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<br /> c inau�a�ke rn�cru�e(��t titc u�x�u��� `M �I'��i�'`� _
<br /> p•ryurz�us revy na Icu�rr bz ra�ui�ai.�t the aptiun�,S'Lcti�:1.r.if uu�n�� -
<br /> that l.caider rcyuires)pc+uvicfod hy i►n tnsura r�mval by I�r ugxic�beceuney+evullablc ai�is e�l+wi�xxi. Bo�c':sw�er eiull pny
<br /> �pre�vunu.i�u���.:!t:.m:i.�,,�t�i�,,,,tigipe inwr�tkr iu efftc�,or to provWe a I�xs rcscrve,un�il the ro4�iren�►it fus mott�e —
<br /> i�vura,-�a�suts in acco�rl�uxti with a�ry written usrccn�ent betwoei�Banuw•er acxl Le�xlcr or ay���91�:�`•ie I�w, l.c��lcs �hall �i�•c
<br /> 9.[�►sWxllan. l.cnl�r ar its oyrnt nwy male r�:asa��:►b!e cntries upoo ux1 i�u.-}a:�iitisu��F the F'coperty. 4 -
<br /> B�xr.��+er notice zt th:eime uf'w'priu�tn ns�ins���tian xpocifyic►�cti�s�c�bk��fc�r the in�oclie�n,
<br /> ]Q, �op��•T� P�'�ds af any awYrJ or ctaim fur dan�ey, clircct ar c►ui.�cy�cn�lal. in mrux��lui�with�tiy
<br /> conde�ion or other tat'ing af any�t u�the Pn�yeriy.ur fat rnnveyancc in licu of����demn:titiai. ure hcirby a.+sl�►xc1 uixi
<br /> sdalt be paid ta Lecsder. ��proeeed�stwl!l�e s�p�li�ta ehe sums secucecl hy tlifs Seeuriry iacuument,
<br /> ln thc evuu of a twal taking of the Pn�rty. �� �;i ��'the Pn�rtY in w•hich the f'ssir
<br /> w��r���t tlun due. with any ezc�s paid to aom�wer. In the event oi a�c't' ►i6
<br /> rt�ricd valua of the ProPertY i�m3ediately before thc taking is oqusl ta o�grc�ter t�an thc aiixwnt of the sums saural by this
<br /> Sccurity instrument in�mod:ately before tiu tuling,unlw Bonrower and li�Itipottlio�d tbY�he folluw ng�fr cc'a (a) the t�w1y
<br /> this 5a.�urity lnstcurne�u chall be reduced b}� the amounc of the prcxeed inunodiatelY ,
<br /> aa�ouN af the su�ne securud imnxdiatelY before the taking.dividod by (b)che fs�ir marke� vatue of t� �O�rtwhich the fa'u
<br /> betarc thc tas:in�. Any bilaACC shall be �wid to&urower. Ia the ovau of s� pactial taling of the PmpenY
<br /> muket valuc of the ProPertY�rtur�d►�t��Y befaro the taLin�is les�th�n the anwunt of the sums secured inunodiately before the
<br /> talcing,uNe�s Borrower and I.�nder ott�rwlse a�ree in writing or unless appl'�czisle luw otixrwise provides. thc praooeds shaU
<br /> be applicd ta the sums securod by this S�curiry Icutrument whcther or not the sumc ue then due.
<br /> If t!u PropeztY is abandoned bY Barrower,or if.af3er nocice by I.ender to Borrower that the��r offers ta ma{:e An
<br /> to[.endcr wittun 30 dAys after the aate the notice is given.
<br /> award or sett�e a claim for damages. Bo�rowu fnils to rcspood r of the Pro rt or to the sums
<br /> I,exxkr is wtt►�rized to rnilect acfd�pply the Proeoeds,at iu°Qti�tn,dtt�'to rostorutian or rtpai Pe Y
<br /> ��by this Security Instrument,whesher or not then due. l�stion uf pr000eds to principal slwll not eauend ot
<br /> Unless Lender and Bomower otherwise agra in writing. �Y ��2 or chanSe the amount of such payrne�ts.
