;�i� '.is{�. �' .«,t .. .��;� _ )c' rG:i�' ,,�@ . � y .. i.; . :� .. ,,:�n� . .. -� R_
<br /> :;il� �?:.j.,i.., :y-��� :��%.n.a:►+.5�9.�A�....C4'a �{• ,.__. � t" .� fJ/. _.. _�.�.�. �..,__-��.__.
<br /> �'�I 4h(ri�A:�-EM.•.v �+......vn-i-+..-°�---•,.,�,..- - . ...
<br /> d F� VY� • _
<br /> -. ..i, - � • ,..�rz ... . . . . . -;----
<br /> . '%lKi ti''.. . • ' . .- .
<br /> . .. — ._" . --1a.._ . . . ...-__—
<br /> . . . -t�Y " __. .
<br /> .0 .•
<br /> .� I • �.
<br /> .. • �
<br /> • '._. ____��.— - '
<br /> -=�-_ . � r--_ ._ _- _.
<br /> , � . / • �..__.__...._..- .___
<br /> "_,;�"' ' � ' •` ' 1B. Covvnems d Tiusta wUh Respect lo Leasea.Without the pdor w�!►ron conaent o/Benellclery,Tiustor ahall nof,dlrectly a Indlnctfy
<br /> • � �°`�.'� �� wifh n�pocf to ony fea�o ol�p�ce!n th�Truat Prapa�y,a any po�lbn thereof,wfwthar suoh loese Is now a hanalror 1n oxlua�c�•
<br /> �" Y� � �` �� nl,d/scount a A dvanco a mo�t W ion t hwvun d or i n e x c e s s o l o n o m o n t h,
<br /> . • (�) Acc�pt a p�rmlf+�nY PnP�Y� P Y ---•--.-
<br /> ��� � %��~ � (b) C�nc�l a Mn►Hn�te th��anN,or�ccept any cancollaUar,tarminrtlon or ru�nder Ihereol,or po►mlt any evont to oocur whlch woWd
<br /> y.4.'_•r' �� o
<br /> r r(��' " occur th�nundo►to tom�lnap w cancW t1w sama.d►wi d�an tamdn,adon la nonpayment ol renf, �t`��••�
<br /> ,��h``,-�'�:".�,i.r..,��� (o) Amend a modlfy thw sama io Qs ro nduco tho twm darao%th�rmsal Peyable rirereunder,or to ohan�e ar+y renewel provlaloni �
<br /> �-.:� � dNnln contplrwd, --�---
<br /> ..:���.;H�.,�`:a
<br /> ; a---.� (d) WAIVQdttyd8lEtlR!/!l�IBflRd6/Mbl9!lChfhs190f, �,_. ;-_.__:.-..._-__
<br /> � Y. �� •�� .. (�) 0lve sny consent walver or�pproval fhereunder or lake anyotherecdan/n Connecdon therew/th,a wlth a le�aee thereunder,whlch ___
<br /> ��'`�`'�" ' woufd hav�the eBect of Imp�riny the value ol th�loasa's Inroiauthwoundar a tha propeAy subJect fharoto,or ol/mpulriny N►� �
<br /> ...�.�__s ..�: � -
<br /> � - . - - posldon alnterost ol8onellcleryfhe�eln,or
<br /> �;,,.• ' � ,r�.
<br /> • . (Q SeU�asslpn,pledpe.matyaye aothawJso dispose o►,o�oncumbor 11�lnta►estln any seld foase a any ranta.l8suos,proNts IssWnq ` '_:..��t.`=`-- -
<br /> .. • aerlslnp d►ereunder. '
<br /> _ ^� �17. WNver o/Statute oi Umlfedond TJme/s ol the essence In ell ol Tivafor'9 ob!lpsdons and dudes hereunder,and fo the exfent permltfed °"-�
<br /> 6 � n �..___.��._ _ `•
<br />--- °•... �. ��.
<br />:.;;� . ,� � by law,Tiusror welveV all present a/uture statutea of 1lmltatlons wld►reapecf to any debf,demand a obligadon secured ha►eby and �tzt._
<br />.,_,.
<br /> any ac8on a proceadMp la dw purpose ol enlacln�thls�eed al Trust or any Nghts a remedlos contalned hereln. �.__�.
<br />•. :: �18. Asslgnment ol Oeposlts.In the event consbucdon o/lmprovernentsls contempleted by the/oan evldenced by fhe Note secwed --°v--�
<br /> .. . Q�-..-- --
<br /> ' ' ' " ' 0 here6y,as addltlonal secuory fheie�are,Trustor heraby t�ansfers enal asalg�s to 8enellclery,ell dght dtle and lnterest to any and all
<br /> �,,,.,..,,.«., _ -•-
<br /> • ^,;y � monles deposlted by a on behelt d Trusta wlth any clry,couny,public body or agency,sanitary dlsMct,ud!!ty company,and m_'�-�
<br /> • any�ther body a agency,loi fhe lns[alledon a to secure the lnsta�eNan o/any udlity by Trustor,pertalning to fhe Trust Properry.
