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�oi�vo�r�� <br />451019237 <br />1,5. Notices. All notices biven by Borrowcr or Lendcr in conncction with this 5ccurity Instrument must he in writing. <br />nny noticc to Borrower in connection with this 5ccurity Instrument sh111 be deemed to h�tve been given to Borrowcr whcn <br />m�jilcd by first class mail or when ach�ally dclivercd to Borrower's notice address if sent by otlier means. Notice to any pne <br />Borrower sh�:ill constilutc notice to all }3orrowers unless Applicrible Law expressly rcquires oiherwise. Tl�e notice address shall <br />be the I'roperty Address unless Borrower has desi�nated a tiubsiitute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall <br />}�romptly notify Lender of C3o�•rowcr's changc of address. If La�dcr spccitics a proced�u for reporting F3orrower's change of <br />address, then Borrowcr shall only rcport �� changc of address through TI1�1T 9pCCIf1CC� [7COCCCILII'C. TI1Cl'C lIl<ly IJC only onc <br />designated notice ad�lress under this Security Instrwi�cnt at any pne time. Any notice tp Lcndcr shall bc givcn Uy dclivcring it <br />or by mailing it by tirst class mail to I,ender's �adress slaled I�erein unless T�encler has desi�;nated another address by notice to <br />Bnrrower. Any notice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have bccn givcn to Lcndcr �uitil <br />actu<<Ily received Uy l. cnder, If any notice rec�uired by this Sec�u�ity lnslt�m�enl is �Iso required under Applicable Law, tl�e <br />Applicable Law rcquircment will s�itisfy the corresponding rcquiremcnt undcr this Securily Instrument. <br />l6. Governing Luw; Severubility; Rules of Construction. This Sccurity Instrumcnt shall bc gova•ncd by fcdcr�l <br />law a�ia the law oT the jurisdictinn in which the Property is lnc�tea. All ri�hts and obligatians contained in this Security <br />Instrumcnt are subjcct to any rcquircmcnts and limitations of npplicablc l,aw. Applicable Law mi�ht explicitly nr implicrtly <br />allow the parties to a�ree by co�itract or it mibht be silent, but suc}� silence shall not be construed 8S �l �)COILI71tlOR ag��inst <br />agrccmcnt by COI1TfF3CT. I❑ tllC f7VCllf [Il�lt illly �7COVISIOIl UC Gl ausc of tl�is Security InSlrument or the Note con(licts with <br />Applicablc Law, such contlict sh�ll not affecl oll�er pruvisions of lhis Security instrui7�ent or the Note which c��n bc givcn <br />effect willtout the con(lieting provision. <br />As used in t}iis Sccurity I�istrumcnt: (a) words uf lhe m<<sculine �enaer shall il�ean and includc corres��ondii�g ncutc� <br />words or words of the feniinine gcndcr; (b) words in the singular shall me�n and include the plural and vicc vcrsa; and (c) thc <br />word "m�y" givcs solc discrction wiUiout any oblibation to take any action. <br />I7. Bprrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of U�e Note 1nd ��f this Security Instruincnt. <br />18. 1'ransfer uf tlte Pro�erty or a Sene�cial Iuterest in Borrower. As uscd in this Seclion 1 R, "interest in the <br />Property" means 1ny legal or bcncficial intcrest in Che Property, including, but not limited to, tliosc bcncficial inferesls <br />transfcrrcd in << bond for deed, cpntract for deed installment salcs contract or escrow n�;reement the intent of which is the <br />transter af title by Borrowcr at a future date to a pu�'cl�aser. <br />Tf all or any part of the Pro}�erty or ��ny Litcrest in the Propca is sold or transferred (or if Borrower is not a natural <br />person and a bcncficial inlerest iii Bnrrower is sold or transf'erred) without Lendcr's prior wrilten consent, Lender may require <br />imnlcdiatc paymcnt in full of all surns secured by this 5ccurity Instrumcnt. llowever, this optinn shall not bc cxcrciscd by <br />Lendcr if such cxercisc is prol�rbited by Applicable Law. <br />If Lender execcises this option, Lcnder shall give Borrowcr notice of �cceleration. Thc natice shall provide 1 period nf <br />not Icss than 30 days f�•om the date the notice is givcn in accordance with Section I S Wltlllll WIl1CI1 T30Y1'OW01' 111U5[ }��y ��1 SUITlS <br />secured by this Sccurity Instruntenl. Tf Borrowcr fails to }���y thcsc s�uns prior to the expiration of this periud, [�enaer niay <br />invokc �uay remedies permittcd by this Sccurity InSt�u»>ent without further noticc or de�i�and an Borrower. <br />19. Korrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. Tf Borrower mects ccrtain conditions, Borrpwer shall havc <br />the right to l�avc cnforcement of this Security Instrumcut discontinucd at any time prior to the earlicst of: (a) tive d<iys before <br />sale of the Property pursuanf to nny power of sale contained in t}iis Sccurity lnstrument; (b) such other period as Applic�ible <br />[,aw mi�ht specify fpr Che tcrmination of }3orrowcr's ri�ht to reinstlte; nr (c) entry of a judgmcnt enforcing this Security <br />Instrumcnt. Those conclitipns are that Borrower: (a) pays Lendcr all sums which then would bc duc undcr this Security <br />Instruinent and the Notc as if no acceleration hnd occurred; (b) cures any dcfault of any other covenants or agrceincnts; (c) <br />pays all expenses incurred in enforcin�; this Sccurity lnslrumenl, including, but not limitcd to, rcttsonable altori�eys' fees, <br />property inspcction and valuation fees, and other fees incuc•red for the p�irposc of protectin� I,ender's interest in the Pro��crty <br />and rights under this Security in5trument; and (d) takes such action as Lcndcr may reasanably requirc to ass�irc that Lcndcr's <br />rnteresf in the Prnperty and rights wider this Sccurity Instrument, ana Borrnwer's obligation to pay thc sui��s secured by this <br />Sccurity Insfrumcnt, shall continue unchanged. Lcndcr may rcquire lhat Borrower pay such rcinsfalemen[ sunis and expenses in <br />one or more oi' fhe follnwing forms, as scicctcd 6y Lende�: (a) cash; (b) mpney ordcr; (c) certified check, bank check, <br />treasurer's chcck or cashier's check, provided any such chcck is drawn upon an insliluiion whose deposits arc insurcci by a <br />fcdcral agcncy, instr�nrentality or entity; or (d) �Icctronic Funds "fransfer. LJpon reinst�temcnt by E3orrowcr, this Security <br />IIl5TCl11l7CI1L and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully eft'ectivc �s if no acceleration had ��ccurred. Howcvcr, this right. to <br />reinsteite shall not apply in the case of acccicration under Section 18. <br />NEI3RASKA--Singlc �lmily--�annic Ms�clt�reddic Muc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�:y 33R.2 C'agc 9 of 12 f"urm 3028 1(O1 <br />� <br />� <br />