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<br /> __ _4.�,., „x, a, Haywrd or Qro�ty I�u�xr,, Boimwer shall keep the improvements naw exi:ting or hereafrer crcctod on the
<br /> �_� _�.��;:�
<br /> ___��..-�-� Propeny insyred AQainc� los,� by firo,,hs+�arda lncludal within the term "calende�i cavernge" and au►y cxher haTarda. ircludin�
<br /> � - flucda or Iloading,fo�whicM I,.enclg�,reµuy�insurance. This in.wuruncc xhall bc nwintuincd in ihc wiwunts wxi far the p�r�odc
<br /> — — --'"� tltAt l.ender requi�t. 77�e insurattse curc�cr.providing the insuronce xhull t+�choK:n by &►rrc►wer nubject tu 4enJer'n appravat _
<br /> _�.Y„�_„±�„�r.�.,:._ _ .
<br /> ,,. �,...--•• which shWl mt be unreasatwb�y withhgjd.,lf Burcower failh to nwintain c�vcruge dcscribed ab�ve, L.ender may, stt LenJer's ----
<br /> %�:�' ` - optfon,abtain cavcragc ta p�at�ct Lepdg�'s rights in thc Propany in uc��urdancc with purugruph 1.
<br /> �� �� - All insurance policies u� ret�v�ls shall be accepwble to I.ende�und nball include u stwidurd rnortgage cluuse. Lender
<br /> `.,
<br /> �°-'�''""� Rhall have the right t�hald the pulioies and renewals.lf I.ender requires,8orrower shWl pn�mptly give to L.ender ell receipts of
<br /> `' , paid premiuma und renewal naticCS.In�he event of loss. Ba�rq�yer shall Qive prompt nutice to the inaur.�ce carrfe�and I.andar„
<br /> .c ;t�.��=: , Lender may m�ice proc�f qf I4s,s if r�a��nade prompUy by Bonc��yer.
<br /> •��-_-=���:��'='' ' . Unl s I.ender and Borr4wgr otqerwise ugree in writing. insurance pn►cceds shall be applial to re�loralio�ur repair af tbe, .
<br /> �� � �
<br /> - Property dwnaged.if the asto�FiAp ar rep�ir is econamically Peusibls annd l.ender's�ecurity is not les�enod.If the rastorA4fon Rr
<br /> ��"�"""� . re air is not economicalty feaciblp pr�.ender's security wauld be lessened, the ia�urunc�proceais slwll be spp��e�i,to the.pum�,,,
<br /> � .L`_�•�°._:_�. � sePcured by this Securicy Instrume�►t,.whether ar not then due, with any ezcess paid to Borrower. If &�rrower ubaldPqi�he„ !_
<br /> '�� •� Pn,perty, or does nat answer within:i0 duys a notic�from Lendc�that the insurnnee cuRier has offered,to�ttle p claim, theq
<br /> -,�, :.�.:a�-.:::•'.► Cender may rnllect [ha Ins4r��lcq pr!�eeds. l.end�e may use the proceeds to repair�r restore the Qrqp¢qY.p�.to.PaY..�ums
<br /> ��,��;� .:�.
<br /> � Y . , secured by this Secu�ity,Inst�m�,nt,.whether or not then due. The 30-day perial will bp�in whe�the,m�tice is giv�n.
<br /> .''''°�'�"�'`'�'' Unless l.eoder and Anr[ow4r atherwise ree in writin , an A licati�p af. ,rocee�ls Ea ri i shall not extend or
<br /> . ae 8 Y PP P P � PeI
<br /> ,. ' postpqne tha dus date of th�,m�plhly paymsnts referred to in parngraphs l s1nd,2 or change,thc,�mo4nt of the payments. If __
<br /> � -.-__=•�-.�'(�:::� under parugraph Z I thq PmpCFry is acquirecl by I.ende.r. Sorrower's right tu anY,jnsura�}ce poliSi�s and proceeds resulting from
<br /> - ---_-- dart�tc ta thc PrapertY Pdor to the acquisition xhall pass ta[,ende�to 1he gaten!R��hc.sums r�ecured by thi�Secu�ity Instrument —_
<br /> -----� immFdiately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> w-- . .,, . 6.Qocupppcy,PreseivaHon.MqiRSepp�Neg and Protection o�4�►e.�'rapgrtY; 8orrower's l.oan A pplication;L.easeholds.
