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201100111 <br />lighming, tox�ado, aud ather perils and hazards covered by standard extended coverage endorsement, in an amount <br />equal to at least one hundred percent (144%) of the full replacement value thereof and insurance against such other <br />hazards and in such amounts as is customarily carried by owners and operatnrs of similar properties. All insurance <br />policies maintained pursuant to this Trust Deed shall name Trustor and Beneficiary as insured, as their respective <br />interests may appear, and provide khat there be no cancellation or modification without at least 15 days' pr,ior written <br />noti�ication to Trustee, and Beneficiary may procure such insurance in accordance with the �rovisions of paragraph <br />6 hcreof Trustor shall deliver to Beneficiary the original policies of insurance and renewals thereof or xtiemo copi�s <br />of such policies and renewals thereof. Failure to furnish such insurance by Trustox ar renewals as required <br />hereunder shall, at the option of Beneficiary, constitute a default. <br />5. TAXES, ASSESSMENTS, AND CHA.RGES. Trustc7r shall pay all ta.ees, assessrnents, and other <br />charges, including, without limitation, fines and impositions ariributable to the Property and leasehold payments or <br />ground rents, if any, before the same become delinquent. Trustor shall promptly fur�aish to benefic,iary all natices of <br />axnounts due under this paragxaph and, in the event �'rustor shall make paynnent dircctly, Trustor shall promptly <br />furnish to $eneficiary receipts evidencing such payments. Trustor shall pay all taxes and assessments which may be <br />levied upan Beneficiary's interest herein or upon this T'rust Deed without rega�rd to any law that may be enacted <br />im.posing payment of the whole or any part thereof upon the Sene�ciary. ° <br />b. ADDITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S SECURITY. Trustor <br />shall maka all payments of int�'est and pnincipal and payments of any other charges, fees, and expenses contracted <br />to be paid co any existing or subsequent lienholder or beneficiary under any axisting or subsequent mortgage or trust <br />deed befare the date they are delin.quent or in default, and promptly pay and discharge any and alI other liens, <br />claims, or charges which may jeopardize the security granted herein. If Trustar fails ta make any such payment or <br />fails to perfortn any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Trust Deed, or the Note referred to herein, or <br />in any prior or subsequent trust decd, or if any actipn or proceeding is commenc�d wkuch rnate�ially affects <br />Beneficiary's in the Property, iz�cluding, but not liznited to, eminent domain proceedings, proceedings <br />involving a decedent, notice of sale by Trustee, notice af default by 'I'rustee, mortgage fareclosure action, or if <br />Trustor fails to pay Trustor's debts generally as they become due, then Beneficiary, at Seneficiary's option and <br />without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor fcom any obligation hereunder, may make <br />such appearances, diaburse such sums, and take such action as is necessacy to protect Beneficiary's interest, <br />including, but not lirnited ta, disbursemern of �reasonable attorneys' fees, payment, purchase, contest, or compromise <br />of any encumbrance, charge, or lien, entry upon the Properly to make repairs, or deelaxation of default under this <br />Trust Deed. In the event that Trustor shall fail to procure insurance or to pay taxes, assessments, or any other <br />charges or to make any payments to any existing or subsequent lienholders or existing or subsequent beneficiari�s, <br />Beneficiary may procure such insurauce and make such payment but shall nat be obligated ta do so. Any amounts <br />disbuxsed by Beneficiary pursuant to this Paragra,ph 6 shall becoxne additional indebttedness of Trustnr secured by <br />this Trust Deed. Such amounts shall be payable upon notice from Beneficiary ta Trustor requesting paynnent thereof <br />and shall bear interest from the date of disbursement. at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal <br />under the Note unless payment of interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such <br />amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in thais Paragaph <br />5 shall require Bene�ciary to incur any expense ar take any action hereunder. <br />7. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. Beneficiary shall have the right, power, and authority during the <br />contuauance of t.�is Trust Deed to collect the rents, issues, and profits of thc Prvperry and of any personal property <br />located thereon with or without taking possession of the property affected hereby, and Trustor hereby absolutely attd <br />unconditionally assigns all such rents, issues, and profits ta Beneficiary. Bene�ciary, however, hereby consents to <br />the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents, issuos, and profits as they accrue and became payable so long as <br />Trustor is not, at such time, in default with respect to payrnent of any indebtedness secured hereby, ox in the <br />performance of any agreement hereunder. Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any tinne, eitl�er in person, by <br />age�at, or by a receiver to be appointed by a court, without notice and without regard to the adequacy of any security <br />for tlae indebtadness hereby secured, (a) enter upam and take posaession of the Property or any part thereof and, in its <br />own name sue, for or otherwise collect such rents, issues, and pro�xts, including those past due and unpaid, and apply <br />the saxne, less costs and expenses of operatian and caltection, including reasonable attarneys' fees, upon any <br />indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Beneficiary may determine; (b) perforn� such acts of rcpair ar <br />protec�ion as may be necessary or proper to canserve the value of the Pxoperty; (c) lease the same or any part thereaf <br />for such rental, term, and upon suCh conditions as its judgment may dictate, or terminate or adjust the terms and <br />conditions of existing leasea. Unless Trustor and Beneficiary thereof agree otherwise xn writing, any applicarion of <br />rents, issues, or profits to any indebtedness secured her�by shall not extend ar pastpone the dut date of the <br />installment payments as pmvided in said promissory note or change the amount of such installments. Th� entering <br />upan attd taking possession of the Froperty, the collection Df such rents, issues and profits, and the application <br />thereaf as aforesaid shall not waive or cure any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done <br />pursuant W such notice. Trustor alsv assigns to Be�ueficiary, as further security for the performance of the <br />obligations secured hereby, all prepaid rents and all monies which may have been or may hereafter be deposited <br />with said Tnistor by any lessee of the Property to secure the payment of any rent or damages, or, upon default in the <br />perfor�nance o� any af the provisions heraof, Trustor agrees to deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary. <br />{1324410.2} <br />