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2011QOti�3 <br />�s�as9z3� <br />2U. Sale of Note; Chunge uf' Loan Servicer; Nutice of Grievrnce. Thc Note or a}�artial intcrest in thc Note (together <br />with this Security [nstruma�t) can be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale might result in a change <br />in the e�itity (known us tlle "Lc>G�n Servicer") thtit colleClS T'eriodic 1'�iy�Z�Cnts due uncler the Note and lhis Security Tnstr�u��c��t <br />�ii�d performs othcr mortgage laetn servicing obligations undcr thc Notc, this Security Instrumcnt, and Applicablc Law. Thcre <br />also rni�hf be one or more changes of tlie Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan <br />Se� Borrowcr will be biven written notice of che chaiige wl�ich will state tl name and address of the new I,o�n Servicer, <br />thc address to which p�ymcnts should bc n�ade and any othcr informatiou R�SPA rcquires i►i conncction with a noticc of <br />transfer of servicing. if ihe Note is sold and thereatter the Loan is serviced by a Lo1n Servicer other than the purchaser of'the <br />Note the mortgage loan servicing ubligalions to Borrnwer will rcmain wiCh thc Loan Servicer or be lransferred to a succcssor <br />L��an Servicer �nd are not assurned by the Nnte purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note purchaser. <br />Neither Borrower nor Lender may cor�iinei�ce, join, or bc joinetl to any action (as either an individ�ial 1ltiganl. <br />or thc membcr of a class) th��t ariscs troni thc othcr party's actinns pursuant tn this Sccurity Instrumcnt or that allcgcs that thc <br />Ot�iCl' � arty h�.s brca.chcd any provision of, or any duty owcd by rcason of, this Sccurity [nsh until such C3oirower or <br />Lender has noliPied ih� otl�er pa��ty (with such notice �iven in compliance witl� the requirements of Section IS) of such allcgcd <br />brcach and �lffordcd thc other pnrty I�ereto a reasnnable ��eriod after the giving of such noticc to take corrective action. if <br />Applicable Law provide5 a ticne period wliich niust clapsc bcforc ccrtain action can be taken, that cime period will be dccmcd <br />tc� be reasonable for purposes of tl�is paragcaph. Thc noticc uf aceeleralic�n �nd oE�p��rtunity to cure givcn to Borrowcr pursu�nt <br />to Scction 22 and the nolice of �ccele�'ation �;iven to Sorrowcr pursuant to Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and <br />opportunity tn take corrective action provisions of this Sectioi� 20. <br />21. Hazardous Substs�nces AS USEC� 111 t}11S SCCt1011 ? I:�8� "llazardous SuUstances" are those substances defincd as <br />te�xic or hazardous substanccs, pollutants or wastes by F..nvrronmental Law and the following substanccs: �asoline kero5ene, <br />othcr flummable or toxic petroleuui products, toxic pesticides flI1LI I1CPb1CILICS volatile solvents, 111aL0C11I5 C011t�ltlltl� �S}JCSt09 OC <br />fo►•n�aldchydc, and radioactive m�tterials; (b) "Environrnental Law" iiicans fcderal laws �u�d 1 <<W5 ��r�i,t �«r�5a��t���n Wit���z �n� <br />I'roperty is located that relatc to licaltll, s�ifcty or environanental protcclion; (c) "Environrnental Clcanup" IIIC�LILICS ally PCS[70115� <br />actioia, rcmedi�tl action, or rernoval action, as detined in �nvironmcntal Law ���,d �d� an "F.,nviranmental Condition" means a. <br />COIlCjltlO(1 tI1F1.Y CFiI] C�3.LISC, contribi.itc to, ar otherwise trigger an Enviri�nmental Clca.nup. <br />13orrowcr shall not cause or perrnit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release ��f �ny Hazardous Substanccs, or <br />threaten to rcicasc any I-Ia��rdous Subst�nces, on or in the Pro��a•ty. L3on•ower shall not do, nor allow �i11y011(: (:IS� LO (I0 <br />anything affccting thc I'roperty (a) tliaC is in violation of any Lnviroi�mental Law, (b) which crc<<tes an �nvironrrien[al <br />Condition, or (c) which, duc to thc presence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that advcrscly <br />affects tlie value of tlic Property. 'f'he preceding two sentences shall not apply to thc presence, use, pr stora�;c on thc Propcc•ty of <br />sa»<<II quantities of Hazardous 5ul�stances that are generally reco�nized to be appropriate to normal residential uscs and to <br />maintaiance of fhe T'rap�rty (including, but not limited tc7, hazaranus substances in consumer products). <br />Boa•rower shall promptly give Lcnder wcittcn notice of (a) any invesligacinn, claim, dcmand, lawsuit or other actinn Uy <br />any govcrnmental or regulatory agency pr priv�te party involving thc 1'roperty and any Hazardous 5ubstancc or Gnvironn�enlal <br />Law of which Borrowcr has acfual knowled�e, (b) any Environmecrtal Condition, inclucling b�R not liinited to, fltly S�IIIIII�? <br />leakin�, discharge, release or thrcat of rcicase of any T(�z�traous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use <br />pr release of a H azardoiis SubsCance which adversely affects the value of thc Property. lf Borrower lelrns, or is nntified by tllly <br />governmental or re��tlntnry a�rthority, or any private purty, U��t any removal or othei' rei7�ediation of any I Caz<<rdous Substance <br />affecting the Property is nccessary 13orrower sh111 promptly take all necessary remcdial aclions in lccordance with <br />�nvironi��cntal Law. Nothing herein shall crelte 1ny ahli�ation on Lcndcr for nn Environmental C'leanup. <br />N(]N-UNIFORM COVFNANTS, Borrower and Lcndcr further cove�iant and a�ree as follows: <br />22. Acccleration; Itemedies. Lender shall �ive notice to Sorrower prior to acceleration following Sorrower's <br />breach of any covenant or ugreement in tliis Se�urity Trtsh•un�ent (but not priar to t�cceleration ur�der Section 1R unless <br />Applicable Luw provides otherwise). 'I�he notice shall specify: (u) the default; (b) the actiou required to cw the defuult; <br />(c) a date, not less th�n 30 days frum the date the riotice is given to Borrower, by which the c�eTault must bc cured; and <br />(d) thut fuilure to �ure the default on or before the date specitied in the notice may result in uccelerution of tl�e sums <br />secured by this Security Instrument and sale of tl�e Property. Thc notice sh�ll further inforn� Borrower of thc ri�;ht to <br />reinstate aftcr acceleratiou und the right to bring a court actioa to assert the non-existence of u defuult or xny other <br />defense of 13orrower to acceleration and sale. if thc default is not cured on or befare tlie dake specified i�a thc noticc, <br />NEI3RASKA--Singlc Pnmily--i'�nnic Miic/Fruddip Mac UNIFORM (NS'1'RUMGNC <br />� 338.2 Pagc 10 of 12 <br />Foru� 3028 1/O1 <br />�� <br />