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<br /> � s.kfi��+d w P�roperty Iawra.c:. 9«rowu�uu ic���e Iaspcovcm�uts aow axistia�«nae�fter a^ocZOd o�thc Proparty
<br /> irwure+d�,zl�st bwc by firc. A�ur�iocluda! wi�in td+e trnn 'extcadod co�cr�e"sud oay otAer luuds, iaciu�i�iWo�l�or
<br /> floocl�a.�.(�a wAk6 i,a�der�'eQuite�in�un�co.'isi�inwcpnoc shall bo maint�tnal ia�La amouats and for tlsc periods Ilvt l.tntler
<br /> �q�:..�s.Th:i�oco c�artirt pmvldlc�IAe' ���••,,•.�ttsafl6e cho�by Eiarrower wbjxt a LentLzr's�pp'ov�l which s�ll aot
<br /> be u:.-ruccrasbl}� wi�►hekl. If Bocrower fiils eo msiatain oovntYe de9cribecl above.Lan�a mr�y.�t Lonc3�'s o�iion.obtiin
<br /> cavtcxg�on ptttkci I.a�a's ti�htt io the Pc�ape�yr in aoocxdmoc witb wr�npt�7,
<br /> A�!ie�►�r�aoe poiicit,s�ed ce�owptQ�il be aoce�nbie io L.er�3er�d shaii ia�iude a staadard asort�aYc c�use. l�der s3�lt
<br /> l�avc t!w rl�!►t w�-�tta policies aod e+exwab.If I.aod�a c�oquices.Bamvra sl�ll Droa►A�Y�ive w Leader all roceiprs of paid
<br /> prr�ir,ae�u e�ad rmewtl notioes.Ia the evmt of loss.Harawu z6a1!�ive pe�oa�t aotice�o the iastcaaco c,�riu aod l.wdrr.l.eodu
<br /> m�y cxok�dprc�af oi loet if aot a�ade prompt�y by Bono�.
<br /> UaJ�sa Lmder aod Bamowel otbe�wi��ee w writing.ins�uaaoe pc�ooeeds slWl l�e applied W n�tontioa a ce�air of tbe
<br /> Propeciy d�naQod.if tbe restontic�a or esp�'v is ecoaomic�lty feasibie and l�enda's sxutity Lc eot la�enod.If the�ataatioa ar
<br /> rr.p�u bat 000aomically fe�ible or l.enda's�ocuiity wauW be lessaied.tLe insur�noe ptoceeds ahW be apQliod io tt�e swaa
<br /> soc�rad by this Se+cu�ity Instruma�l. wAedsar or not t1�en due. witA�ny esces� pid to Bo�rower.If Bamwer ab�ncloas the
<br /> Piroparty�ar das ad onswer withia 30 d�ys a aotice fc+om l�nder that tbe in4unaoo carrier has offard to seu3e a claim.thca
<br /> Lrmder aa�y ootioct tLe iru�a�roc procee�k.Lmder oa�y we die pocbedt to c+epair or ratoa tbe P�npaty or to pay sume�ociu�ecf
<br /> hy tl�n S��urity jasuument.wtxtba or not tbm due.7�e 30�ty pesiod wlll begin whea tbe aotioe is�ivea
<br /> Ua1kCa l.eader aad Bam+wer otba�vi�e�+e ia w�itin8.�nY�pWicabaa of Roc�eod�to priacip�al sball not c+:�d a postpone
<br /> tbe da�c dnle of d�e mmtbiY WY�u refi�r�d te in p�p�s 1 wd 2 or cl�nge the+�mouat of d�e pymmts.If uadei�rap�
<br /> 21 tlac P,taperty is aoquirod by I.eoder.BarrowKr's riQht 1n�ay iaturanoe poticies�ocl procmels c�ting 6row c)smage to tbe
<br /> Propesn•:prior b tbe�equi�t�on�ball pas�10 I�endu n tbe ealwt oE tLe wws�eturod by tLi�Securiry In�urtra�t immodiatety
<br /> P����
<br /> ��P�7.�'_�.M�ietas�oe uA Arofectio�a�t4 Fropa't�; Barro�eu'� Lo�� Appiieatior;l.ea�eroidt.
