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<br /> B. A1!fWurt sufvzu:.cs fr�xn Len�r w l;rantur ur Wtkr fut�rr�ut�igatK►+►s oi Gr:u�tc�to Lcuci�r cuui:r any pranissc�r�' -
<br /> notc,caatract,�u�ranty,ur ather evldencc of dcbt exccutcri by Grantor ia fa�or uf l.eiukr crecuted aftcr this -
<br /> Sccurity In,truntcnt wtut}ur cx nul this Security Instrument ic cpc�iGcally refcrcnced. It morc thw un� pc�a:ui
<br /> signs this Security Instrwnent,cach Gr�ntor ap�Yes tb�t ihls Sccurity l�+irun�cnt w�l!secur�all tuturc:ufvaru:cs anci
<br /> fWur�ut►1i�atlons that�re Eliven t��or incurred hy any cmr i�r iitoFe G��ntnr,ar�ny a~�csr more Gr;►ntor�d -
<br /> othris.AU futurc advacucs and ottier futura ot+ligavtx��xr�sc.rureel by this 5ecurity Instrum�nt c�en thougt:ull c�r
<br /> patt tn#y ncu yzt t�e aQvan�ci.Ati futurc ach tiicrs antl uthcr fulure obilg�do+ts arc.srtured as ii made on th�datc
<br /> oE thic Socurity Icutrunceat.Nothing in this Security lnstcwncnt shall constituto a oommitment ta make ackliUawl
<br /> cr[uture{oans ar a.i��ernxs in any amount.Any wch owncuitnieat muu he agrc�.ci ta in�scpar:ite;wriui�.
<br /> C. AU ohli�tius�s Grantor owes to Lender,whi�:h may later arise,to the e�tcnt nat prnhibitcd by law,including,but —
<br /> not limited to,liabilities for o�erdrafu relaling to any dcpocit acoount a�cement betw•�.ea Grxntor and I.cnder.
<br /> D. All sdditiooal wins aclvanced and expecsses incurred bY Lender for insurin�,preseiving or Wherwise protecting
<br /> the Property iuui iu�alue aad u�y other sums advanced aad ezpenscs incurrcd by I.endcr undcr the tcrms of
<br /> this Security instrumenG
<br /> 'il�is Sccuriry[pstrua�ent will not socure any othcr de�1 if Leoder taifs to gi�e any required notioe of th�right of rescissina.
<br /> S. PAYMEIVI'S.Grantor agrees that ail payaxnt�under[he Secwed Debt will t►o paid when due and in accc�rdanoe
<br /> witb the term�of tlu Secured Debt and tt�is S�ecurity Iasuument.
<br /> 6. WAR1tAN1Y OF TI'I7.E.Grantor wArrants that Grantor is or will be lawfuqy scir.ed of the estute oonveped by Uus
<br /> Security tasinuuent and hzc the right to irrevocably grant. convey,and seQ tho Property to Trustee,in trust,with
<br /> pnwer of sale.Grantar also warrants tlwt the Property�s uaencumbered.ezaPt for oncumbranoes of reoord.
<br /> 7. PitIOR SECI]R17Y I1�TlERESTS.With regYrd to aay other tuortgr+�e.deed of trust.security agreemeat or oWer lien
<br /> docu:nertt that crcated a prior security interest or enauubrxnoe oa the Property,Graator agrees:
<br /> A. To maice all payrneau w6en due and W perform or oomply with all coveausts.
<br /> B. To promptiy deliver to Leader any notioes that Gra�ntor reoeives from tbe holdet.
<br /> G Not to albw any modification or extension oi,nor to request any futwe advanas under any note or�reer+nent
<br /> secwed by tl�e lien document witlxwt L.eackr's prior written oonseuL
<br /> 8. CLAIMS AGA�T5T'ITj'I.E.Graator wil!pay all taxes,assesscnents.lieac, eacumbranees,lease paymenu.g�ound
<br /> reuts�utiGties,and other chuges relating to the Property wben due.Lender may rcquire Grantor to provide ta Lender
<br /> oopies of ai!notioes that such amounts are due and the reoeipts evidcncing Grantor's payment. Grantor will defend
<br /> titk to the Pmperty agai�t aay claims that wouW impair the lien of thi�s Security Insuument.Grantor agrees to aSSign
<br /> to Lender,as requested by Lender.aay rights,claiau or deftnses Graator may have agaiast parties who supQly labor
<br /> �r materials to maintain or improve the Praperty.
<br /> 9� DiJE ON SALE Oit ENCIJMBitANCE.Leader may,at iu option,declare thc entire balutice of the Secured Debt ta
<br /> ' be insmafiately due u�d payabie npm the creation of.or contracx for the crcation of,aa3 Gen,encumbraooe,traasfer
<br /> ot sak of tbe Property.Thit right is subja:t to tbe restrictioas iaiposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),ss spP�icabk.
<br /> �is c,ovenaat shall nm witb the Property and shall:r+emaia in effax uatil tl�Secured Debt is y�tid ia,full aad this
<br /> 5ecurity Iasbvasent is nleaud
<br /> � 74.pIInP�QTY CUNDITION.ALTBQAT[ONS ANQ INSPEC770N.Grantor wiq keep the Property in goad
<br /> _ . _. . . - - -- - --
<br /> r,ouciitian and maks� repaiis that are reaseaa6ly�nece�.cary.Granfor sh9tt nat cummtc or aita�v�any�aric,�
<br /> impairmtnt,or deteriuration of the Property.Grdntor will ke�p the Properey fre�of�oc�ious weeds and 8ra'sces.
