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<br />_ TOGEl'HER WITH �II ch:t111�iOL'Cl11�JI1S IIOW OT I1t.tCA�7 Ct0..��d_on tht pro�rty, and all cas�.nknts, appurtenarxcs,�
<br />_ fi�tures naw or herrxiter a put of the property. 111 rcptucements u� additions shall also bc covcroci by this Socurity
<br /> Insuument.All uf ttu fomgoing is rcferrccl ta in this Securiry Instnimc:nt as th: "Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS th�t Borsou•er is I�w�fully seis�of th:.esia:c tur�:by conceyr.�and tu:s th.^ rigls,ta grvu and
<br /> com.y the Prop�hy suxi th�t th� Pro�erty is wxncumber�l, exeept for encumt�rances of rernrJ. Bu��ower w�rr�tts �+x1 wiU
<br /> defend gc�..r�ll}•tht tille to thc PropzRy a�ainst all claims and dcn��ds,subjcct ta�ny encur,ibranccs of rcct�rd.
<br /> TNiS SECURITY INSTRUl�fENT combines unifom�covenuus For national use and�wn-unifurm coveiunts with li�uitod
<br /> vrriuions by jurisdiction to constitute a unifonn security inssrument covcring real property.
<br /> UNIFOkhf COVENANTS. Bormwer�nd Ler�de�cmenant and agree as follows:
<br /> l. Payuunt of Princip�! and Wterest; Prtpaymeat aad l.ate Charges. Borrower s1�11 promptly p�y when due thc
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidencec�by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due uu�eJ,er the Note.
<br /> 2. Fundc for Tanes�nd Iacuraooe. SL�iLZK to applieable law or to a writtcn waiver b}► Lerxtcr.Borrower atsall p�y to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly p�yments are due unJer the rote,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Furuls")for:(a)yeuly taxes
<br /> a�assessmenu which may attain priority aver this Securit��Tinstrument as a Lien on the Property:(b)yearly lea�ild payn�enu
<br /> or ground maus on tl�e Property. if any:(c)vcac'ly hax�rd or propeny insur.Yx�e�xemiu�ns:(d)Ycarly�lood insurenee premiwr�s.
<br /> if any: (e)Yeariy ma�tgage iruurance premietux�, if any:and (� a��y su,cs:;�:.4;rb3e b� 6onower to Lsnder, in accorcianee with
<br /> the provisionc af p3ragraph 8,in lia,of the payrneau of mortg�ge insurs�.�;��iu�.These iten�s are called'Eserow Itecas."
<br /> l.er�der may, at ar►y time. cc�ia.�a and hofd Fru�ds in an:ta�awu not to exceed tha �„asi.uwm amount �lender for a fe�derilly
<br /> cclated mortgage lou�may n��iire for Borrower's escrew m.-count under the federal�a] Fstatc Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amendod fram ti�tse t..�tim;, 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2601 et seq. ('RESPA').untess another law thaz applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a {esser amouni. If so. Le�::rr may, at aqy time. colicct and hold Funds in an amount not to excad the le,sser amount.
<br /> L,endor may atimate the ar�wi:,.:�uf Fuuds due on the basis of cument diva and reasonable esti�nates of eacpe�xlituces of fuwro
<br /> Fscrow Items or otherwise in acr��rdu�ce with applicab:e law.
<br /> Thc Funds s1u11 bt heid in an inuitution whose deposits ur incured by a fe�iesal agency, in�tality. ar entity
<br /> (ineluding Lerder,if Lender is such an institudon)or in uny Fodertl Home Loan Banc.E.endec shall agply th�Funds to pay th�
<br /> Escrow items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holdictg and applying the Fun�ls,uuwally analyzing the escrow aocount,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrowu interest on the Funds�nd�pplicable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> a chuga Howevcr.Lender may requin Borrower to pny a one-time chuge for an indepcndcnt real esiate tax'reportin sorvia
<br /> used by L,ender in 000noction with this loan. unless r�pplicable law provides otltierwise. Unless in agreeaxnt is made or
<br /> applicabk!aw requires interest to bt paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowu any itucr�.or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Bonower and L,e,nder may agroe in w�tting. however. that interest si�all be paid on the Funds. [,�,�turtx shall give to Borrower.
