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<br /> execuicd fcx t}w puc�c�sn vY utAtio�.sN.u+i,�g nr�tt�ranipin�lhc Se+:w�d DrbL F►°Rc�it(aith t+�lici by l.�nel��tlss!
<br /> Lenckr at any ti�si��nscrt�rcwithr�px�tii�ny�rs��n ur a�►tity e�►IiRr�tc:!an thc Sccured[kbt ur tt�xt tt�e pros{iect
<br /> at ju�Y�►aynucst or the��aluc of Ihe f'rc�xrty is in���alred siwll:atw cx►+�slisute u�cvent ui u"eixult.
<br /> i5. itE!I��i�S O� ii€i?AZ11.7'.!�s�o,mc:�ussnces.t�sicsa!p�t�!uN��•I�w• w�11 rcyuir� l.c�ukr tu praviac Gxu�tar with �
<br /> �x►tiee d'th�`ight t�curo ar otlkr n�tices and cuay establist� t4n4 s;hcdules for foredc�cure uctiu+w.Subj�t to thcsr
<br /> Ii�nitRtione,if�ny.4enAec may accclerate tbr S�xtur.�i D�iu�c1 Icir:�lc�se this�rity lnstrnmrnt in a�i►Am�r
<br /> pruvicic.d by law if�rantar is in dctault.
<br /> At tfie op+tion of L.eoder.AU ar A�iy(K►n of thc a�rcr.�fers urul c•.i�:ug�•s.wx:-�u�s ir�.�r�st:.�d�.-iaci;.a!s,hs!!becfl.mc
<br /> icnnKdiately due and pA}�al►ic,a(tcr�iving noticc if requi:er9 by law, u�xu�the cwcu�rcuce aT a dei'ault o�anytimc
<br /> tl�ereaftcr.In addition,l.endcr sl�alt be entiticd to aU th�:rcrncctics p[ovld�d 63 law.thc te�ms ui the S�:eur��d Debi,
<br /> this Security Iastrument and any rclated doeuments,inctuding withaul linutatioa,thc power ta scll tbe Properiy. _
<br /> If therc is a def�Wt.:r��ucc stwll.ia additio�to any ather pc:rmitted remedy.at the rcquest oi thc Lender,adverticc
<br /> and seU the Prop�.rty as a whole or in sepantc parcels at pitWic auctioo to the highcst ti�dder ior�ash anc!ca+�vey
<br /> absolute title fine and claar ai All riglu. titic and inter�.st of Grantc►e at such tiwne a��d pls�oe as Trustc� t�natc�s.
<br /> Trustee shall give natloo ot sale including chc time,temu and plaoe of sale aad a descripdoo of the Prope Y
<br /> as raquirzd by tLe ap�ticabk law in cUect at tbe tLne of the prnpos¢d sale.
<br /> Upon sale of the property and to the extent not prdubited by I�w,Truuee shall maice and deGver a deed to tbc Property
<br /> sold which conveys a�luta tiUc to Q�e purd�asc,r,acu!aftcr first paying all tees,charges stnd oosts,shaU pay to I.ender all
<br /> matieys advanced for repAirs,taxc�,insuranoe,lieas,a�ssesvnc��ls and pnor encumbr�aces and ineerest thercon,aad the
<br /> princi�al and intemst on tha Sccured Debt.paying the swplu:s,if any,to Graator.Lcndcr may purchase the Property
<br /> 'Il�caeitals in ao3�deed oS'oonveyaaee sbaU be pr uua faGr.eti�e.�:,:,of t�factc set forth thet+�ia.
<br /> AII remedies ar+e diuind.cumulative and not exclacive,and 11�e Lender ts entitkd to all remedies provided at is►w w
<br /> equity,whetber or not eapressly set forth.Ti�aeceptance by 1.,ender of any sum ia PaYment or partial paymeat on tbe
<br /> Secured Debt after thc Lalance�c due or is aocelented or aftct•forccJosure proceediags are fded shall not con.stitute a
<br /> wsuver of Lendcr's right to rcquire oomplete cure of uny existing deFaulG By�ot exerasing anY remedy'on Graatar�s
<br /> default,L.ender does not W�aive Lcader's right to l:ter coru�der the event a default if it oontiaues or h�ppens agun-
<br /> prohibited by IaWr,Grantor agrees to pay a!1 of ixncter's expenses if Gru�wr breaches any cavenant ia t6is Security
<br /> Insuvmen�Gras�tor will also pay on deu�d any amount in�+ured by Leisder for inswin&inspectiag.preserviaS or
<br /> ottae�wise protecting tha Property and Ixodcr's security intcrest.71�ese expenses wiU bear iatcrest froan tLe date of
<br /> t��;.iment uatil pa�d in full at thc iug6est interest rste in effect as provided ita the terms of the Secured Debt•
<br /> Cac-�:�tor s►gr�es to pay all�osts and expersses�acurred by Lender in colleding,enforing or pmtocting Leader's.rights
<br /> �nd remodies nnder th�c Security Instruo�e,�t.ZUis am�ouui may inctude,but D not limited to.attaeneys'fees,court
<br /> costs,and othcr kgal expettses.This Securicy Insbrument sliail(remaua iw effeci until rele�d.Graatcu ag�ees to P�Y
<br /> fve any rrcoc+d�tinn oosts of s+�h release-
<br /> � 17. F,I�YitO1�IIMFNi'AL LA,W��ND HAZARDOUS STJ6S'I'ANCES.As used iu�Un�section.(i)F�viroame�aC�lt[aw
<br /> means,without�imitation.lLe ComPreheasive Enviroamentai Respoose.C.ao�pa�Y.cr�n and liabiWy Act(CEB��S.A,
<br /> 42 U.S.C.9601 d seq.),aad all otl�er fedecal, state aad loc�i 1aws,regulatia�s,c�rdinaaces,court orde.�s,atl�meY
<br /> --.— . . .ge�eiBl opiniooc Oi itl�fGipreGve Tet[CiS�COCCCi�11Ag Ttie�Ultc�iieaiia;saiei3r,:.�u��:.�:::�:��::.:'�::=_'---___�= - -
<br /> sub�tanoe;and(2)Hsezardaus Subst�ace meaas any toxic.radia9ctive or ha7udoLLS msterial,wasie, polutaat or
<br /> oont�minaat which has charaaeristics which render t6e s bubr�f�tarice daxsgerons or potentially dangerau to the put+lic
<br /> health,safety,weUare or cnvironment.'I�e term includes,without tunitation.any subszsoces defined u"6rcaado�
<br /> materisl,""tasic substanoes,""hazardous waste"or"�rinus substaace"und�r any Enviraomeatal Law.
