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<br />�". - � � , �, 4.A�addiUoasl�ecueity,TeueW�hereby gfvr�w and wnfen upon Beaeficiary the rfghc,power�nd�uthoMty.during th�canHnuana _
<br /> ' oi the�e Tnub to oopect the rente, ieeue�and profita oC aid property,ea�erving unto TnuWr the�iQhl,p�io�W�ny d�f�ul!by'!'rwtor �.,
<br /> ' " iap�ym ent of any indebtednew eenured hereby or in pe�iornwnee of aoy agroement h�reund�r,to collect and ntain�uch nnb,bsuM
<br /> •. �� aud peoflb u they bxome due andpa yable.Upon eny�uch dafault, Heneticiary may at�ny time wfthout notioe,�itFur in pnon,by
<br /> � agenL,oe by a nceiver W be appointed by n court,and without regnrd w the edequacy of'eny eecurlty for the IndebkdneM henby�ecund, _ _. _ _—_—__
<br /> : „ ,u� oater upon�nd take poerewion of eaid proporty or any pert thereof, in hia oam neme�ue foe or othe�whe collati�uch ronb,iMUa�nd
<br /> : �, pmtite,including thoee peet due nnd unpafd,�nd epply!he eame upon any indebtedneu oecured hsnby,nnd io�uch ord�r�s B�n�flci�ry �_
<br /> '_ : � ' m�y dutermlae.The enteeing upan and teking poeeee�ion of eaid property,the collection of sueh renu,ie�uee and profita�nd tiw�ppllcation �_��, _
<br /> ' lheeaof w dorewid,shell not cure or waive any dePiult or notice oP default hereunder or invalidate any ect done purrurnt tu ruch notkw. F°—- v- ---
<br /> 6.Upoa dePault by Truetor in the payment oF eny indebGdnwe eecured hereby or in the perFormance of eny��vement contain�d Mnin,
<br /> n aU nun��ecured hereby�hell immediately beoome due and pay�ble et the option of the Benefkiery.In such event and upon wTitten nqw�t
<br /> "� of Bea�ticlary, 14wtee eiwll �ell the tnut property.in aaord�nce with the Nebraeka Truet ileed�Acc,st publfc�ucibn to th�h1QhNt
<br />� ' � .. ' bidder. Any perwn excapt Truetee mny bid at 74uetee'e esle.75ruetee shall apply the proceede�f the enle u�fellnwc Ill to tha�s�»�us� �--�_ —
<br /> of the wle,iacludiag a reaoonablo'hwtea'o fao;(2)w the obI3QeNon wcured by thia Dead of 7�ut;(9)the�urplu�,if any,�hsll lw dl�tribuqd - � �_
<br /> . � �' .. W t7tt parwru entitled th�rato. �-•
<br /> � 8.'ltu�tee slull dellver W tha purcheeer at the eala iu deed, afthout warranty, Mhlch ehsll wnvey W the purclwser the int�nst fn
<br /> ., the property which'1twWr had or hed the power to conv�y at the time of hie esecudon of thie Dead of Trust,and�uch as he may h�va ,:�1u'�`
<br /> aoqulnd theroaRer.Tnutee'o deed ahell recite the facta�hoaing that the eale wae conducted io complfence witl► all the requiremenfa
<br /> ' of law�nd ot thio Deed of Tnut,which recital ehdl b�p►ime fack ovidence of�uch complience and conclu�iv�evidona eMnof in favor �^'' `' '
<br /> , oibono fid�pu:cha�en and encumbrancere for value. ---
<br /> ' � , T.The power of wIQ confarred by thi�Deed of 74uot ia not an exclwiva remwly;Bonrticlary may cauoe thi�Dwd ot'lYu�t fn bo fowclo�ed
<br /> . u a mortg�e. -—
<br /> • " 8. In the event of the death, incapacity, di�ebilfty or roeipnatinn of 14u�tee, BonoBciary mey appoipt in writing a eucce�wr trustee, ���;�'� ,
<br /> end upon tho recording of euch appointment in the mortg�ge recorde of tho county in which thie Deed of Trurt ie reoorded,the oucceaor ?Y�u.�►v�.
<br /> �� teu�tee eFull be ve�ted with all powere of the origlnel trwtee.The trustee ie not obliged to notiiy wny party hereW of pending rale under �' ?• `"���
<br /> ony other poed of"l�ust o�of any action or procQedltig(n which lhwtor,Trurtee or BQnoffciary�hall ba a perty unlwa�uch actlon or " � '' -
<br /> _ : _.--.
<br />� _ —. . .— �1t�M.'bC�����{e�'ii8i18�IL�}�tfi8 Tii1Rt8A. �'�Si7�1t.:-.__ _
<br /> . .'� -
<br /> 9.Thi�Deed of 7�uet epplfes to, inures W the benefit oP,pnd b bindinq not only on the partiea hereto,but on their heiro,devieee�, I ``
<br /> legatees, edminlatratore,executon, eucceeeore und eselgnt. The brtn BenQliciary ihdl maen the holder and owner of t!w noto wcurod 1�• �
<br /> hereby,whether or not named e�Beneliciary herein. t •
<br /> 10. Request for Notice oP llefault or Notice of Sele. It ie requested that s copy of any Notice of Default o�Notfca of 9a1Q ba mailod W ,, , -�,
<br /> each penon who ie nemed in thi�Truot Ueed at the moiljng eddrc�of euch pervon ar wt out above.
<br /> �� . ., *
<br /> , NOTICE TO CUN3UMER: 1. Do not sign th�e paper before you read it. 2. You ere enHtled to a copy � _�
<br /> . ,,, , ''� " : of thie paper.3.You may prepay the unpaid balance at any Hme without penalty end may be eptitled 4r . , ••;�—
<br /> , � • to receive a refund of unearned churgee in accordance with law, �� • ,
<br /> ` Si�ned thie �5 dey of �Y ,A.U.19.�_. � � �•`• -
<br /> i
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 X � ! ' `r•��
<br /> , � He l l ��' �
<br /> COUNTY 1 X � ':. `:T;;.
<br /> �' On thie �5 day of MaY , A.D.,19 92 ,before me,the underai ed,a Notsry Public,duly ��
<br /> commissioned and qualified for and residing in said rnunty, peraonally came �h��arniak arid Catherine L. 9i81'T1�8�C� � •
<br /> hU5b�1'Id 811d W�f� S to me known to be the identical peraon .�. whose name ._S_ at��ce i� the foregoing
<br /> inetrument aa TrueWr —�nd acknowledged the same to be Z�� vol• ; �-
<br /> � � untary act and deed. � "s y"�
<br /> , Witnees my hand end Notarial 3ea1 the day and year 1 ���,����
<br /> My Commiseion expireaF@bPUel"y 8 . , lg da �RRI Y.WATSON ��
<br /> 92 �� "' „��� '�.�,�
<br /> . Public ;
<br /> SfATE OF � •
<br /> , 1 8A.
<br /> '� County �
<br /> , ' '• Entored in Numericul Inder and liled for rec��rd in th��offie�•nf th� R�Miater of beedw of aaid county.the __._.
<br /> � day of . — ----. ._ - -_ -- - - . 19 .. .. , at . ---- o clock and _
<br /> I minutea — —___— �[., �nd duly recorded in k3ook --___ _. _ of ._____.__._.
<br /> iMortgages pege — --�-----� --- — -- -------- -----------
<br /> � �. . � - ------ -- ---�� o-=-'---P^--�-
<br /> --� � � ��c6�ow� v� uccva -
<br /> 1
<br /> I ---------- ------ Deputy
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> I
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