<br /> without ch�rge. �onrwal uccounting of the Funds, showing credits an3 aebits to the Fuads�nd G�`�: purpose for which eacb
<br /> debit to the Funds r:as msde.The Fundt are plodgod as additional sxurin�frr all auau secured by ttils Saurity Instruu�ant.
<br /> 1f the F�nds hcld by L�der exoeed the anwunts permittod to be helrt by applicable law.Lender s1sa11 account W Borrowu
<br /> for the excess Fuads in acconi�:aae with tLe roguincneats af s�pplicable L�w.If the amaunt of the Funds baid by l,�der at aay
<br /> time is twt sufficient to pay che 6scrow Itemc wixn due.Le�de.r rn�y so ootffy Borrowu in writing.an�d,in suc6 case Borrowet
<br /> . soaii psq co La�uer ine�oaiu�ae�ess�r to maYe up ti10 dtttci�ncyl. i�t�wrs s�11 maka up tl�e def'iciwcy iu no mane tliati .
<br /> twelve monthlY WY�•�t l�eacka�'s sole discrcxion.
<br />_ UP� P�Y�t in full of a!1 sums savred by this Savritp Iastrurnent. i.ender slwll promptty retund W Bortnwcr any
<br /> Fw�ds held by L,tnder.If,under pan►graph 21,i.erider shall acquin or sell the Property,L.ender.prior to tl�c acquisitioa or s�Je
<br /> of the Property, st�all apply any Funds hdd by Lender at the time of aoquisidoa•or s91e as a cralit�gainu the wms secnrod by
<br /> this Sxurity Iastiumet�t.
<br /> . 3.Ap�ticAtioo ot Aoytneots.Unless applic�ble law provides othetwise.all payments rooeivod by L�ender uadsr paragrapht
<br /> . l and 2 shall be appliod: first,w�uY PnNY��S�s due under the Note: second,to amonntr payablt undtr para�rapb 2;
<br /> ' tbird,to ituerest due;fauth,co principal due;and tau,w aay late charges due under ihe Note.
<br /> , 4.C6as�et;I.iim.Borrowes st�all pay aq taxes. ti�ses�me�r�,charges, fines and 'unpositiaas attribittsWe to the Ptoperty
<br /> w6ich may utaia priority over this Security Instrunr.nt.aad leacelsold paymcnts or�round raus,if any. Borrowu s1Wl pay
<br /> . tt�ese obligatioas in the manaer providod in pansnph 2,or if na paid in that manoer.Borrower sl�all pay tlsern on time dinctly
<br /> to tbe per�soa owed paymrau.Bocrower sh�ll pron�tly fiussish to L,ender�ll notiaa of aawunts to be paid ander this
<br /> . If Borrowu makes these payro�9 directly.Borrowtt sha11 pranptiy furoish to L.ender rxeipts evideacing the�P�S�
<br /> Borrowu shall Pmm�x1Y discl�rge any lien w6ich has priority ovu thic Security Insavmeot unless Borrower:(a)il8rees in
<br /> , writiag w the paya�of the obligation sauzed by tLe lien in a a�nner�c:cxptsbk to I�endet:(D)cauesu in good faith zhe liea
<br /> . by, or defeads a�;rst esn.FOrceasetst of the lico in, 1eg:l proca�dings which in thc L:;ndzr's opauon opente to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c}sacuros from the holder of the lien an agreement s�tisf;��tory to Lender subordinuing the lieo w
<br /> • this Socurity I�utrumeuu�.If Le�er determines that ury part of the Property is subjeax Go a liea which m�y att�a priority ovu
<br /> ; this Sec�uity instruu�eat,l.ender may give Borrower a notia iduuifying the ii�a.Borrowu sh�ll s�iisfy the licn or take oa er .
<br /> more uf the acxioa�set forth above withia(0 days of tLe�iving of�wtice.
<br /> . .
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