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2oiioo35� <br />(0) "Periodic Payment" means lhe. regularly scheduled amount due tbr (i) principal and interest under the <br />Note, plus (ii) dny amounts undcr Section 3 of this Security Instn►ment. <br />(P) "RE.SPA" means the Real F,state Settlement Proccdures Act (12 U.S.C. Section 26�1 et seq.) and its <br />implementing regulation, Regulatian X(24 C.N.R. Part 3500), as they mighl be arnended from timc to <br />time, or any additional or succe:ssar legislation or regulakic�n that governs the sam�: subject inatter. As used <br />in this S�curity Instrument, "RESPA" refers to all rcyuirernents and restriction.5 that are imposed in rcgard <br />to a"fcderally related mortgage loan" even if khc Loan does not qualify as a"federally related mortgagu <br />loan" under R�SYA. <br />(Q) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" mc:ans any party that has taken litle to the Yroperty, whether or <br />nc�t khat party has assumed Borrower"s obligatic�ns under the Note and/or thia Security Tnstrumenl. <br />TRANSFER O�' RIGHT'5 TN THF., PROPERTY <br />This Security Inslrument secures to I,cnder: (i) the repayment of lhc I,oan, and all renewals, �xtensions and <br />rnodifications of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrower'ti cavenants and agreeme:nts under this <br />Security TnstrumGnt and the Note. Far this purpose, 13orrower irrevocably grants and canveys to <br />Trustee, in lrust, with power af sale, the following described property locafed in the <br />COUNTY of �•L . <br />[Type of Recording Jurisdiction] [Name of Recording JurisdicGonJ <br />LOT ONE (1), KELLY'S FIRST' SUBDIVISZON, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />TAX STATEMENTS SHOULI� BE SENT TO: <br />].17Q1, NEWARK, N�7 071014701 <br />Parcel ID Number: <br />2550 N GLINHARREL RD <br />GRAND ISLAND <br />("1'roperty Addresa"): <br />WELLS F�RGO HOME MORTGAGE, P.O. BOX <br />which currcntly has the address of <br />[Street] <br />[City] , Nebraska F�� p Y �Zip Ccxie] <br />TOG�TII�R WI1'H all the improvcments now or hereafter erected an the property, and all <br />easemenks, appurtenances, and fixtures nc�w ar hereafter a part of the pro�crly. All replaceinents and <br />additions shall also be covered by this Security In.stan.Ymiunt. All of the t'oregoing is rcfcarred ta in this <br />Security Instrurnent as the '"T'roperly." <br />�30RROWER COV�NANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the cslate hereby conveyed and has <br />khe right to grant and conv�y the Property and that the T'roperty is unencumbered, except for encumbrances <br />of record. Borrower warranCs and will defend generally the tillc lc� the Property against all claims and <br />demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannis Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTFtUMENT <br />� -6�N�) (0811) Paga 3 of 16 initiais: Form 3028 1I01 <br />� <br />