���� ����:,`Lih�,'1,�1��" y`i. � d+� r� ..Y..._ =�`�'4�'.'t`r_n ",:2�?�Y.i6°:4Fl�ru.'[R'�.:: _
<br /> ---• ..
<br /> t;} 1
<br /> N%I�'�J� ---�t7^ ., _ „ , � � ' '•w9►r'ar?�",.._..-_-...._�-- .- ;, -- --
<br /> ,.� ....an+MCe- ..-_ -=• -
<br /> .i+il�lioN���j',�,r¢-�. _
<br /> :N::�ta a �:,,.,
<br /> "� . �.k '.,'�.., ,f . .,. -- - �_��_ --
<br /> __._ ,
<br /> —
<br /> _-_:_,..._
<br /> - -- . .
<br /> � • • Meno/ro b�sad undN u�powor a sale,and in s�ucb�v�nL -�'T
<br /> �H��- - ' .- _� (d) B�ellclary may�+l�ot ro cause tne Tiust PropArry or any pert
<br /> =,�8...�� �::__�:���� —.
<br /> g�/�clpy p�Trutt��h�W ylw such notice ol deleuU and notka of 6a/e as may ba d�en iequl►ed by law.Thereafte�.uPon e
<br /> =- _=�"-'� �xpintlor101+uch tlrM�rrd fhs�Ivlrrp a/aucb nodco o/a�la as mtry fMn 6�nquind by lew,�iustee.at ths drra�nd phca apsclA�a1
<br /> -----------_°°�' by ths nadc�of tah,thW asll sucb 7�ust PropNty,a any put Mareof aprclp�d by BsneHclsry,al publlc aucdon to dN hiQhsat
<br /> --- ___� Wdda Ibr auh In/�w/ul rnonsy M th�UnIhM St�ta M Amelc�.Upon iwcNpt ol psymw►t ol Uw pdce Wd, Trusteo shall aPply thQ -�
<br /> - v-�� p�CNd�In ft�Ibllowing adw:(Q to tlw oott u1d oxpYnsa ol�xorolslnp the powei ol aele wnd of tha eale,lncludlnp but not limd►ed _____
<br /> - �p.D'WtN�/N�a llot mors Ihan s500,00 plw Ons-haM of on�pncartt of the proaa ads prk�,and na�o�naW��Ban�y fMt.(��)ro __
<br /> �-=:� fM Ind�btednsss.u�d(N11 tlw�xc+ss�N�ny,to tM p��a►a M►son�l�yally enlldod tlw►�b. �_�-- -
<br /> -'- �licoat�urmi Mx - ses hs�urrcd by BenaNclaryln enlbncNrg any NQht unde►tht�e Aiwd o/Trust.lncludlnp wlthout 1lmlledon,abahect or dW
<br /> -. _� .
<br /> -.. --'__.--. . . -- -- -
<br /> - � � f Y�'- ANb�PP�v ,p�u�Ior tltN In�unv►c�.�tbnNY fses�nd cowf co�.shWf bo�nd contdWto Mdabfadn�soourod/wraby.
<br /> .�.�
<br /> _ :� 21. Dutlu of Tiwfae•Tiutta�Deoa th�t:
<br /> .� (�) Dutl�a and obNpatlona ol Tiustve shall be datwmtned solaly by t�e express provlsfons ol thls Aeed ol Tivat snd Tiustee shall not be �_ ____ _
<br /> q�bl��xc�pt fbr Ma palame►�cr ol auch dutl�a and obll�adom aa ara speclBo�lly aet forth haroln,and no lmpUed covanants a
<br /> - isr�': OWIpaG0/18 8hdl b0lmpossd upon Tnwteo.
<br /> .•. �+��lv:.,,:� _.
<br /> � ,� �b� (ya pipy/a/on ol lhls Deed o/Trust 8he11►equlre Truatee to expend a�lsk!ts own lunda,or othe�wl�o Incur enY Nnanclal obllpetlon!n
<br /> �i:.�:�.I''��..�',
<br /> ',�':��, _..,., , . qN perMrma�u,w ol�r►y o/lta dudea hMOUndpr,a!n the exerclse o/any o/its dpAts a powera.
<br /> . �.. n:�;..:•,. .
