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<br /> g, fi�rd or Property /owraac�e. Hormu•er stull kcep the impravements tu�w existi�ig or hereaiter eroctod �n the
<br /> Propcny insurcd a�ainst losa by fire, harards i�xlu�kJ wiihin the tcrm 'cztakied co�•crrge" ar�d any ather h�zanis, inrluitinQ
<br /> tic�a;l:or Eloading. far which l.ender requires insur��xc. Thi�insura�ke shall bc nuituaiixd in the:u�wu�us;uxl fbr the pzriods
<br /> titai I.eoder raqain:s:. Tt� insur.u�ee carrier pruviding the i�uurunce shal! tw chasen by &�rrow•er wbject ta [.cixier'�:►ppr:�v�l
<br /> which sl�ll not bc un�r:�x�bly withhelJ. If[3orrow•cr fails to nuiittaln a+ve�age describccl:+bot�e. Lender ttuy.nt Letxler's
<br /> optiou,dxtin rovera�e to prot�c LenScr's rightx in the ProF�erty in acrnrdance wi0�paragraph 7.
<br /> All insuranee policies a� renewals �t�all be•rc�eptabta to [.endcr an3 stwlf i�u:iucie a s[��;� nw�tgaEc elwse. l.ender
<br /> �t►all t�ve the right to hold the palicies cutid renewais, If L.a�der requires.Borrower shall promptly gi�•e to Lxnder all receipis of
<br /> paid prenuums and reriew�l nexices.In che event of loss,Borrowe�shall give prampt nc�tice tu the insur,u�ec c�rrier and 1.e,�ules'•
<br /> Leader m�y make proof of loss if nat mad�promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Un►e.cs I,ender and Borrower wh�twise�gree in writing, insur�sce proceeds sball be upplied to restoration or R.pair af the
<br /> Propeny damaged. if the restoration or repair is ecananicaliy feasible v�d Lender's securiry is not le�sened.If the cestoraaon or
<br /> rep:tir is not economically feasible or Lrnder's security would be lessened, the insuranoe proo�ds sha11 be applied to the sums
<br /> sccured by this 5ecurity Instmrnent. w�hether or not then due, with any excess paid to Bosrower. If Sorrox�er abandons ►ho
<br /> Property,or does not uss�-er u iEhin 30 days u natice from I.ender that the inwr.uxe carrier luu offe,rod to settle a claim, then
<br /> Lender may eolloct the i4r.wru�ce proccads. [.ender n�ay use the proceeds to reptir or rcstore the Proi.�ec+,y ar to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry�strument.wit�ther or not t�en dua The 30-doy period wiU t+cgin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender aod Borrower otherwise agree in writing, an�• application of proaeds to pnnciPal shal� not extctr�i or
<br /> postpone the due date�x:tlfc monthly paymenu referrod to in paa�rnphs 1 and 2 or change the amat►nt of the payrra�r.c�. If
<br /> uader paragraph 21 the�i�xtty is xquired by Lender.Borrow��r's right to��y iasurance polirics a�procoods resulting from
<br /> dunags to thc Property�rx�r to thc�cquisition shall pass to Les�des to the ea.iznt of t1�c sums socurod by Qtic Security Inshvment
<br /> iamediately prior to the aequisirion.
<br /> 6.Oocupaocy, Prcservatba,b4�6ntenaace aad Proi�vS'tl�e Ptnpe�ty;Borrow•er's I.oan Applicatba;l.w�n�dc.