<br /> p�tpone cht due dau of the monthlY WYmencs referr�d to in paragraph �or mndification
<br /> 11_Bo�*owa�Not Rdeased;Forhe�rance BY l�d�Not a Wwver.E�ctensian of the time for PaY
<br /> of amoRiuition of the s+tms secured by tttis Security instn►ment gTaneal by 1-�r to any successor in interest of Botrower stw�l
<br /> not ope:ate to nclea�e the li�fsility of the original Borrowu or Borrowu's sucassors in inierest. I.ender shall not be re9oiral ta
<br /> oornmma Pt�ooe�d1°SS AS��Y�c in icuttest or rofuse to extend time for paymem or dherwist modify amortizstion
<br /> oP the sums socured by this Security L�stnunent bY nawn of any dem�nd made bY the��W�W of oc p 1�urL.W�tix
<br /> ���oa in interesi. My forbearanoe b}L.ender in exei�isin8�Y right or remody shaU
<br /> �rcise oi'anY ri8ht or remody. '�coveasnts �ud agteemeats of tlds
<br /> 12.Stkoes�oes aw1 ���+ Joiat �wd Sevenl I.iability; Cu�s•
<br /> Security tnstn�at shall bind a� beaeft the succ�cson and sssigns of I.ender acd Borrower,subJax tn tbe provisions of
<br /> ��h Y7. Bosmwa's wveaants�ad agreements siwll be joint wd several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secur►t5'
<br /> �a:t does not oxecute the Isotr: (a)is oo-signing this Secxui.cy Insttument udy to matS�B�,B��couvey th�t
<br /> lnstn+a�at u uot Y�lig�ted to pay�a s�ms
<br /> - .SotiovVet`S i�in we:�,:,.�3�ur�'..�!�:_�s nf thic SentritY��: (b)� P�'� �-��--
<br /> se�rod by this Secuary Inswmeat:a�(�)a8��Leixkr ar►d u�y ott�a BQimwe�in�►Y�?�t6�•D01p0i1r��'°•""`�t�-- �--
<br /> ��y�y�m�nod�ionc with regazd to tht terms of this Security Iastruu�a�t c?�ht Note withcwt t}vt Hat�w�er's oot�ent-
<br /> 13.I�ow(�'S�If tlx loaa sce�ced by this Security Instruuneat is sub;ect to a law KC�a�s�ets ma.�aum loan d�ar8es,
<br /> �nd ths�t i;iw is finaUy interpreted so t4at t1�e inurat or othu lo�a charges collected or to be a�lectal in��� c�e
<br /> loaa exoeod ahe pem�iued limits,thea: <a)�nY such loan c[sarge sts�li be roduced by thc aaso�'�G �Y wiU be refuode•d to
<br /> to the lxnn�tud limit:aa3(b)�Y �alreadY colloctod fmm Bortower wt�s exo�P�
<br /> Sorrowa. ieader m�,y c�o�st to m�3ce this refund by reducing the priucip�C owed wnder the Note or bY�without �►Y
<br /> P�y� ��oc�a�►�er. If a refut� raduccs Princip�l� tbe roductiAa will be ue�ted a5 � partial PrepaY
<br /> P�Y��ceac�t�,e Noce.
<br /> 14.Natias.Aay nc+�ce to Bano�r provided far in this�iastrumeat shall be�i.�n by deliveriqg it or 6y.usicr�
<br /> it by fint cl�ss mail unles�app�icable?aw requires use of anotifex meshod. The t�otia si�ll De dirxKod w tlie Propercy l�r�'�
<br /> oe my otber addras B�wu designat� by notia w [.endtr. Aay notia to i.a�da shall be givea b�c' �el�rs mW co
<br /> L.eader'c a3�ess staud hereia or any�her acfidress L.ender desi�.'sates bY notia to Borrowv. Aay mucice P�o�i.ied fa in thic
<br /> Searity I��be damed o�v�ve bean given w Bom�wea os i.wder witiw given as Qacuvidal���, wf tbe
<br /> IS.I�cer�ini Lw; SevnabS�y. 'ihis St�rity Insuv�c s�11 1� 8overnod b�r �r�s�l or the Note
<br /> jurisdictia�n in which the PraQerty is located.In tIa�eveat t}�at aiiy provision cr clause of this Seauity[a�tncme�t
<br /> ' oom'iicis ai�.:�st:r�:a L::•:,such c��lict�hall mt�ffoct othet Provisiaas of tIx:s SecuritY Tnstiument a tLa�a Note which caa be
<br /> given eBece without the c�nflictin8 Provision.To this end the pruvisioac of tbis SxuritY lnct�um�n�am'-=�e iloic are decl�uas
<br /> , to be seva-,d�k. of the Nou and of clkis Savrity Insttua�em• .
<br /> lf.Bon'owet'c Copy.Borrower shal3 be giveu ooe conformtd oopY
<br /> � , Panu 3o2i �o
<br /> /�y4of6
<br />