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<br /> ..�iri.,. ....u��..._ ..ili6idi�Nl�AAi�lSicdLAlN4mi'= �. .. . _ ...�t�.:�=_.ra.y....�..d�----^--.a�.....�a�•"==-_ "ta .�.-.a_..7�'ia:��. �..
<br /> QlYR1�ILC tlliy W IOOQCI bC['aQt13[�C�.It t3iC OQt10�i�Of.LCiii�lt.it dfCilt�(0�Y7�s8tfROQ CO�Cf�Q�� 4(L7(�G 11WOIUt:7Wt1�tY thC�1C'i0{�
<br /> dW i�ckr roq�)Provid�xl�y w inwm app�ow�d Dy t.a�a�Cia 6ococxx avWrOia�ad is abt�inod.Barrow�r sl�aai!piy tts�o
<br /> P�++� �#uirocl io aaaiataia aacxt�c iugav�oco ic rtfa.t.ur w penvi�io a Ias erien�c.uat�I tlw r�e►Zuiromeat ta mixtY�o
<br /> ias�raace a�ia accaral�rxa waR a�y wri�x►�i+�r•ro�i bdvr�aa Borrowdt t�i I.a�►�r or t�pi::o81�i�w.
<br /> !.ta�ndtio�. l..e�sd�r t�t ip s;�eai mt5► molr�t+ra�oa�h3e mtrirs uptso aad 'mspoctia�na of tho Ato��y. I.�c1ar�h�11�ivo
<br /> Boaawer aotice at ibe tLno of a p�iar a aa ia�pectioa s�ecii9iaY rau�abie cauie far tha iospo�cioo.
<br /> IQ Co�de�ti�. 'iba penoeed�c ot aay avv�e+d a uWm fx dam�gea,diroct ar coa�o�qu��ti�l.w uaaaoctioa wiU�aaY
<br /> 000rlam�tioa or otba tatityj o��g+pst�of d�o�t+opat3r.or Wc caovoy�uce in liw d'�����aco hercby astiYaod a►xl
<br /> shAU�t,paid t�I.�ettid�.
<br /> In tsc eveat of a�otal�of ine H+opaty. tbe p�ooeedr sha!!oe�liod a tbe wras�ecurod Oy�his Soturicy Insoruenent.
<br /> wLdlier or not tlua duc.wit��cy r.xoess qid q Bat+owcr.In tDe cveat of�paKtial takia�of tbe Prcpaty io whicA tAo fi�ir m�ri�ct
<br /> value ot tbe Ptopaty iaamo�Wety betxe tbe ntin�is equv a or�reaia tba�a d�e aaiowu ot dre wma�ec�rc+d Sy thi�Securi�y
<br />.� Ia�umeat iwmedi�tel�� befo�e tAa nkit�g� uNa�s Bo�ro�ru�ad I.eodcr othe�vrise s�rae io w�iting.tbo su�as iecared by tbiA
<br /> Soprity Inmuaxat stWl be�edwx+d Oy tbo amoiW of tae ProoeeYL m�iti�ed EY tba fdbwio�fr�xion:(�t�e tota!a�aount of
<br /> da wms xcured inu�edi�eYy bcfare tl�e niti�, dividod DY(b) d�e 6ir m�rl�et vaWn of d�e P�+opaty im+aodi�cly befa�e tbo
<br /> alca�.My C�I�noo�ll bo pid 1a Bacro+�x.1a t�c evtat of a p�l nki��af tbo Pt+opa�ty w wl�cL d�e fair m�doei vatua of tbo
<br /> Pn�ty immodia�ely bcforc tLa ta�iqg is iat tbm tbo amo�ni oE Me sums arc�d im�i�lely bet'oce t6a priag. ua]e,ss
<br /> BomoMa aod l,eoder ot6a�viu�+oo io�vrit�ar uakse applic�blo law otbesvi�e provldas.die�shall be�pptiod 1u dro
<br /> a�xcaued by t�Socaaity Ioztrumeni whedxr ar oot tbo svms a�ne thca duo.
<br /> If dre FtoQarty is�b�odoned by Bo�tmw�a.ac if.afia notic�e by l.eoder�o Bocro�rv t6wt tLe onotle�oor o�ets to m�lue ao
<br /> awa+d a aedle s c}�im fcr daayges.Bormwer fiib�o n�pond a I.ealar vxtrm 30 d�ys atter dre dMa�:�e aotioe is�ivm,I,mcia
<br /> is aa�arixed q odbCt�Id appiy ti�0 pco0oeits,�t iq CrptiOU.l�tLes lo tr�Dati�oD Or�Cf d1e Pi�OperQlOr b t6e s11m=sxurod
<br /> by the�Soc�xrtY In�um�.wbet�x cr uot thm due.
<br />. . Onless Leocler�od Barawet o�isc sgnee m�vridc�,anY ap�on otproceedt b ptinci�l�hall aot acn�d ar poslpoae
<br /> d�e duo daro of�c moNAty p�ymaus rct,�sod to ia psag�p6s 1 md 2 ar cl�q�a tls�amamt of aich paymeds.