<br /> Bamoae�d�aU accupy.esnbtish,aod ux tbe Ptopaty at Bomo�er's priociprl residmce withia si�uy dsys�tier the ea�acuua�o of
<br /> t�Sert�rity In�trumeot�ad s�til aootmue w occapy die A�opaty at Baa��rer'e pc�r,ip�1 irsideooe fa ri least ooe yar aQer tLe
<br /> d�c o��aoa�p�ecy. unless L.axles otbaaise aQrxs ia �vriting.whicD oonsa�t shall oot be tmr�asoa�bJy with6eld,ar�niess
<br /> e.��mfio=cac�ooa eaiu which are beyaod Bamvwr's ceoted.Bamker adall not destroy.dam�8e or iwp�ir the Ptnpa�ty,
<br /> sib�r dhe Pra�paty b ddainr�le. or coaemit w��te m the P1roQaty. Bacowrr shall l�e m de�'adt if�oy far4,io�oe�ctim or
<br /> procec�m�,whahe�av�ar aimiail.i4 Ec�ua thu ia l.eader's Qood fait6,�dammt ooald re�sWt ia fade�pu�e of the R+�ty or ,
<br /> o�wec�+r�e oaMeaWiy imp�ir 18e 1i�etr,abd by t�i Sa�aity Inat�umeot ar l�eada's socuri�yr intarst.Baemwu may cL�a�a
<br /> a�efiu�.rd rao�ta�e.as pr�vidod m ps�nph 18. bY c�,B die actioo a prooeeQiog b be di�ed�rith a s�liog tbat.iu ,
<br /> I.�eade�'s jood f�th ddamuWion.P'xluda fafeioue o�tbe Ba�ro�er's iaeteat ia thse Pt�opaty ar a�her m�ai�l imp�smcat of
<br /> d�e 1'ra�ccwod by thk Soc�airy Ia�uma�t a I.sa�ler's sec�uity ioie�est.Bo�ro�er sMll at+o be io ddmlt if BoR�wa,d�uio�dia,�
<br /> �4'1P�P�•��Y false ar iaacarale iafo�ttoo or�b Irmcler(ar fiilod 10 povide Le�rda��vith�
<br /> aay mardri�l info�triou) ia co�u�octioa�rith d�e Im evicbeacad by tbe No1e� a�cLidio,�. b�aot 1'tmilod 10.�pe�oas�
<br /> - — . ... .. _ . .- --•�---- ...�,-^--.._•�.,----------�----•----�_.. .._�_._
<br /> �U�q�wQ s vow�a.7r as wc rn�pair�a psaa.-�pri ic�nuwa�u�owvioy ac��naos a w�sc�ww�.u.ouavwa. .
<br /> sbrIl�.'ampt��vim!li the pe+avitiom af t�ka�e.lf Bacrowtr�cx�ioa foC 1WC b dre Poopd[ty.lhe ka�eLoid aod tbe fee titk�it•
<br /> not Mwr��e ualcst I�eadei�eCS b tLe mcaar in�.
<br /> T.Pratectlo�o�l.e�der'a�i t�e Propati. If Baauwrar 6ik o�peifoem tbe ooveaants aod a�rc+ameots omta�ed in
<br /> tlris�a�ritY �a tl�a�e i�s l�al P�S ��Y�Y�I.�eader'�ri�w ia tbe Ftnpe�ty(su�at o
<br /> E��S m�`Y.P�.fa coodemration ar fafsi4ae or q aafaroe 1�rs ar e�tio�).tbm Ie�r mty do�od pY
<br /> Ea c�fi�lever it aecesacy b pnlect�he vaWe of tl�e ProQetry�ad Y�der's�in dre proputy.Iradrl't attioas mty iocl�ie
<br /> PU�i�L�Y wu�s sesuad�ry s liea �vairb l�mt priority ovet thit Saa�city IawumeaR,apattiq� in t�t.pryie�rea�ood�ia
<br /> au7a•anys'fees�ad eolaiqQ oas the Prapaty�o m�lca t�ir�.Ail6ou�6 L�e�der may t�te actio�nadrr tY�pr�aph 7,lr.otkt
<br /> dae�aot�sve w do ao�.
<br /> �Any�oaoa di�a�ed by I�Brt aader tLis pe�taph 7 smll becaa�e addidoo�d�of Barrower�ocaIIOd by dris Socw�ty
<br /> Inatrume�.Unleat Bareo�rv�od I�eader a�tae� o�i t�as af payme�t,.tbac�manb shtIl bdr islae�fenm tb�dtle•of
<br /> dimbue�ana�t at d�e 1+�a1e nle aad s�ll be p�ya�k,�vit�iwr�rst.upan noaca fmm I�eoder lo Baa�ow�a�P�Y�
<br /> �.Mort�e Iawra�+e. 1f T�eader nqoaed mo�t�a�e io�na�oe as a a�o�idon of m�io=d�a lo�n�ec�od by 1�Sxwity
<br /> i+�+Ai�meea�.Baco�er smll pty We prmium�s eeqwnd lo ma�io tbe mo�tt�e inwhace in e�act If, far�ny sea�oei.•tbe
<br /> m�ctp�e iMS�noe oov�ra�e e�eq�irod b7 Laadrr lfpes ar a�to be ia d�ect.Baaor►�er�all P�Y�P��b
<br /> o�nin co�raa�e�p�riY oqoivaimt q ti�mo�tg�ge�oce pc+�vie�rsty ia etfact,�t a oo�t snbweti�lty a�uiv�{aot Io t4e
<br /> coa�o�aC+a�wr c�8�e maty,�e�o�oe peviousiy ia e�act.fcam�n airan��-.u:�i�wu��s�.�ve�i oy I.eoder. Ii
<br /> s�ab�ty oqoivakOt mort�e iaau�ooe c�vaagd�not a�►ail�ble.Barrn�rn�11 pay w Imle�esc�maot6 s sum eq�al o0
<br /> Qoc�of the Y��►���P��1�bY Baanvc�fim @se�ooe oova��e hpaxl a ce�sed 10
<br /> �a is e�at. Ie�dei vi11�mep.ute aod renia t�ese psynxats ae a los4 resave in liai of mo�t�e ias�aaoc�. Ia�s resave
<br /> �r.�om�o
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