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201100257 <br />security is nat lessened. if tha restoratinn or repair is not econnmk;ally f�sible or Lender's security <br />would be lessened, tha insurance proceeds shall be applied first to the reductbn of any <br />indabtedness undar the Seoond Note and this Security Instrument. Any axcess insurance proceeds <br />over an amount required to pay �11 outstanding indebtedness under the Second Note and this <br />Security Instrument shall be paid tp the entity legally entitled thereta. <br />In the event of forecbsure of this Security Instrument or other transfer of title to the <br />Property that extit�uishes the indebtedness, all right, title and interest af Somower in and to <br />insurance polici� in farce shall �ss to the pur+chaser. <br />4. Occupancy, Preservatlon.Maintenanceand pratsctionof the Property; E3orrow��'sLosn <br />Appltcation;Leasshalds$orrower shaU occupy, establish, and use the Property as Bornawer's <br />princip�l residence after the execution af this Security Inatrument, and Borrower (ar at least one <br />Borrower, ff lnitially more than one person are Bprrowers) shall cantinue to accupy the Property as <br />Borrowe�s principal residsnca for the term of the Security Instrument. "Principal residence" shall <br />have the same meaning �s in tha Laan P►greemeM. <br />Barrower shell not oommit waste or destroy, d�mage ar substantially change the Properry or <br />albw the Property to deteriorate, r�sonaWe wee�r and tear excepted. Borrower shall also be in <br />default if Borrower, during the ban appikatbn process, gave materially falsa or inaccurate <br />infarmation or s�temen� ta Lender (or failed tn prnvide Lender with any mater�al infomnation) in <br />c�onnectian with the loan evidenced by the Nate, including, but not limited to, representatbns <br />canceming Borrower's occupancy of the Properly as a principal residenoe. If this Securiiy <br />tnstrument is on a leasehoid, Borrower shalt cqmply with tha provisions of the lease. If Barrower <br />aoquires fee title to the Properky, the I�sehold and fee title shall na# be merged unless Lender <br />aqrees to the merger in writing. <br />5. Charg�sto Borrowsrand Protectianoi Lsnd��'sRight�in the Property. Borrower shall <br />�aay aN gavemmental or municipal charges, fines and impositions that are not inclucied in Paragraph <br />2. Borrower shall pay these obligatbns on time directly to the er�tity which Is owed the payment. if <br />fallure to pay would adversely affed Lender's interest in the Property, upan Lende�'s request <br />Bnrrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing these peyments. Barnower shall <br />promptly di�charpe any lien which has priorily over this Security Instrument in the manner provided <br />in Paragraph 12(c). <br />If Borrower fails ta make these payments or the property char�es required by Paragraph 2, <br />or fails to pertnrm any other aovenants and agreaments contafned in this Security Instrument, ar <br />there is a I�g�l proceedtng that may signficantly affect Lender's rights in the Prope�ty (such as a <br />proceeding In bankruptcy, for candemnatidn or to enforce laws or regulatbns), then Lende� may do <br />�nd pay whatever is necessary b pr�tect the value of the Rroperty and Lenders rights in the <br />Property, including payment of taxes, hazard Insurance and other items mentbned in Para�raph 2. <br />To protect Lendar's security in the Property, Lender shall advance and charge to Borrower <br />all amour�ts dere tn the Secretary for the Martgage Insurance Premium as defined in the Loan <br />Agresrnent as well as all sums due ta the ban servicer fpr servicing activitles as defined In the Lnan <br />Agreement. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Paragraph shall beaame an addi#ional debt <br />of Borrower as provkied for in the Laan Agraement and shaA be secured by this Security <br />In&trument. <br />6. Inspectlon.Lander or its agent mey enter on, inspect or make appraisals of the Rroperty <br />in a reasonable menner and at reasonable times p�+ovided that Lender shali give the Bomawer nvtica <br />prior to any inspection or appraisal specitying a purpose for the inspection or ap lsai which must <br />be related ta L�nde�s interest in the Property. If the Propsrty is vacant or aha�ned pr the loan is <br />in defauR, Lender may take reesonabie aation to protect and preserve such vacar►t or abandoned <br />Prop�ty without notice ta the Borrower. <br />7. Condemnation.The proceeds af any award or Gaim for damages, direct or consequential, <br />in cannection with any candemnatbn ar other #aking af any part of the Property, or ior corneyance <br />in place of condemnation shali be paid fia Lerider. The proaeeds shall be applied flrst to the <br />redudicm aT arry indebtedness under a Seoond Nvte and this Security Instrument. Any excess <br />proceeds over an amnunt required b pey all outstanding irx�ebtedness under the Seoond Nate and <br />this Security Ir�strument shall be paid � the entity legally entitiad thereto. <br />8. Fees. Lender may collec! fees and charges authorized by the Secretary fior the Home <br />Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance Program. , <br />Flnt M�rrle.n �o.n Pro�k,oUa, s�viw. H�6r�nka HF:C� 3.oend s,a.+y �nsaunsnt <br />O 7ooe FNst Anwrla�n R�r1 Frrr sdwa+K U.G <br />FALPSN UB/0: ONOB NMFL �'BBtlBANE Uoe Id QGNE P� 3 <br />