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<br /> ' au tnaiut�rxs poifcka sr�a nxwwal�at►au be scceptaWe a t.enaer ar�a shau indua�a standAr�mo�t�ape cl�uaa• -
<br /> d1 rac�l�t� P�1 pr'�u a�d ra av�:l ' tn t�s�It of los�.�&xrow r shall pIve pr�om�pt�k�iotlw�� -
<br /> itwur�carsfor an�londar.Lpnda�me}�tr�elca proof d loss If not mede ProtrWtiY bY BOrrow�'. -_
<br /> UNA68�11d8i��6�i0M1Y�OtP1i1VV�C1?Q�}f�(�1 Wf�l1R�,�14U�Sf1C@ ptOf�6dS Shau b0�!��O fOBt0�8t1U110r f@��t =-.
<br /> dliw Prop�rty ciart�Qad�M tltt roKorasfon or repalr m ocatottii1ca11Y taaslble ar�d Lendet'�ceauih►!a not I�e+ted.Of the =
<br /> re�toratbn or rspai►W not�canomicaYy tpa�ibi�o�l��cte�'a cxurity w�d bo Isisssaned�the i��area p+�sttia:i _.
<br /> bo appilal a tP�a wms secured by shis Sectkity I�wmenc,whecher or na then due.wkh an �x�a p�id w Borr+ower. �
<br /> IZ aGrfOW9r Ba9fK1011.4 u10 o�ty.�N dQ6s�10f 8f1SWAr W�1II13�vA�IS 8�1QtiCA ifWi1�.611dAT t��'li�f191X8t1CA CiiFfl� _
<br /> has oftered to sectfo a c�alm,�then Ler�dar may ooileet t1►e tnsurance(xacaeds.Lender may use Jtia proceeds to repalr -_
<br /> a restor�tfw Property or to pay sum�secured by thts Securky InsttumeN,whett�er or t�ot than due.Tha 30�daY P��
<br /> wiil beqin wNen the natico ia pNen.
<br /> unl�oss Lendar a�c+9o�rowAr otr�e�wiae s�raa t�wtitirw.any appiicaUon a proceeas to pri�IpaJ shau not sxtend or
<br /> postpor�e tha due dete d tha mor�thtvpayrnents referred to in pareiaaphs 1 and 2 or chanpe tho amwmt of tho
<br /> �yr�ents tf under parap�ph 21 t1w Prope�ty Es acqul►ed by l.er�der,Botranro►'s rfpht to any 4uurarx:e poldes and
<br /> ect�by���I��n�t�tdy p a to the a�ub�o���to Lender to tha extent of the sums -
<br /> s.poeuptu+�y.p�a�rvttloR.Wi�anc�.na Pnaoaion a th.Propw4y;s«row.r�l.o�n A�p�a��
<br /> LMSM�oids. Borr'ower shall oocupy�establlsh.ond use the PtopeRy as Borrawer's ptindp8!residstx.e wkhkt sbdy days
<br /> aiter the execx�tlon of tNs Secu�ty Instnurier�t and st�all continue to occupy the Praperty as Barrower':prtncipal -
<br /> �e for at least o�e year e(ter ttw date cf occupancy.u�ess Lender otherwise aprees t�i w�ititp.which cor�r�
<br /> st�eN not be u�'eaaar�ablf►withheld.or uNess e�derwatin�dreurt�stancea extst wt�ich are beyond Borro�+er"s on+'�trd.
<br /> Borrowe►shaN not dastroy.tian�ape or knpair the Ptope+t�►�NbMr the Propetty to detAriorate.ot ca�rrnit wasts on the
<br /> Pro�eity.Bortower shall be in dafat�t Y any MMeittxe aCtlon or proceedi�q,whether a�vil or crimk�al��s be�in tf�t In
<br /> l.,e�ut's qood falth Jud�notY eot�id�esutt In fdfe�ute of the Ptope�ty or dhetwlss rr�tetielt�Irty�ak the Ilen crsated bSl
<br /> th{s Sectuity I�tnxnerx or l.er�iePs security Interest.Borr�o�w�er may cure such�e d�:�lt and rei�ate.as h
<br /> Para�i�1�,b'Y causGq the actbn or pmceedin�to be dismissed vr�h a rutkyp t�t.En Ler�dei'a Qood�
<br /> detertM�tion�Ptedudes brFeidxa d the Ra+'c�o'wer's IKerest in the Fto�etty ot oiher matedsl impakm6��t of the lien
<br /> cr�ested by this Security Inatnx�'ient or Lender's securky tnterest.Botraxer shall auo be in detadt if BatraMer.du�p the
<br /> b�sPP��P�0��Y fata�or ineocurate intorrt�atbn or statetn5nts W Lendet(ar fa1�d tc�Qxon+itie
<br /> Le��dar wkh�tny mate�id i�ormatbn)In connec�lon wRh the ban evkienced by the Note.includtn�,but noe ikeated to�
<br /> n�Bdto�era occe�pancy af tfie Property tts a principd tesidenca.lf this Secu�ity attiswmet�t!s
<br /> on��Bot�ir s1�aM compiy wki�+�ttw proNlsio�s d titA i�r�. If 6orrC�wer ecquk�es t�tltla to the Propwty.