<br /> Borrower sh�ll occuPY.establich.an�E use the Property as Borra�•er s principal residec�e witRr�in sixty days attu the execution of
<br /> this Security Instru�xat a�d shall continuc to oca:�9;the Property as Borrowe�s principal residence for st Le�st one yrar aftet
<br /> the date of occupancy. ,�.�ss L.ender aiherwise�.a:�in writir,g. which cc�x,�t s}�all not be unreason�ti��. +uithheld. or unlas
<br /> eztenuating circumst�ners exist which ue beyond Borcower's wntrol. Bc�r,�wer st�all not destroy, dsrnage or impair tht
<br /> Property. allaw the Propaty to deteriorue,or commit wute oa t�e Pro4*ezty. Borrower st�all be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> xtion or proceeding,wbether civil or criminal,is begun thai in f�a�er's gwd faith,judgment oould result in forfeiture of tLo
<br /> Property or otherwise m�sially impair the lien c�::.,�by this 5ec:r:tc L"�u*�.,,�t or Lender's security intuest. Borrower may
<br /> cure s�ch a default and s��stue.as provided in par.gn}sh 18,by cassing t�e�n os procteding to be dis�nissed with a niling
<br /> tk:�t. in Lender's good faith detersnination,precludes forfeiture cf the Bor:oser's interGCi in the Propaty or other materi�l
<br /> itt�inne»t of the lien creatad by this Socurity Instnunent or��ier's security interest. Botmwer shall also be in d�f'ault if
<br /> Borrowu.during the loan application procas. gave materwlly�rlse or inacc�te infom�tiars or stacea�u►ts to Lender 4�failod
<br /> to provide Lender with any mAtcrial inforoouian)in oonnxtioa ait�the loan evidenoed by the Nou,including.but noc limited
<br /> ` . .. ' 'i""'...:.'�.+..�.:f L�:L..C""'^—,�:av T�ts��wx ic tw►a
<br /> _ . ((y��LS w�iIIng tformwer s ua-�y v�u�c r;i,Nc.ij v i piww.��"+�. -r - -
<br /> leasehold. Borrowu shall comply with �ll the provisions of tlae leau. jf&orrower acquires fa tide w the Property, the
<br /> leas�holr�snd t1x fee aUe shall not merge unless Lc�er agrces u��e tn�rger in writiug.
<br /> 7.Pntectioe ot I.edder's Rights iu tbe Propa�ty.If Bo�fails w perform the oovenu�ts and agroernalts coatai�od ia
<br /> . this Security Insuuma�t, or there u a kgal proaoding that m�} di.�nificuuly affax Lender's rights in tbe Propaty (suc2� as a
<br /> pro�dia,g in bmlQU�tcy,probate,for condeinnatioa or forfeiturr or to eafc,�tve laws or regWations).tbai i.cnder maY do�cd
<br /> paY for whatever is axessary to protxt the value of the Property and 1.es�e�'s rights in the Property. l.ender's actioas ituy
<br /> iuclude paYing any wms secured bg a litn which ha�s priocityF ovu this Security Instrument. appearin8 in court„ PaY��B
<br /> rcawa�s(e rtwrncys'fxs atd enteriW�ca the Property co malr.t�airs. Althoagh l�nder os►y taice action under tlns p�agraph
<br /> 7,I.eudtr cboa not have w da so.
<br /> My unouats distwrsod by Lafder uader thfs paragriph 7 s1�11 bocon�e additiaaal d�ebt of Barn�vKer secured by this
<br /> Secwiry�.*�..,,,�•,•.Udess Borrower and Leader agree to other temjs of p�ymeat. thae zmounts sh�ll 6esr interest fran tho
<br /> date of disbursement at the Nou rate u�d stLall be payable. v.�iNerrst. i+Pon notice fi�om i.ender to Borrower requestin8
<br /> WY��•
<br /> � 8.Mort�e Ia�uraooe. if L.ender required mortgage icssiuuc�tce�s a oondition of maldng tl�e loan secured by tlsis Sacurity
<br /> Imtcument, Borrower slull pay the prcmiums roquired to •^�;n*�;n the mortgage insurma in effax. If. for any reasan. the
<br /> mortg�ge insuraooe coverage roq�:ired by I.eader lapses or ceases w be in effoct.Borrower shall pay the premiwns requirod to
<br /> oMain oover�gt substantially oquivalau to the mortgage�RVi��pnviously in effoct.at a cost substacuially equivalcnt to the
<br /> eost to Borrower of d�ee mottg�ge inw�anoc prtviously in efi'�ct, fran an altemate mortgage insurer approvod by Lrr�cler.If
<br /> wbstaotially equivalent mortgage insur�►ce cavernge is�al•ci.v;,il:�ble.Bomower shall pay to I.tnder exh niooth a sua¢eqval to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yarly mortgage incur.u►ce pretaium being paid by Borrower wiw�the incurance oovera�e lapsed or ceasod to
<br /> be in off�ct.I.eadcr wi11 aooept. use and retain tltese paycneais as a loss resecve in lieu of mort�age iasw�noe. Loss reserve
<br /> � r•o�m 30�s eteo
<br /> r.�r a o�a ,
<br /> �y A
<br /> 1 �
<br />