<br /> • � � ' t 1�. Corporadon a Pai6�eishlp Exlafance. ll Tiustor Js a caporadon,geneial par►nership,or dmlted paRnarahlp,!t w111 do all drtnga �-'_:'�'",;.i:.u-_—
<br /> 1 necessery to pieserve ita corporate or perd�orahip exlstenca,ae tlw case may be,and all dphts and pnvlleyes under dro/aws o/the
<br /> . ' � � state ol Us lncorpaadon or oryan/satlon. �� ' T—
<br /> •.� � ., r� Z0. Fabesrance by BeneNclary Nof a Welver.My lorbearerrce by BeneNclery!n exerolsing a»y Nght or iemedy hereunde�,or ofherwlce •:K.�-.:F,-.
<br /> � . •ti'-„ allorded by appllcable law,shell not be a welver of a preclude the exerclse of eny such dght or remedy. The procurement of -._._
<br /> Jnsurence a the payment o/taMes a the discharge o/Ilens or charyes by BeneNclary shall not be e weiver ol Benellclary's rlpAt to . �.�i.,..-:.
<br /> � accelerete fhe marorlty oi the Indebtedness. r �_-
<br /> � " , - .. ' 21. Remedles Cumulative.All rornediea provided!n thls Deed o!Tiust era dlsdncf and cumuladve ta any other right a remedy under tA/s � -�` •i•
<br /> Deed ol Truat or allorded 6y law cr equlry,and may be exe�cised cor►cunandy,independently or successlvety. '
<br />: , � ' �� 22. Successors and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt end Seve►al Uebillry;Captlons. The covenants and agreernents herein con�alned Ahall bind,and ---- •
<br /> � • the rlghts hereander ahaq Iwie to,the respecUve successors and asslgns ol BeneNclary,Tiustee,and Tiustar.A/l covensnts end ";��'-__-
<br /> �•� � agreements o/Trustor shall be Jvial and seve►eL The captlons end headings o/the parayraphs ol thls Deed ol Trust are for _
<br /> • conveMence only and are not ro be used to lnterpret or de/!ne fhe pro vlslons hereof. ' � `�--
<br /> .;�`,. . 23. Nodce.Except for eny nodce reqalred under appqcadle/ew to be plvenln another menner,(a)any nodce to Tiustor provlded lor in tlns �-•_•�-�-� ��-
<br /> �s,�:!5,0:_>.—�-
<br /> ••,�,� ° Deed ol Tiust shall be given by me�ing such noGce by certlHed rn�l return recelpt requested addressed ro Tiustor et!ts malling --�.;..-�-�.;_-
<br /> � � address set/orth above or at such other address as Trustor mey deslgnate by noNce to Benellclary as provided here/n,and(b)any -
<br /> �'.,-m � -
<br /> . �; •., .
<br /> �� notice ro 8ene/Iclary or Trostee shell be glven by cenllled ma11,refum �eceipt requested,to BeneNclary's end Tiustee's malling •,f��k''"�
<br /> - ' .:-,•�==--=-- addrass statad harctn orto such fltlfer eddress es Bene�clsryor Trustee mey da.a/gnwre by nodce to Trustor as proWded hereln.MY ----_'-`__
<br /> ,� . •„ notice provlded lorin thls Daed ol Trust shall be deemed to heva beBn plven to Trustor,Bvneficlary or Trustae whon ylven!n the ti;}±�::.
<br /> •'� manner deslgnated hereln. `" ?' `x•_
<br />- ��°', 21. Ooveming Law;SeveraWlily. m!s Deed o/Trust shall be qovemed 6y the laws o/fAe Stafe o/Nebraske.In the event any provlslon or �`��'• ;__
<br /> ' � clause ol thls Oead of Tiust con//lcls wlth appllceble law,such conNct shall not aHect ofher piovlslons o/thls Deed o/Tiust whlch can � ��������+'•�. � w,�:,=;
<br /> , �� •� be given eHect wlthout the conllictNg proWslons and M Ihls end the pioWs/ons o/thfs Deed ol Trust are declared fo be severable. �:'`'' ��a•L
<br /> ' N'�i•�' _.-�..
<br /> • ':,; � 28. Events of Defaulf.fach o/the MUowing occunences shall consfitute an event o/default hereunder,(herelnefter ceffed an"Event .Sf���;�.;,;,';::_--
<br /> ' ' , ol De/eulY'): �• �'�� '•:ir;�
<br /> ' ;..�,,; ,_.
<br /> • (a) Tiustor shell lall to pay when due any principel,Interest,o►pdnclpe/end lnterest on the Indebtedness, ;':� . . _
<br /> . (b) My wananty o/tlt/e made by Tiustoi hereln shall be untrue, '� '� ' `--
<br /> • � (c) Trosror shell lell ro observe a pedorm any ol the covenants,agreemenfs,or conditlons In thls Qeed ol Trust, '�'� • • _:•�
<br /> (d) My represenladon or werranly made by Tiustor on any Ilnancial statements or reports subm/tted ro BeneNclery by or on behall ol ''~ • -r=.
