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<br /> 5. ��YS'd UZ' jtK117"�C@. BOfIY1LL'Ci i�7Y�1 �; �u`� �,��/�3
<br /> �Pn'�Y eep tF►e imprt�vrant�us nc�v: e�►ictii�g or hert�ftzr e�r►:�crl ��►� tl�s
<br /> f'ru�'xrty inu:rcxt s��inct tc�c by fica, h�ard. iikluci�l wittilu the terc�t"extaxkn!c���•er.tCe" aixl:u�y wtx�r h:wv�cis, iw:luciu�Q
<br /> fl��r itoudlny, fix which Le�r reyuircs inw*-a�xe. Thi,�insurauco shall hr n�iiutinal in thc :mxw�us ir�J fix ttr:periais
<br /> �Aw� �n�vl��;v��.'.i!'�. �:�:�!!!!Ll�.^.C'C�!.rei�r�re���i.ii,w,�SlLC i:w:.ww'�,iiwii a`��iKNUI ��Y W�f1i1K'Cf SUbJC(:[lQ I..CO[7Ci 9�f(�Yal
<br /> wAich sls�l; nae bc unre.:xx�bly wi:hh;.W. if i��taw�; S�3Iii IO Iii�iliiiOlil a.t1V��C�iCxtiLtti YEk�vC, Lerxkr nwy, at 1.�-+xkr's
<br /> optioa,c�hwin cov�-+ge ta prote.,t l.�fee's rights i�i the PnsS�rrty in�rcc��with�atagraph�.
<br /> All insur�r paiicizs��d ren�aals shali be aecep�aWe to Lxaxier and chal!iiticlude A rtzixl�rd nxutyage cl�ur�t, l.ejxkr
<br />• s�lw11 have thc�iyht ta 6old the policies a�d tenewsJs.If L.euder roquires,B�urower ct�Jl pnun�tly�tive ta l.ei�dcr alt rrcc:i�xh uf
<br /> ptid prerniuctt�anJ t+dtewal txxices.Ia the e�•tnt of loss. Borrowu sh�ll give pr�mpt natia to the inwr�xe carrier�nd L�aldor.
<br /> Laxicr rrwy tnpke proof of loss if not mrde pron�tly by Borrowtr.
<br /> U«tas[.ender and Borrow•cr otherw•ise agree in writing,iruurancc prcxcects shall be�pplicd to restoration or�ai�af tlw:
<br /> Praperty d�nv�ed,if the rcuoration or npair is aoao�uically feasible and Lcnder's security is not lessenod.If tlw:rtr.tor�.ti,on�r
<br /> • repair is not econoaAirally ftasible or l.eixier's sa.�urity would be lesser�ed. the inwrance proceais shull be a{�plied to Ua:suats
<br />_ socurod by this Socuriry Inurume�u. whet,~�;.r or r�ot then rlue, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrow�r�bunctaa& tiu:
<br /> Property,or does not answa within 30 d�ys a acuioe fron� i.ec�der�h�� insurw�oe c�rriu has offered a settk a clairss. tlr.n
<br />' L�ender rr�y collert the insur�nc�e proasads. I,ender may use the prc�cceds to repair or restore tt►e Propeny or ta pa�r sums
<br /> sawrcd by this Security Inct�ument.w•htctheror�t then due.The 3U�day period will begin when tt�c notice is given.
<br /> . Untesc l.ender an,i Bomower othcrwiso a,grce in writing. any nppliac�tion oi proceeds to principaJ shall not extend o�
<br /> postpone the due date af t1s�monthlY paYmrnts referrod w in p�r�graphc 1 ufd 2 or change the amount of tlw pnvmants. if
<br /> under par�grapti 21 ttie Ptuperty is acquired by Lendcr. Borrower's right tn ony insuranoe palicia and proceucts resa�ltia�frcvn
<br /> • d�ts�ge to the FropertY Prior W tbe aoquisition sEaU pass to I.eadcr to We extwt of�he wms secura�by thi�Sucurity tnst�ua�ant.•
<br /> im�t�ediately prior W tbe acquisitioa. .
<br /> 6.OccrPanc�',Pn�ervs�ibn,11'�alote�aoc aad Protectlan ut tbe I'nopat�;Bormwer's Loan Ap�11c�t�ioa;I�►idi��
<br /> Bor�nwer shall occuP3.esl�blish,And use the Property as Borrc,w•er's priaci�l resideaa within sixcy days.aft�r t!w execuGau of
<br /> tlus Sxurity Iaurument aid sh�ll rnntiaue to occupy tbe Proputy s�s�xrarver's principa!residence for at least ont:ywur after .