<br />__^'-" ` - �. Horrower shall accupy,establish,and.une,tbe property as Borrnwer's pripcjpal r�sidence within sixty days after the executian of �-_
<br /> -- this,Securicy lnstrument And shall continu�to�ccupy the Prapetty�s Rorcawer's pri�cipal residence for at leasl one yeAr after _
<br /> '.�� � • th�dute oi'qccupuncy,unless Lender otherwise agrces in writing, which consent shall not be unreasanably withheld,or unless —'"`"
<br /> •:�f o�
<br /> , extenuatiq� circumstances exi�t which are beyond Borrower's contml. Borrc►wer ghall not destroy. damage or impeir the _
<br /> ' . � P�qp�itiy, �Ilow the Property to deteriorate, or cnmmit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any farfeiture
<br />^-'j, . ,• actioq 4r praceeding. whether civil ar criminal,is begun that in l.ender's good faith jud�ment could result in fort'eiture af the —
<br /> _ , . ,„;,� Property or otherwise materially impnir the lien created by�his Security Instrument or L.ender's securiry interest. Borrower may �
<br /> - cure such a default and reinctate.u.+provided in paragraph 18,by causing the uction ur praceeding to be dismissed with u ruling
<br /> �' '-:°!''_'-��s�`� '"�-' thui, in i.ender's gead fnith detPrminntion, �recludec f�xfeiture �if the Horrower's interest in the Praperty or other material
<br />�.�.' � • '. impairment oi the lien created by this Security.lnstrument or I.ender's security interest, Borruwer sholl alsu be in default if
<br /> � ' • Bcxrawer,during the lonn applicution process,gave matcrielly false ar inarcurute information or titatcmentti to l.ender(or fuiled
<br /> � 1`'��' ' '� to provide Lender with uny material infarmadan)im m�n��yioa with the loun evidenced by the Note,induding,but not limited
<br /> .'. . to, representntions concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Prnperty s+A principal residcnce. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> . '`; . Icusehold, 8orcower shnll comply with ull the.prc�visicros of the lease. lf Barrower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> - � „ lensehold and the fee title xhall not mcrgc unlcs�l.cncler ugrces tu the merger in writing. __
<br /> � 7.Prateetion of l.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> .. • tNis Security Instrument, or there is a Iegal pmceeJing thix rnay tiignifcandy afiect [.ender's rights in the Property Isuch as a �
<br /> ��: ��., ; �� :,.�j prooeeding in bnnknrptcy,probate, fiir cundemnation or forfeiture or tu enforce luws or regul�tions), elxn Lender may do and _
<br /> i � • pay far whatever is neceswry to protect the vulue cif the Property and l.ender's rights in the Property. L.ender's actions may
<br /> . . �� „ �'.. include paying any sums secureci by a lien which hati priority over thi� Security Instrument, appcaring in court, paying �=
<br /> � reavonable attorneys' fees and entering�m the Propeny to muke repuirs. Although Lender mny take actian under this paragraph —
<br /> � 7, l.ender dces not have to do so. --
<br /> _ �'.-.
<br /> � Any umounts disbursed by LenJer unJcr this purugraph 7 �haU Mecome aJJitional dehi of Bc�rmwer secured by this �_„r
<br /> Security Instrumem. Unless &�rmwer •rnd Lcnder ugrec tn other �crm���f paytmnt, thetie um��wus shull near interes� fmm�he �
<br /> .• ` date of disbursemen[ at the TVote rute und ahs�ll be payal�e, with intemst, u��n n�uire from l.rnder �o Borrower requesting ��•-
<br /> . . payment.
<br /> „ . � 8.Mortgage Insuranee.If l.enJer reyuireJ m��n�!age in�urancc•r�•r conJition ol'making the loan secured by this Security F.,
<br /> ` o` .° � Instrumen4 Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuircJ tu m�inwin thc mongu�:e intiurancr in et'fea. If, for vny reason, the
<br />� , ' mongnge insun�nce co��erugc required by Lxndcr lupse� or ceaks tu tx:in cfferi. Burrower.hull p•ry the p�emiums required to „1�,,•=
<br /> �. , ^ obtain coverage substuntiully equivalem to the rn��rtgage insuronre prrviously in rf'Icct, ut a ros� ,ubstumiully equivulent ta the .
<br /> M cost to &►rrower af the monFa�e inwranrc prevuiusly in etTcrt. from •rn alternatc mungugc intiumr •rpprnveJ by Lender. If
<br /> . � subs�antially equivulent m�mguge in.uranre covcragc i� n�w uvailuUlc, Hurruw�cr.hull pay to Lcixlcr c•r�h momh a�wn cyual w
<br /> one-twelfth o(Ihe ycarly martgage insurunre pr�miuni b�in� paiJ hy Borruurr a•hrn�hr imuranrc r�w�ragr lup,cd c�r ceas��1 t��
<br /> � , be in effect. Lender will u�crp�, utie und retain thetic �uy�nent,a. :1 IOSS rc,ervc in lieu ul mi�rtgugc in+urancr. Lu.. rcarn•e
<br /> Form 3028 8190 kti
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