<br /> „�,;;�;�„-_�; . (o) 7ruet�may cunault wllh counsel o/!te own chooslnp end dw advlse o►auch counsel shall be/ull and compfete autliorizAdon
<br /> -- --.� �,'----�-,., prot�cqon!n dN resprct o/arry ecdon taken asufferod by it hsrounder!n pood Idth and reflu�ce d►ereon,and
<br /> :`:: .�;.:^. ��. (d) Tiuetes alwll not bs llable Iw�rry acdon taken by ft In pood/aith and reason�Wy bellovad by Jt to W autho�lrvd or w/fhln Its ----- -
<br /> ".;;��,: dlacnMon a Nphta a powe►s contsmd upon!t by d►Is Deed d Tiust.
<br /> -- ,. r...k;._r�rs::. _.
<br /> - - '' � �• • � � �@, Socurtry Apream�nt end Flxfure Flllnp.lh/s Deed ol Tiust$hall consdWle a aecurlty apreement end Nxturo Bdn�under the provJslons ,T ._____
<br /> :� �..•� ' ' • Mo Nebraske UNlorm Commerclel Code wlth respect ro f/wse Nxtures descdbed in the preamWes hereol as constltuNng a part o/the _
<br /> , ... .:�_...... . , ra
<br /> r;� f�a,�..,�s.,..... � Trt�.vt Prope+ty,taPetha►wid►a0 oUwr propwty ol Tnista,eUiwr slmllu a dlsslmllar fo fha sama.now a herea/tpr locatad at a on dw -��'�""
<br /> �%+�::=v_.-
<br /> -�"�'�.'n.;;..ts:.�. CV Tivat PropsAy. �''•-'''
<br /> ,�'�`�'"`�' �"•� �` ��p, Futurs Advances. Upon requost of Trustor,BeneNclery,at Beneflclery's opdon,pNa ro lull►econveyence ol the Tiust Properfy by -
<br /> - ����•�,.
<br /> --== ��" - Tiust�e to Truata, may meke fuNre advancai M Trusta.Such fufure advences,wlfh Interest thereon,shaA be secured by thls Dsed o �;�;��_
<br /> � � TiusG At no tlme eI►all tho pdnclpal amaurt o/the Indebtedneas aecured by thla Oeed of Tiust not lncluding sums advanced ro p►o�C1 �'-_--_''-�
<br /> r.:�� .. �....
<br /> �r ,•,.
<br /> _—� ' tha secudry,sxceed the total sum o/t Advences o/dlabursemenfs meda by 6anoRclery ro protact tlw aecuBty. �h�<<.�s� - ,
<br /> _,':� =: .� ••';:'""� • undar ths terms Aere�vf,whlle dlscredonery,�hall not be deemed ro be opdonal advances. �-�;-�--
<br /> -__-�i _ �� ° R 3p. Reconveyence.Upon payment of ell/ndBbtedness secured by thls Oeed of Tiust.BeneNclary shall request Tivatee ro recanvey tha �w�:
<br /> ;,��;�;.� �o ' . Trust Property and ahell su�nder d►!s Ueed ol Tivat and all notea evldencing Udebtednesa socured by thls Deed o/Tiust ro Tiustee. ��,;��_,;�=s
<br /> :��_<?�� •, • d , Trustee ahell reconvey the Tiuyt Pmpery without wananty and without charpe ta the person or pe►sons legelly endded thereM.Suah - - �'
<br />.�:�. .; °:... person a pe►sons ehell pay all coste of reco�datlai,l/any. --�`-��;:�
<br /> '�.,,�i .. �
<br /> 31. Subaqtute Tnuateo.Benelklery,atlts opdon, may hom dme to dme remove Tiustee and appolnt a Successor Tiustee ro eny Tiustee �•�*;,,;;..-
<br /> - ��"�... a� oppolnted hereunder by an lnadumenf recorded!a the county!n whlch thla Deed o/Tivat�s►ecaded. Withouf conveyance o/the Tnwt �,�,�
<br /> � pnppsrfy,the Succeasa Tiustee ahsll succeed ro all dde,power end dudes confened upon Tiustee herein and by appUcable lew. ��_
<br /> ���;,' '� �- •, 32. Mlscellanaous Rlghts ol Beneflclery.BeneBclery may at eny tlme and h�m dme to dme,wlthout notice,consent ro ths making of any ���;£;
<br /> "" .;;; , ;�;,°'�� plat o/ths Trust Property or the creatlon ol any easement thereon or eny covenents resblaUnp use or occupancy thereol a apiee to - __
<br /> `:, -- -"�,` -- alte►a emen0 tha terms oi fhis Deed of Tiu�si.I4►y pei�sorral property rema►ntn p upat!he Ttvst Properly afte►the Tivat PropeAy hes ���a-
<br /> �- : ,_•;, been posseased o�occupled by BeneBclery.Jts agent or any purchase►lolbwing Tiusfee's aele,loreclosure,oi under any deed in Ileu y..