<br /> t1�e due of oocupu�cy.utiles9 I.eadtr ot}�trwise�gras in writiqg,which conunt slta!!nat be unres�soazbiy wichJusld::ar wiless
<br /> , ettawatiug circumstanas exist which �re beyoad Bormwcr's cawal. Barrower s1w11 nat datr+�y. dums�ge oc,�n�nsir the
<br /> _ Propaty. allow tho Propeity to deter;aratc, or commit w�.cie on the Property. Borrower sha11 be in dcfault if any for�eiture
<br /> action or proceeding, whethu civil or esimirurl.is begun that in I.ende.r's good faith judgmcrit coutd resulc ia forFeiture of the,
<br /> Property or otlkrwise materiAlly imp�ir tbe liea created by this Security Inszn�mmt or l.ender's socurity interes.�.,Horro�e��cr,ay
<br />= cane wch a defwlt aod rcinstate.as provided in pu�agrapb 18.by causia�thc xtia►os pcoceocling to bc dixmic.YOd wit��avling
<br /> th�t, ia l.eadet's goai faith detamination, precludes forfeicuro of tl�e Barrower's interest ia the P�rt}+ or otf�er crs�terial
<br /> ' imp�ita�c of thc liea creusd by this Sxurity Iastn�metu or I.esider's securiry interest. Bomowtr shull;al,yo be in cefault if
<br /> ; �. Haimwa'.durit;g tl�e lan application prncess.gave naatcrially falsa or ic�ccurue iaformatioa or statcmcatl�ea�de�eor failed
<br /> . w pmvide Lend�r with any macerial informatioal i�connection�ith the loan evidrnced by the Noto.inciadi►�g,M:t�;6�imitod
<br /> ,..� to.npcaseotations oonoaning Borrowcx's,axsr�wa.�y of tht Pro�ty zv a princip�l residena. If t61s Sa,.vr:ty insuuaouti us on a
<br /> �� kaseJioid. Borrower shdl ootrpiy wi.th. aFl t}��covisiaa9 of tbe teasc. If Borrower ac.�aires foe titl�.W the..�+uQatY, d1e -- -
<br /> _ .. . - -- �- . .. . --- � ---- -- ---
<br />,_�u . . ���e iae�ati�5bit1 tio[O�uNesc�iradefagreies tn dse mergcr in writing.
<br /> . *,; 7.PrWectio�ot Le�er's Ri�ts in tLe Prapaty.If Bwrower f�ik to pafocm the oove�,.�ts and agnunenis contoined in
<br /> ,.� this Security Imttuaowt, or tl�e is a legal pe+ooaediag tt�at may si�cantly�ffea L.ader's rigdts irt the Propaty (sud��t s
<br /> w. piuceedi�g in b�alctupcy. probate, for condecnnatioa or forfeiturc or to en�'oroe l�ws or regulations),t�Lender may da�nnd
<br /> p�y for wh�teva is nxes.wy W protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propaty. Leader's actiazs uyy
<br /> � �� WY�8 �y � secut+ed by a lieu which hu pri�rity over this Socuriry Instrumern, a�uia8 ��rt, �Y�B
<br /> �somible�ttoroe}rs'fees and aup�ing ou tl�e Property to make repain.A1tLouglw La�der may taka acticr�ut�ler tlus pars�grap6
<br /> 7.I.etdes does not have w do so.
<br /> .� My amovats disbursed by I.wder w�ier tl�is p�tr�grapta ?st�all become additional debt of Borrower secured by tLis
<br />' s Soauity Inwumau. Unless Borrower aad l,ender�groe to otLer terms of PaYment,thesse�axru�tA sfWl bar i�t from tf�e
<br />,� date of disbutsana�t at tl�e Note rate aod sha11 be paystbie. with inenGCt, upaa ootia frow I.ender w Bort�awer requatiqg
<br /> P�Y�•
<br />-� i.Mort�e I�suaeee.It I.eader roqulrod mortg�ge insur�oce ic a ooiditiaa of malciog tbe loaa securod by this Secnriry
<br /> 7a�ument.Dorrower sha11 p�y the.�s+ea�iumc reqairod to rt�int�in i;�e moitgage insuranoe in effea. If, for �ny t'woa,t6e
<br />��� mortg�gt inwraoct coverage ra{uira�tc by Y.mder tapses or ce�ses w be in effoct, Bomowu shall•{�aY th�Premiums nquined to
<br /> r¢ obtaio ooverage subwotially equivilii.�a to the mortgage u�suru�oe previa�sly in effxt,u �cast sub�antially equivaleot w the
<br /> 4 oat w Bocrower of tt��m�o+tg;ge insuranc�e pca+raously in effoct. from an aleernate rrwcig�ge u�uirer approvad by I�nc1a�. If
<br />. �� ssh^'...aai;:;ly c�iv�le+�c�rtgage inwrana ooverrge is not available,Bomower s4�ll pay tu L.eader ae6 month a sum oqual to
<br />� � onc-tw�JRh of the ydrly mo�tgage iosura�pneau�un being paid by Borrowcr wt�the irwu�anoe oovusge lapsed or oeased w
<br /> �i be in effax.Ieadei will aooe�t.iue and ntain these pay�as a loss rcserve in lieu �f mo�i�ge insnraoc�e. Loss reserve
<br />' �
<br /> �a . �3ou �o
<br /> 'fi' � P.o.awa
<br />: ,�� . .
<br /> � � " .
<br /> . :� . ..- - �.�� ..T.; _ . .
<br />