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2oiioo3l� <br />accdcration k�as occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, hy causing tlac action ar procceding to bc <br />dismissed with a ntling that, in Lendet'S judgmenl, precludes forfciturc of the Property or other material <br />impainnent of Lender's interest in the Prnperty or rightti under this Securily Instrument. "fhe proceeds of <br />any awar�l c�r claiin for dainages that arc attributable to the IIxtpaltCrlerii i>1 LeI�[(eT'� int.etesi in ihe Property <br />arc lacreby as�igned and shall be paid to Lender. <br />All Mi�cellaneous Proceeds that arc not applicd to retitordlion or repair of the Propetty shall he <br />applied in the order ptovided for in Section 2_ <br />12- Borrower Not Released; Forbearance $y I.,cndcr Not a Waivcr. Extension of the time fot <br />payment or modificatian of amortizalion of the smns sccurcd hy this Security Ii�stnunent granted by Lender <br />tn ii�rrowet or any Successor in lnterest of Borrow�r ti}tall not operate to relea�e the liabilily of $ottower <br />or any Successors in Inlerest of [3orrowcr. Lendcr shall nat be rec�uited to commence proceedings again5t <br />any 5uccetitior in Intere�i o£ $orrower or to reh�se to extend time fpr payment or nthetwise madify <br />amorti�ation of the stuns secured by this Security In�tnunent by reason of any demand made by the original <br />Borrowcr nr any Successors in Tnterest of Borrowcr. Any fi�theardnce hy Lendet in exetci�ing any tighi or <br />remedy including, without limitation, Lender's acceptance of payments froin third persons, entitics or <br />Successors in Interest of Br�rtc�wer ot in amounts less than the amount thcn duc, shall not be a waiver of �r <br />preclucle the exercise of any ri�ht or rcmedy. <br />13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signcrs; Successurs and Assigns 13ound. 13orrower covenants <br />and agreeti ihal $orrower's ohligatiotas and liahility �hall be joint and several. FIowever, any Borrower who <br />cp-tiigns this Security Instrument hut dnes n��t execute the Note (a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing this <br />Security Tnstn�ment ��nly to morlgage, grant and convcy thc cn-tiigner's interest in the Pruperty under the <br />tenns of thiti 5ectxrity In�inunent; (b) is not personally ohligated to ray the tium� secured by thiti Security <br />Instrument; and (c) agrecs that Lender and any other Borrower can agrec to extend, modify, forbear nr <br />make any accoiumodations with regard to the tertn� ol� thiti Secunty Tnstnunent or the Note without the <br />co-�igner's consent. <br />5ubject to the provi�iun� ol Section 18, any Succcssor in Interest of Iio1 who atisumes <br />Fiorr��wer's obligalion5 under this Security Instnime[�t in writing, and is upptoved by Lendet, shall oblain <br />all ��f B��rrower'� rights and benefits undcr thiti �ecurity In�irument. Bottowet shall not be released fioin <br />Borrower's ohligations and liability undet this Security Instnunent unless I,cndcr agrees to such release in <br />writing. '1'he cnvezaantti and agteeinents of this Security Instn�ment shall bind (except as ptnvided in <br />5ection 20) and beneCtt the sucecssors and assigns oF Lender. <br />14. Loan (.".har�es. Lender may charge Borrowcr fees fi�r tiervices perfonmed in connection with <br />Sorrower'� default, for the putpose of protecting Lcnder interest in the Property and rights under this <br />Security Instn�ment, including, hut not limited ii�, aitorneys' £ees, property inspection and valuation fees. <br />In regarcl to uny othet lees, the ah�ence of �xpress authotity in this Security Instruinent to charge a specitic <br />fee to $orrowcr tihall not he c�nstrued as a prohibition on thc charging of tiuch fee. Lender xnay nat charge <br />1'ees that arc expressly prnhihited by ihis Securily Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br />If lhe Loan is subjcct to a law which seiti maximuin loan chargcs, and that law is finally interpreted so <br />that the interest or nther loan charges collected or to be c��llected in connecti�n with lhe Loan exceed the <br />permittcd limit�, then: (a) any such loan charge �hall he reiluced hy the amount neces5ury tv reduce the <br />charge tn the pennilted limit; and (h) any sums alrcady collected from Bortower which exceeded permitted <br />limils will be refi�ndcd to Bortower. Lender may choose to make this rcfi�nd hy reducing the principal <br />owed imdcr thc Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the <br />re�iuction will be treated a� a partial prepayment. �vilhoul any prepayment char�c (whcthcr or not a <br />prepayinent charge is provided for tuider the Note). $orrower's acceptancc of any such refund made by <br />dircct payment io Borrower will constitute a waivcr ��f any right of action Bottower might have arising out <br />of tiuch overcharge. <br />15. Noticcs. All notices given by Borrowcr ar Lender in conneclion with this Security Instrument <br />must be in writing. Any notice to Bottower in connection with thiG Security Instnunent ahall be deemed tn <br />have been given tn Tiorrower when mailed by first clatis mail or when actually c�elivered ta Bortower'S <br />noticc address if �ent hy othet ineans. Notice to any one Borrower shall constil.ute notice to all Botrowers <br />unless Applicable Law cxpressly requites otherwise. The notice address shall he th� Prop4rty Adclress <br />unless $orrow�r }aas designatecl a substitute notice address by notice to Len�ler. Bortower shall promptly <br />notil'y Lender of Bnrrower's change of a�ldretis. If Lender speciiies a procedurc for rep�rtitag [3orrower's <br />chan�e of address, then I3orrower shall only repori a change of address througka that specific;d proceclure. <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE)�oaii� Page90of95 miTi�is: Form3028 1/01 <br />