /> neRural Pa'�c�I w�t�a�t La�d�'�Prior wwten oo�maix.l.snder ,ffi its aptior�.�qt�iro h�pdi�PaYmer�t tn itJr of afl
<br /> - �������� ��not b ao�d by Lan�l�r�eoc�rcfiso ts
<br /> ". FAiML�f-AMM//1VIC u11�ORY Mft'iA1l1�EMr FOiW i0��/q
<br /> ��SC/C�77�//�/�� PKiE1�� �.j l,�'`
<br /> __ - --_o.�,� .:r.• • _.--���� ----
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