<br /> Graator agees that the nature of the oocupancy�nd�se wilI not snbstantia)IY cl�sc�8e wit6out�.ender's prior written
<br /> c.onsent Graator will not permit any change in any license,restrictive oovt�saai or easement vr-ithout Lender's prior
<br /> written ooaseut Grantor will notify Leader of oBi densaads.ProoeediaSs,ctaims,�nd actions�gaiast Graator.and nf
<br /> aay lass or daooage to the Propert}'- �
<br /> I.ender or Lender's agents may, at l.ender's option,enter tlk.Fcnperty at aay reasooabte time for the purpose of
<br /> inspecting the Prop�rty.Lender shail give Graator noticc a2 the time of or before a�a inspection specifying a
<br /> reacoaabk purpose for tlu insp�crioa.Any iaspeaion of the Property sh�Sl be eatircJy for Leader's benefit and
<br /> Granto:will in no way rely on L,ender's ic�spect�oa.
<br /> 1L AUTHOWI'Y'i'O PERFORM. If Grantot fails to perform�y duty or any of the�n►�enants coatained ia this
<br /> Saa�rity Instniment,I.�ader may,v�out notioe,PerEocm or rsuse them to be performed�.Grantor appoiats Lcnder
<br /> �attomey in fxt to sign Grwta-'s m�sue or pay any ainount aes�cssary for perfonnance.L.ead�r's right ta pedomi for
<br /> Graatar shall not create�a obl�,.�ciioa to perform,aad Lender's failure to perform wiU not preclude I.enckr fra�
<br /> cxen�sing any af Leo�E s otLes�,hts under the law or tlils Security Instnuaeni.If any ooast�vd�on on tY,e Property i�
<br /> discontinued or not c�rrisd on in a reason�ble manner.Lender may tak� a�3'steps neceuary to protect Lender's
<br /> security ix�:zst in the Pruperty,inc�ing oompietion of th�cautr�ctioo.
<br /> lt ASSIGI�►tJ"rrYi'OF LEASES AND AENTS.Granter irrevoca9g}�g�ants,coaveys and sr�1s to Tsuuee,in tn�t for tE�
<br /> bene6t of Ixnder.as additional security al]tLe right,title aad ir�terest in�ad to any and all eusting or tuture ieas�,
<br /> subleaser,and any other written or verbal agreet�ents for the use and oax�pancy of any portion of the Property.
<br /> nrch,iding aay exte�uions.renewals,modificafions or substitutioas of such agreements(all referced to as"L,eases")and
<br /> reois,icsues and profits (all refe.rred to�"Rents"). Granta w;ll prampdy provide Lender with true and correct
<br /> oopies of aU existing�ad fuaue Leases.Graator may oolkct,rea�"i�,ea�oy and use tlse Rents so Ioag as Gr�ntor is�4
<br /> in default under the terms of this Socurity Insiniment
<br /> Grantor adcnowiedges.tl�at thit assigfiment is pc�faxai u;roo tbe rcoordiag of this Deed of Trust aad that Lender is
<br /> entiikti eo ac�s��p���ta�'s u:,ants ta�e r:.;�.:�:uf Rea!s s!� eF to besxze dur to Lencler.Nowe�+u:
<br /> I,ender agrees that on�y on default wiil Lendes notify Graator and Cytaator's tenants aad a�alce demand that all future
<br /> � Rents br pair3 diroctly to L.eadec..Os� receiving not�ce of defavl�;Grantar will endorac and deliver to Lender aag
<br /> P�Y�nt+c�.Renis in t3rantor's poss�sioct and will receive a�i�eau in tnzst for Lender�ad will not cammiagie t�
<br /> Reats with any other fuads. Any amounts collecied will be ap�£+ed as provided in thic S.,curity In�rument.Gra�:
<br /> w�mnrc that ru�def�ult exi�is uuder the Leues or anY aDplicable landlord/tenaz►t law.Gr�ator aLso agrees w�„a;*+ra;�
<br /> �ad cequire aoy tenant to compfy with tbe te�cu of the I.eases wd applicable law.
<br /> L�. IEASEHOLD�CO:�IDOMINIUMS:PLANNED UN1T DEVEIAPIV�N75.Grantor agrees to conoply with the. .
<br /> provisions ot any lease if thu Security Instniment ic on a leasehold.If the Property inctudes z unit in a c�x�dominium
<br /> or a planned unit development, Grantor will perEorm alt of Grantor's duties under ihe covenants.by-laws,or
<br /> regulauons of the wndomiiuum or plarmed uait devebpasent.
<br /> �w n,rwr��t T,r.�,�;�;.y:�t�„..�fA,rt��f Any r,wrtv nhliQated on the Secured Debi ftils to maice payment when due.
<br />- Granieu will be in dafavJt if a brexh occurs under the terms of this Security i��rn��*+pnt ar any other documrast
<br /> (p�p 2 ot�)
<br /> Ouww�rr.srwo.,rr.�.cuaw��aoo�rax» i.waEa�++e wa
<br />