<br /> Grantor reps+eseats,warrants and agreea th�t:
<br /> A. Except�pre��ansly disclosed and ac�nowkdged in.wtitiag tu�t.endor,no Ha�nious�sx�ooe is ot w�l be .
<br /> locate�swred or releascd on ori�s�the Property, This restriction does uoi apply ta s�tnall quantities ot
<br /> Yiazatdot�s Subsiane�s.tiiat u�e genenlly reoo�ix�eal#a be appro{xi�ta foc the no�al u�e aod mainteaaaee af
<br /> � g, ��p eviausty dlsclused and�knowledged in wr±t�to��nder.G�nntor and eve:y teaani have bem,ace. ,
<br /> �rem�io ia[ull oamphanne with aay applicabte Enviroeonental I.aw. ,
<br /> C Grantor shall inw�edutely notify I�uder if a reiease or thratened reiease of a H�zar�o�s Subst�na oocuzs oa,
<br /> � uoder a about the Property or there is a�+iolatioa of s�ny Environmental La'w ootsoernin8 tbe Propeel�•�i st�h
<br /> , . aa even�Grantor shall tske all neoessary+remedial ac:tian ia�ovordance with aay Eaviraamental La+�:
<br /> D. Graator shall immediately notify Leader in writin�as soon as Grantor has reason to believe tlure is any
<br /> P��S or threascaed iavestigati�oc,clairo..or prooeeding nlating to tbc rekase or tWreateaed release ot aay .
<br /> Haza►idous Substanec or the violaii�oa of any Eoviravmcaial I,ew. •
<br /> ]8. CJ1�DE14QVATION.Gnaniar will g'�vc Lender prompt uodoe of ut�r pending or threatened sctioa...by private or
<br /> public entiti�es to purd�at�ar.t�tice any or all of the Prop�rty throu�h oorx3emnation,eminent idaa�in,or any other
<br /> means,Graator a�ttsor�•�c�n�er to intervene in Grantor's aan�ia any of tl�e above described adic�ns or r.laims.
<br /> : Crrmtor�w l.ender titie proceed�o�aay award or c]aim far d:�saa�es amuaxed aith a ocnciemnation or other
<br /> • talciog of all or auy part d tE�e Pnoperty.Such pr�ooeeds shull be ooasidk:red payroents aad will b��s�plied as provided in .
<br /> �.. shis Sec�uity iastnunent.This assigament gE Qraceeds is subiect ta the terast of aay prior raa�egage,deed of wst, .
<br /> . �.�vtity agrumen!ar a�r i;een docuaae�t.� ,:
<br /> ' 1�. L"�iStTRANCE.Grantor s6all iceep Pro�ty inraucd a�ainst ioss by�ae,u000. fneii:uid oi��vsw�ds,::�r�
<br /> . ' ' reasoaaWy asso�iatal with tht Property dwe to its type and location.T7su inturaace s}tal!be maiat9ined i�We x�nounls
<br /> � . and for the persix�s thai I.cnder reqnire�:'Itse insarwc�carrier providing the iia�urame shall be chaea by Grenta
<br /> subject to Letufi:r s ap�roval,w6ich sfiall not be unreasuaably with�eld.If Gvantor fails to maint�in tl�e ooverage
<br /> de�cribed above,Lender may.at Lender's option,obtai�i coverage ta protect I,eader's sigbts in the Property accarding
<br /> ;n t�tPrms nf this Seauity Inttrlmlenf.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be aoceptable to Lender and shall inetixle a standard"mortga&e cCnose"and,
<br /> where appiicaWe."b�s paY�e clause."Grantor shall immediately notify Lender of canceUation or terminacion of tbc.
<br /> insutaace.L,snder shal3 have the right to bold the policiex and r�enewalS.if Lender requires,Geantor shall immediatety
<br /> �ve to I.ender al�reocipts of paid premiumc and renewal notices.Upon loss,Grs�ator shall give immediate aotioe to
<br /> tbe iosuraace carcier an8 Lender.l.ender may m�ke prc�of of loss it not made immediately by Grantor.
<br /> e �' s, +" •
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