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2oii�o�o4 <br />(0) "Periodic Paymenl" r�ieans the regularly scheduled amouial due for (i) principal and i��kerest undec fhe <br />Note, plus (ii) any amnunts under Section 3 of this Securi[y insfrument. <br />(I') "K�:SI'A" riieans the Real �'state Settlement Procedirres Act (12 ll'.S.C. SecCinn 2601 et seq.) and its <br />implemeirt'rrig regulation, ]Zegulation X(24 C.I�.R. 1'art 3500), as they z��ighl be amended fram kinre to <br />lime, or any a�lditional or successor lesislation nr regulalic>n tliat governs the same subjc;cl i�iallcr. As used <br />in this Security Instrument, "R�S�'A" refers to all requiran�ents and restrictions that are imposed in regard <br />tc> a"federally related mortgage loan" even if tl�e T.,oazi d�es nol qualify as a"fedc:rally related mort�;a�e <br />loan" under RESPA. <br />(Q) "Successnr in Interest of Borrower" rrrear�s a��y party ttaat ]ias taken title tn khe Property, whether or <br />not that party has assumed 13orrower's obligafions under the Nolc and/or lhis Security Insfrument. <br />TRANS�'FI2 OF' �tIGIITS IN TIIT' PROP�RTY <br />`1'his Security Instniment secures tn I,ender: (i) lhe repaymenl c�f lhe T�oan, and all reriewals, exteiisions and <br />modifications of the Ne�te; and (ii) fhe pc:rforniancu ot' Bnrre�wer'S cc�vei7ants and agreerrients under this <br />Security Tnstnuizent and the Nnte. Por fhiy purpose, 13orrower irrevocat�ly granks ai�d co►lveys to <br />'1'rustee, in tnrst, with power of sale, tl�e following describcd prnperly loca[ed in lhe <br />COUNTY of FIALI� . <br />[Type of Recnrding lurisd'action] �Na�x�e nf' Itecording 7urisdiction� <br />T,ot Nineteen (19), in W�stwood Park T+�nth Su4�divisian. tn the City of Grand <br />Tsland, Hall Cnun�y, Neb�rask.a <br />TAX STATEMENTS SHOULD AE S�NT 'I'O <br />�x�ax, N�w�x, NJ p71Q147Q1 <br />Parcel ID Number: � � <br />516 S��FI99B D1tI <br />GTtAND T 5 LAND '�74 1 'l �� LtaDD� <br />("Pro��erty Address"): <br />WELI,S FARCyQ HOME MORTGAGE, P.O. BOX <br />which curre:ntly has the address of <br />[Stree[] <br />(C;�y1, Nebraska 68 B Q 3 [z;p c,cxio] <br />TOGF,'['HI?R WITI3 all the impr�vemenLs now c�r herealter crected on [he property, and all <br />easemcnts appurtc:nanccs, and fixlures nnw c�n c�rcaflcr a part of thc property. All replacements ancl <br />additioiYS shall also be covered by this Security Instrumenc. All of the foregoiX�g is referred tn ir� this <br />Securify Instrumcnt as fhc "Property." <br />BORROWER C(�VENANTS that Borrowex is lawfiilly seised nf the csfate herel�y c:c�nveyed anci has <br />tlle right to grarit and convey the Property and that tlie Property is uneucunabered, excepf ('�r encumhrances <br />of record. Borrower warrants and will def'end geuerally the title to tl�e T'roperty again5l all clain�s and <br />demands, subject to any encu�ubrances af record. <br />NEBRA&KA - Singlo Family Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�QRM INSTRUMENT <br />�-BINEI �oaitl Page3of 16 Initials;�� �orm 3�28 7I�1 <br />� <br />