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201100257 <br />8. Grot�ndsfvr Au�eleratianof Debt <br />(a) Due and Payabt�. Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured <br />by th(s Security Instrument iF: <br />(i) A Borrower dies and the Property is nut the principal residence of at least one <br />surviving Barrower; ar <br />(ii) A!t of a Borrnwer's Htle in the Property (or his or her benefici�llntenast in a trust <br />ovming all or part of the Property) is sold ar othervvise tr�nsferred and no other <br />Bornawer retains title to the Property in fee simple nr retains a leasehold under a lease <br />for not less tt�n 99 years which is ranewable or a lease having a remaining period of <br />r�t less than 50 y�ers beyond the date of the 100th birthday of the youngest <br />Borrower ar retains a life estate (or retaining a beneficial interest in a trust with such <br />an interest in the Properly); or <br />(iii) The Properly ceases to be the principal residence of a Borrower tnr reasons other <br />than death and ihe Property is r�at the pr�ncipal residence of at I�st one other <br />Borrower, vr <br />(iv) For a period of bnger than iwelve (12) cansecutive mor�ths, a Borrower fails to <br />occupy the Property because of physical or mer�tal iilness and the F'roperty is not the <br />principal residence of at least one nther Borrower; or <br />(v) An obligatbn of the Bormw� under this Security Instrumant is not perfiorrned. <br />� b) Notica to I..endor. Bonqwer shall notify i.ender whenever any of the events listed in <br />aragraph 9(a)(ii}{v) occur. <br />(c) Natice ta Borrawer. Lender shall notify Borrower whenever the ban becomes due and <br />payable under Paragraph 9(axii}{v). Lender shall not hava the right to vommence <br />foreclasure until Barrower has had thirty (30) days after natice to efther. <br />(i} Correct the matter which resulted in the Security Instrument aoming due and <br />Payable; or <br />(ii) Pay th� bal�nce in fuil; or <br />(ilt) Sell tha Property for the lesser of the balance or 95% of the appraised value and <br />apply iha net proceeds of the sale toward the balance; or <br />(iv) Provide the Lender with a deed in lieu of forecbsure. <br />(d) Trusts. Cornreyance of Borrower's interest in the Property to a irust which meets the <br />requirements af the Sacretary, or conveyance of a trust's interests in the Pr+operry to a <br />8arrower, shall n�t be corrsidered a oonveyance far purp�ses of this P�ragraph 9. A tn�t <br />shall nat be considered an nccupant or be considered as having a principal residence ior <br />purposes of this Paragraph 9. <br />1p. No DeficlancyJudgrrNnts.Bomower shalt have no personai Uability far payment of tha <br />debt secured by this Security Instrument. Lender may enTnrce the debt unly throuph sale af the <br />Property. Lender sh�tl rpt be permifted b obtain a deficiency judgmeM against Borrower ff the <br />Securfty Instrument is foreclosed. <br />11. Rsinstatament.8orrower has a right ta be reinstated if Lender has required immediate <br />payment in full, This right applies even after forecbsure pmceedings are instituted. "Co r�einstate <br />this Security Instrument, Borrower shall correct the condition wiiich resulted in the requirement for <br />immediate paymeM in full. Faredasure oosts and reasonable and custamary attomeys' fees and <br />expenses properly associated with the forecbsura proceeding shail be added to tha principal <br />balanoa. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument �nd the obligatioris that it <br />secures st�ll remain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate payment in full. However, <br />Lender is nat required ta permit reinstatement if: (i) Lender has accapted reinstatement after the <br />cammencement of foreclosure proceedings within twa years immediately preceding the <br />commencement of a cumerrt forecloaure proceeding, (ii) reir�tatement will predude fcarecbsure on <br />different grounds in the future, or (iii) reinstatement will adversely affect the priority of the Security <br />Instrument. <br />12. Status. <br />(a) Modificati�n, Borrawer agrees to extend this Security Instrument in accordance with <br />this Paragraph 12(a). If Lender determines that the original lien status of the Security <br />Instrument is jec�pardized under state law (inGuding but not limited ta situations where <br />the amount secured by the Security Instrument equals or exceeds the maximum princips�l <br />amount stated pr the maximum period under which loan advances retain <br />Flr�t M�rian Lwn C�vductlon BMVbu �, .. Ns6roka NE{:M 8�awd S�euity Iminirt�ent <br />� 2U08 Fint Amnirn RMI E�MY Solutlaw LLG <br />FALPSM UB11: WlOB NMFL MBBOBNE pac Id: qpNE Paqe < <br />� <br />