<br /> :�,;,�_�,;'-�,•,� � •. o/Tiustea's se/e or forecbsure,ahall be concluslvely presumed M have been abandoned by Tiusta. ���,a4�.
<br /> "'�`'''���'i`";� 33. Nodce to Tiusto►. Tiusro�heroby requests that e copy of sny nodce o/delault and no tice o/s ae made a exiouted b y 7iuetee pu►soant -- -
<br /> `•""�!''{+�,{+l���:t'.:., to the provlsfo►►s hereo�be sent to 1'rustor a[its melling address set forth hereinFbove. _ -
<br />•� ,� .�'< ' '. IN WI7NESS WHEREOf,dds Deed of Trust hes boen duJy executed the day and ear H�°ve^wrltten• ------
<br /> �s'�:���
<br /> :;;'" � �"� ���/ .,..,.,.,�.�
<br /> ;•f s,`.. K. Mic e O ve ---
<br /> !� C .c��� �:��.�-
<br /> '�"1.�''.� SiATE OF NEBRASKA ) Chri.�sty�. Oiiver -�_._
<br />' `.1 ''1! ., . �---
<br /> .� )S3. �c.�=
<br /> � , COfJN�Y OF 1 �'`;'�.T_
<br /> �,-- _
<br /> J��• . :�%r'.u�
<br /> �� . . ";l,J'`. � .:AO�+;."'="�-`-�--`,
<br />�����'�.:.�,� .. �• On dNa—doy o/ , 19._. ,beforo me,a notary publlc in and/or sald county,pe�sonally ceme
<br />,.::L .�_,� . . �a/Id � •'r :
<br /> .w;. ,, , „ � ,known to me to be the ldentical persons who
<br /> - • " , slyned the lorepdng Deed of Tiust end acknowledped the execudon thereof to bo thelr voluntery ect and deed,and the voluntary act and _ _
<br /> _ • , dred o/sald corpo►atlon. �^ LRS�::__
<br /> . WITNESS my hand and noteilel aeal on thla the day and year lest ebove wNKen. f ` ' _..
<br /> . ��_`__.�.�__.
<br /> c--..-:..___
<br /> ';1 ', o . ° l�, �SE� —��:a��A
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<br /> ,. Nany nueuc (.:f' .,.iq�'�.
<br />-. .. .. . • �/ycnrnmssion�apini " � .
<br /> • �:.
<br />, • ' STATE OF NEBRASKA ) •
<br /> , )ss.
<br /> "' COUNTYOF �L 1
<br /> On fh/s 12 day ol May , 19 92 ,belae me,e notary public�n and for said county,personally cameK• Michael Oliver
<br /> Nd Chriaty R O1�VeC F u��a6 nnd A.,.� w�t fe ,known to me to be theldent(calpersons who �
<br /> , alpned the Mregdng Deed ol Trusf and acknowledged fhe executlon fhereol[o be thek voluntary act and deed. i
<br /> WITNESS my hend and notar/al seal on thls the day and year las�above written. � •
<br /> . . ., /�
<br /> __ -..: _ (SEAI� r/
<br /> . ,,,,,,,,....__. � / �c2kr�Z" /� • -�L: �L ,..-
<br /> ' ��jW.Rilt?i�i�tal.nl RtGrui,a .n a .
<br /> MARGAek:i M �+�uUN �r_ �� ��
<br /> • ����� M�Comm EaD.IuW l.I�91 / .y � -
<br /> . -lj-��' M'cm.mewn o■pro� �
<br /> i
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