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201100315 <br />As a rctiult oP these agreements, L.encler, any purchaser of the Notc, anotl�er in�urer, any teinsuret, <br />any pthet entity, or any afftliate of uny of the ti�regoing, may rcceive (direclly or indircctly) amounts that <br />derive from (or might be characterized as) a p��rtion of Borrow�r's paymeniy tor Mortgagc In�urance, i� <br />exchangc for shuring or modifyin� the mortgage ir�suter's risk, or reducing lo�ses. If such agreement <br />provides that an attiliate of Lcnder takes a share uf 1.he insti�rer's ris)c in exchange f'or a share of thc <br />prcmium� paid to the insurer, the artangement i� uft.en lenned "captive reinsurunce." 1'urther_ <br />(a) Any such a�reements will not .�ffect the amuunts that Sorrower has agreed to pay for <br />Murtga�e Tnsurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such u�;reements will not incrcase the amnunt <br />Borrower will owe fnr Mort�age insurance, and thcy will not entitle Borrower to any refund. <br />(h) Any such a�;reements will not affect the rights Borrower has - if any - with respect to the <br />Mortgage Insuranee under the IIumeowners Protection Act of 1998 nr any other law. 'lhese rights <br />rnay include the right to receive certain disclnsures, to request and nbtain cancellation uf the <br />Mortgabe Insurancc, to have the Mortgage Insurancc terminated automaHcally, and/or to receive a <br />rei'und of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the time of such cancellation or <br />termination. <br />11. Assignment of Mis�ellaneous Proeeeds; Fnrfciture. All Misecllaneuti5 Proceeds are hereby <br />assigned to and shull be paid tn Lender. <br />Il the Prop�rty iti damaged, such Misccllaneous Procecds shall be applied to restoration or repair af <br />the Property, if the te5totation or rcpair i5 economically fea5ible and Lcnd�r'� securily i5 not lessened. <br />During such repait and testoration perind, Lender shall have the right to hold �uch Miscellaneous Proceeds <br />until Lender has had an oproz�tunity lo inspect tiuch Property to ctisure lhe work has heen completerl to <br />Lcndur'ti tiatistactinn, provided that such inspcction nhall be undcrtaken ptomptly. Lcndcr may pay for the <br />repairti and restoration in a single disbursement or in a seric� �f progre55 paymcnts as the work is <br />completed. iJnlesti an agteement is made in wriling or Aprlicable Law rcquireti interest io be paid on such <br />Miscellaneoua Proceeds, Lender shall n��t be tequired to pay Borrower any intere5t or earnings on such <br />Miticellaneous Procccd�_ If the re5loration or repait is not economically feasible or Lcnder'G seci�rity would <br />be lcstietied, the Miscellancous Proceecis shall be applied to thc sums secuted by this Sec«rity Instrument, <br />whether or not then due, with thc excetiti, i£ any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall 6c <br />applied in ttie ordet ptovicled for in Section 2. <br />Tn the cveni of a total taking, detiituct.ion, or lnss in value of the Prc�periy, the Miscellaneous <br />Pr�+ceed5 shall he applied lo lhe sums secured by lhis Sccurity Insltument, whether or not then due, with <br />the cxcctiti, if any, paid to Borrower. <br />In the event of a rartial taking, destniction, ot loss in value of the Property in which the f'air murket <br />value of the Ptoperty iminediately before t.he partial taking, destruction, i�r lo�s in value is equal to or <br />greuter than tkie amouni of the surr�s secured by this Securiiy Instnunent immediately befote the partial <br />taking, destruetion, or los� in value, unless Bottower and Lendet otherwise agree in writing, lhe suins <br />sccured by this Security Instnunent shall be reduced by the amount of thc Mi�cellaneous Ptoceeds <br />multiplied by the following fraction: (a) thc total amount of th� sums secured immcdiatcly before the <br />partial taking, desttuction, or loss in value divi�led by (b) the fair matkel value of the I'roperty <br />iininediately before the partial taking, destruction, or lo5s in value_ Any halance shall be paid to I3orr��wer. <br />In ihe event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fait market <br />valu� i�f the Property irnmediately before thc partial laking, dcstruction, ot loss in value is less than the <br />arnount pF ihe suins secured immediately beforc the partial taking, desltuction, or loss in value, unles5 <br />Borrower and Lender olherwise agrce in, thc Miscellaneous Procee�ls shall be upplied to the su►ns <br />secured by this Security Instnunent whether ot not the sums are then due_ <br />If thc Property is abandoned hy Borrower, or if, al'ler noticc hy Lendet to $orrower that thc <br />Opposing Party (as delined in thc ncxt aentence) offers tn make an award to settle a clailn for damages, <br />T3ortowet farls to rusp��nd to Lender within 30 days aRer thc date the notice is given, Lender is auihotized <br />tn collecl and apply the Miscellanenus ['roceed5 either to restotation or repair of the Property or to the <br />surnti tie;cured by this Security Insinunent, whether or not then duc. "Opposing Party" mcans the third party <br />that ��wes Borrowcr Miscellaneous Procecds or the party against whom $orrower has a right of action in <br />rcgatd to Miscclianeous Proceeds. <br />I3ora'awet shall be in dcfault if any action or pruceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in <br />Lcn�ler's judgment, could result in forfeiturc pf the Property or ��ihet material i�npairtnent of Lendet'S <br />interest in the Propetty or rights under thiy Security Insttuinent_ I3�rrower c~ cute such a default and, if <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE) �oa� 1 � Page 9 of 95 Initials, FqCm 3028 1/U1 <br />�� <br />