<br /> tho{e�l�old andi tl�a f�tWe afail not m�tqa ur�ieea Lendet apr+a�bs tt�tneryer in w�np.
<br /> �.P�noe.won a�naurs Rqrw tn tns wrop�rty. n Bo�o�►erfals�o pe��orm u,e�a�r►cs.nd a�reerr+ena
<br /> �wa ha�te sec�,r�y r�,amero�a�a«�eau,��mar e�u',�aSrmr�a��nders r�rws hme
<br /> Fr�partY(sud�as a proceedTcg h b�uptcy,probate�tor cor�dertnation or faf�kure or to eMor+cs taws o�
<br /> n�ationa).tt��ar�maY do and pa�i�x wheRwar is necessary to protect the vatue of the R�operty enc��nders
<br /> ti�l�CS h ttM ProQarty.L�nfe�s�tn�e t�dt�e P�Y�9�N���b'Y��ien wi�i�i�i�s pxx�i�a+�:u::. . -
<br /> repaJcs.ARNo�gh�take a�i,�lon�cxrd�er this prapraph 7�doem not I�mve w do aa��y to m3cv
<br /> �y an�aints dlsb�xted by Ler�d�undar thJs permg�h 7 shaM become add�itionel debt d Btxn�rer s�ea.u'ed by
<br /> thk Sor�itY It�stnuner�.UNees BoROwer and Lsnciet a�nee t�acher tenns d peiyrtwnt,these arnounb sha�Qear
<br /> htero�t i�om th�d�s of di,sb�raen�er�t at tl�e Nate rate and s1�eq b�pey�ble.with intet�t.t�pon notiCe front Lsr�cier to
<br /> Bornaw�roquesth0 PaYmwti
<br /> �.Yorlp�y�Ir�at�. It Ler�det reqt�irod mat�e hs�a�ts a condkion d rt�the loen aecured by tl�is
<br /> 6�csxRy Irntnxr�nt.Ban+ow�er ahe�P�Y�P��s�'�to mair�atn tM mo�t�Insurance in otfacx.Q,tor sny
<br /> re�son.tl�s tno�t��pa�suratxe cc�s�e re�u�ed bf►Le��der tap�s or ce�aet tr�P�e Yt efEact,Btxnw�rer s�iG pay the -
<br /> prM�ma roqii'ad to abtah�age sub�ts�Y eq���t to tt�moit�epe�toop M eKit�.�t�ooet
<br /> �ub�xiely at��Ye��t w ths cat to Barawer d the rnort�e Ine�xance pnarrfouaiy in ei�e�yan a�een�ete
<br /> ' rtqe�p�hpu�r�pp�u�ed by Le��ie�ff�y ec�,�ivd��t mort�eps kut�rar�d Carorsa�a nat av�t�10.
<br /> Baivw��atrr�y to 1.��eech month�sum eqiml to onatwaiRt�of tfis ya�rly matpspe�tct ixec*�n�rq
<br /> i�bSf Borr+owrt wNsn tlw intusnce oo�rera�la�d or esa�ed to be h o('�act.Lsrxler wM acapt���ltwse
<br /> p�ymonti es a(W�s nserMe h Iiw of mat�sQa�e.Loa reae�v�e peyments may no be
<br /> . an�in��se���a4ain ba�avalal�te and is o�d.�Borra�wa sshM p�a pren'�m�s roc�Yod to
<br /> mai��.°:rt�ort��s in�,ranca lat e(fect,or to pra�tide a IoBS reie�r�+e,tir�a7 tlw requirat�R for mort�pa Yvcoe��etrois
<br /> in accondana w�any r�t�n apreerr��t bolwwan Batrowe�and Lender or eppiical�fe law.
<br /> �. a�p.ctlon. e.aidar or Rs ayenc may m�1w reasonebie entries upon er�i'uvs�emons d ttw P[op«�c� �.enaer
<br /> ' �Irar yNe Borta�war t�ctice at the tlrr�e af oc Qxior W an hsp�c�lon speC�ykp reasonahie cat�tor the inape�tlon.
<br /> : - - •---- Fiiw�.v-�'�wif�f�'r�iaGii ii'i.iriniw::wi�:.iiw:'cw: .-�•, $t�.'�9Q28l,��lQ
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