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<br /> • ' Amount otFlret Inetslmea d_ 3A.Za�d- Amnunt oPOther Inrtalmenta��.��— 4 _��T
<br /> . . . . 7bta1 of P�ymenta 08 0.04 60 �r.c�n,aimenc we oace��---.�9...�� '��
<br /> �r ' • ' '` NumMr of blanthly Gutalmenta Fina11n�ta1menADun Data May �19._._ � [ _-'=
<br /> .r .
<br /> ,. � May , ta_.�2. �=
<br /> , TNJ6 DS�A OF TRUBT, m�de thi� �_day of __ .
<br /> � �, ���„ �jnpth A Skarniak ap�;f� -h rin .�., C�Arniak huchand and wifp .
<br /> ' Wno�„aaii ,da�,. �, 104 W 16�,St Grand I s l and NE 68801 �.; "-�
<br /> . ng ' �"".'��:.-ns - -- .
<br /> . � : a.��, R t e r a ,,
<br /> '� ,,,,_
<br /> „" �`' whow mdUnQ addro� �. 6800 Col eqQ Blvd. Overland Park. KS 66211 __ , ,�. � �
<br /> ,�;.,- ° `
<br /> ,"7�� ar Trwtee, �nd Norw�t Fin ial Neb es� ,Tnc. wh ting da�e i� �:, ',
<br /> . • P.�Box '�7� Gran� �sl ana , NE 8802 ,�. e�nen���y. A; � . _-
<br /> � ., WITNE88ETH,Truoton heroby irnvocablq,gront,berq,8i Qell,and anvey w 7�uetee in tru�c,wfeh puwer of�ale,!hs foUawinQ da � . . • ;��,�.,�
<br /> �� pro��i� li 1 County,Nebranka:
<br /> ' " , � 4.��;
<br /> � ..y
<br /> �� Lot 10, Block 88 in Wheeler a�d Bennett's Fourth Addition to Grand Island. �•{ ;� � ;:
<br /> ;`����_ . He l l County. Nebraska. �'��'�:"�.',,'- -- ,
<br /> 8� '
<br /> ;,; . s +.;.c_`; —
<br /> ;,• , • . . ,
<br /> ;.;•�, Togathar wfth tenemont�, heraditamenta,and appurcenoncw thenunW belanging or in arlvwine appertainina and Hw renb,iwua and•
<br /> profits theteoL � :�`
<br /> Thi� eonveyanca ie intended Cor the pu�{w�e of�ecuring tha pay�nent W Beneficiary oP TrueWre' promiuory note of even dete in the `
<br /> amount dated above as'Total of Paymente".Suid'Total oP Paymoats"i�rep�yable io the number oi monthty in�t�lmenb�tated�6ove. .. .�L?!
<br /> The�mount oi the inotalment payments due on wid loan ie�feted�lsove.The Brrt and final Inatalment due data on eaid Iwn ore itated F '���'��-,
<br /> above. P�yment may be made fn advence in eny amount at any timQ.D�foult in making any payment ehell,at the BeneOciuy'e option � �.i.�;�-
<br /> �nd without•notlae or de�rwnd,rendsr the entirq unpald balance of soid loen eC oncQ duo ond payeble,low aqv rQqulred robst�of churQw. � ;�_--_
<br /> , To protect the�ecutity ot thir Dced of Ttuat,TtveWr rnvenanfs and ngrven: •';�'"'
<br /> .:.:f°_
<br /> 1.To keap the property in good condiUon and repeir;w pormit no waete thereoF W eomplete a�y SuiMing.�tructure or improvortxnt -=-
<br /> being built or about w be huilt thereon;w nrewre promptly any building, structure or improvement lhereon which may be datuaQed or �� ��±!'-
<br /> , deetroyedi and to comply wiLh ell laws,ordfnance�,regulatbna,co�enenW,rnnditione ond rQetrictione af'fxting the property. �'• :'--��•`•-.
<br /> 2.7b pay before delin uent ell lewful ta:ee ond aeeeesment+u n the property:to kee the property free and cle�r of pll otM�ciurQa, r +�#�ii�
<br /> q Po P hF„�:,�s.:...
<br /> lieni or ancumbrance�impairing the eecurity of thfe Ueed oP Truet. • • ''°-'
<br /> ' i�Ji.;a:..
<br /> 3.To keep all bulldinge now or horeafter erectcd on the property deecribed herafn eontinuou�ly ineured againat losa by Ore or othe� ; ;•�•,;,-•��
<br /> hewrds In en amount not lea� than the tofel debt tecured by thie Uced of Truet.All policiee ehall be held by the Bene6ciary, end be � • _
<br /> in auch companiee ae the HoneOcinry mny approve and have loee payable On+t to the Reneliciery ae ita intereet may appear and then . •
<br /> W the 7�uetor.The emount eolleeted under any ineurence policy may 6e epplied upon ony indebtednees hereby necured in�uch ordet ae
<br /> the Beneflcfery�hall deterrnfne.3uch applkntion by the Beneliciery ehall not cauee diecontinuance of nny proceedfnq�W fo►eclo�e thfs .•
<br /> l)ead oP Truet or cure or waive any default or notke of default or inval idete any nct done purauent to euth notice.ln thQ event of foreclorure, ,
<br /> dl elghte of t1re Truetor in fneurance policfer thQn fn force ehell paw�to the purchaxer at the foreclonure sale. �
<br /> � 4.To obtvin the written oonsent of Benelitiery before eelling,eonvaying or otherwixe traneferrinQ the property or eny pert thereof end �
<br /> �ny�uch wle,cronveyence or tranefer without the BeneRciery'A written rnneent ehall constitute e default under the terme hercof.
<br /> � 8.To defend ony ection or proceedinq purporting to aff�c4 tha�curity hereof or the riQhta or powere of Beneliciary or Truotee.
<br /> . 6.Should Truetor fail w pay when due ony taxes,nasessments,insurance premiume,liene,encumbrancee or other chnrgen egai�ret thp
<br /> ' property heroinabove dexri6ed, HeneRciary mny pny the snme, nnd the amount uo p��d, wrth mtereet at the rute eet forth in the note
<br /> eecuted he�by,ehall be edded to ond become a part of the debt eecured in thix[ked of Truet ae perm�tted by law. ,
<br /> 1.In the event any portwn of tha propeMy ia tnkMn or d�imn�ud m nn em�nent doma�n pmcredmg, the intire nmount of the nward
<br /> ' or auch portion theraof a� moy be neceuary to ILlly eouxPj eRe obl igriion eecured hereby,�hall 6e paid w Benef�H�ry w 6e applled w
<br /> eaid obllgution.
<br /> 2.By aoceplrop payment of any eum necured hereby aRer rts due dau,Eisn+eficury doer not woive its riRht to reqwre prompt payment '
<br /> when due of all other eume no aecured or to ducturQ defuult for fn�lure t o au pu.r '
<br /> 3.The Truetee ehull retonvey oll or ony purt of the property covered bv thi� I)eed of Truet to the pereon eatitled!hcreto,on wr�tten
<br /> requeet of the TrueWr nnd the Henefic�arv,or upnn ynuwfnrUon of t he obhKehon recured ,�nd wrrtten rnque.t for reconveyance rn�de by
<br /> _ thQ BQna6ciary or tho peroon entrtled therrto.
<br /> 9O3 C91 INH)
<br /> . . � 1
<br />