<br /> iL Earrawer Not Rslaa�i:Fo�erc�ua B�l�ewder Not�WJvar. Ex�n,siou af d�e moe far paymmc a mo�fication
<br /> = uC�noctiratioa of tb�wm��arod by tlu�Scaaity Ls�aumeat giaobd Dy I.ea�a r�my sacoessor ia iotaest of Baa+rn�rer smll
<br /> ; r�7C�opaale Ic raka�e tb�lt�}r7cty of die ariginpl Bo�rnwea or Baio+�s's�ooes�ors au in�aest.L�ender shall not be rcquirod�o
<br /> coaoeaeaoe pcnooedings a�Orna�►y suoc�or ia inlaest at re[me�o mcpr�d time far payvant ar od�►�i�e modi�y�atxtmfio�cf
<br /> �be wms aocas�by tbit Sac�rity Ia�e by rea�oo of�►y democt nnd�e by We ari�iod Baeo�rr or Ba�mver's s�ocoe�ooea
<br /> ? a�iul�re�.��Cxbaaooe ti�r Ftx�da ia�aoy ciaDt a rmoody tt�1 nat be a�vaiver oE a preclud�e tL�esa�of aoy
<br /> ; c�t ar maedY•
<br /> �� 12.Sreoe■ori a�i Ai�Ea�;Joist Md Sevenl I.i�bilitli Cat�■ers. 1be oov�ea�ob �ad aipe� af t1�
<br /> ; Septity Iatorume�It ah�fl biod�ud beocl�it tb0 suoCes�O�s aod iss�ns of I.eadQ aod Bonu��rer. subjoCt b tbe pro�vie0ns Cf
<br /> .� pa�p�p6 17. Baao+Yer'� �aad a�oeoneals �Il be joiot aod �evaaL Aay H�ana�ner �rLo casi�s thv Secu�iry
<br /> ,� �ot Eut das not acxae d�e No� (�is co-�ddt Sea�rity Ia�enimmt aoly a mat�e.�7aot asd aonv�ep d�rt
<br /> a . -�bre�wiee'e�ii�+eai�die giirope�ty aa�ler t�e Id�of�6is�ecrr�y Imir�Z5��eot Da�Y ob8��Ke pi�►ie s�o�t -
<br /> ? seaard tr�►�es SaearicY�aid(c)a�ers�hat I.eoBri�od my o�ei Boe:c+�rr may�ee eo e:rad.m�odif7.furbe�r or
<br />' } nu�te�y a000mmo�atioo��ri�6 re�ard b tbe fam�of d�Sec�ily IaMrumrst ar the Nole�ri�6out tbft Bano�rer'a eon�aet.
<br />; � 13.Iwr�Clu��es. If tbe ioao�uod 6y tt�s Sa�ity Iact�ama+i is wbjxt to a law wfsicb s�r��a c�
<br /> �aid�6ft L�v is fio�ly i�lap�eled�o Ih�t t!�iakrest or atba ba ch�cgKS wiioc�od a b be cdloeaod'w ooaoocY�on�+i�t6e�
<br />� ,` a0eod tbC p�uod�imib.ti�eo:(s��uY ludf 10�1 Ch�r�o s�hall bC iad�cod by the am0�t eooes�y b i�edu0o tbo�r�e b di0
<br /> � � r��•m ro�in►��+a,►ooueaoa fran Ba�o�ar w�L aoeeaea p«mwoa uuits.n�be�odod n Bo�so�ar.
<br />:�� I�eei3er mry c5oae Iu anloe thi� rdmod by �n8o¢ag d�e¢iicspl a�ad aoder tbe No1e ar by dTdoi a�aeCt paymait to
<br />.` 5 Sacro�a.If a refasd nedro�es prbepat.tbs�on�viD be ooe�sa a�etitl p�epaymaot�ryho�t anY P�►+oaot c�
<br />:: : a�dar die No1e.
<br />- . li.Noliex�. My aaice w Ban�er p�avidod for a th�Seae�ry:�mt d�lt be 6ivea bY ddlve�.ic ac by a�it
<br /> ` b�r 6�t c�1�i1 mieu�ppii�biC L1v roqu�ra tne of�0�6et me�Dd.'Ibe notioe�11 bC dieeqOd b tL0 Pt�pe�p Ad�as ar
<br /> " �tjr al�a adies Baaa�a deti,�by notice io L.adie�:Acyr aati�e 10 I.eader sbrll 6e�iv�m by fint eL�s��o I.mder":
<br /> ' ` �d�Lent avk+d Ga�ei�ar aay o�6er sdd�ess Lader dan�ores by oatoiae q ganvka.Aay adice pnvided far io tLis Sacaeity
<br /> - ; br�oma��i be deooe�l a 6n►e 6aa�iveo p Bas�ava a I.ealerw�a givee a�povided'a dde p�aph.
<br /> � 1S G�e�Lsw;Se�enlitJ. 'l�ie Se�caci�ty Ia�nmaent ehaIl ba �o+►ecnod by fodeial faiv aod d�e la�v af the
<br /> jariidid3o�s is Mhir� die Ps�ope�ty is bcaed. Ia tbe aveat tl�t�ay pnovis�ar clauae o�this So�a:�y Ia�vaseat ar d�e Na1e
<br /> ; oo�9ices w�3 sppiir�bie 1nv� mra ooaflict iall oot a�'ect othr poevisioos of thLt s�"eaaity Ins�wneot ar dbe No1e�v6ich can be
<br /> , � pvm effact�vimar d�e oo�p�visim.To tl�S ead d�e pmvitimss oE this Seauigr Iastsvmrstt aod tLo No1e ue deci�ood to
<br /> . � be�eMesa6ia
<br /> � r�n.aou trle
<br /> � ��R(Mqt�tay.o� r.o.sa� rw�.r:
<br /> F Y.._i1YN'i�S .
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