<br /> .. Tiusto�she/l prove/alse or matenally mis/eading, ' • `'-�`
<br /> ,�;i:;n
<br /> (e) Tiustor shell lell lo perlorm a observe any ol the covenanls,condltians or agreements conteined!n,or bind/ng upon Trusror under >>., _
<br /> any bullding loan agreement,securlty agreement,loan ayreemenf, flnancing statement or any ofher agreement,lnshument or �•i��.:.� ., . . �. -.
<br /> �� • dxumeM executed by Tiustor!n cannectlon with the loen evidenced by the Note, . , •
<br /> • •• (f) A hustee,rece(ver o►Ilquldator of Ihe Tiust Properry or ol Trusfor shall be appolnfed,or any of the credltors o!Tiustor shell l/le a • •
<br /> ' � �` petltlon ln bankiup[cy agalnst Tiustor,oi lor the rea►ganizeHOn of Trustor pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Code,a any sJmNer
<br /> �� `'" law,whether lederal or state,andll such order a pedtlon shal!not be dlscherged or dlsm/ssed wlfhin thlrry(30)days a/ter the dete , ,..,;-=:.�'
<br /> - on whlch such o►der or petitlor. was llled, �
<br /> (p) Trustor shal/life a petltlon pwsuent to the Fede►el Benkruptcy Code or any simlla►law,federal or sfate,or!/Trustor sha//be -�, .`�°�;=�
<br /> adJudged a bankrupt,or be dedered Insolvent,or shall meke�n ess(gnment lar the benelit ol c►edlrors,or shall admitln w►ldng!ts � .'''�'' --
<br /> �,.,,:
<br /> � lnabidty to pey Ua debts as fhey become due,or shell consen[to the appolntment ol a recelver o!ell or any part ol the Tiust Property, ..
<br /> �� (h) FJnal Judgment for fhe payment ol money shall be rendered agelns[Trustor and Trustor shal!not dlscharge the same,oi cause!f to ,
<br /> '' be dlscherged,wlthln thlrty 130)days a/ter fhe entry thereol,or sha/I not appeal theielrom or Irom the order,decree or process upon k
<br /> whlch or pursuant to which seid Judgment was granted, based,a enfered,and secure a sfay ol executlon pending such appeal, `
<br /> • (!) Tiustor shell sell or convey the 7rust Property,or any part thereot or any interest therein,or shal/be divested ollts tltle,or any Interest
<br /> . thereln,In any manner o►way,whether voluntanly or►nvolunfarl/y,without the written consent of 8eneliciary being lirsl had and �
<br /> � obtalned,a
<br /> Q) If Tiustor!s a corporation oi par�fnershlp and more than lilty peicent (50•o)o/the sheres or benehcial interests in such coipoiation or , ,
<br /> partnershlp,as fhe case may be,sha/l be transtened or conve yed,whether volunfanly or involunfarily,without the wntlen consent ol
<br /> Benellclary being/list had and obtained. ,
<br /> . �` 2B. ACCeIe►atlan ol Debt;Faec%sure.l/pon the occurrence of a�ry Event of De�ault,or any time thereaRer,BeneJkiary may,at its option.
<br /> declare all the Indebtedness secured hereby immediately due and payable and the same shall bear interest at the delault rate,l/any,
<br /> set/or/h In Ihe Nofe,or othenvise at the highest rate permitted by law,and.lrrespechve of whefher Benelklary exerclses said op►ion,it
<br /> . may,et Its option and in f�s sde discre6on,wlthout any lurthe�nohce or demand to or upon Trustor,do one ar more ol the ldlowing;
<br /> (a) Benel(ciary may enter upon,take possesslon ol,menage and operate the Trusf P►operty or any part thereo%make repai�s and
<br /> a/teraflons end do any acts wh�ch Beneliciary deems proper to protect the secunry thereol,and eifher with or without taking •
<br /> __ vossesslon. �n!ts own narne.sue lor or ofherw�se collect and ieceive renfs,�ssues and prolits,mcluding those past due an�l unpaid,
<br /> end apply the same,less casts and expenses o/ope�ahon and col/ection,including reasonable attomey►ees and 6enehciary�s
<br /> costs,upon the Indebtedness secuied hereby and in such aderas Benel�c�ary may determ�ne.Upon requesf ol Benel�ciary, T�us�or
<br /> � sl�all assemble and shall rnak�ava�lable to Beneliaary any of the Tiust Property wh�ch has been removed. The entenng upan and
<br /> teking possesslon ol the Trust Property,the collechon ol any rerMS, issues and prolits.and the appl�cat�on thereof as aloresaid,shall
<br /> not cure or walve any de/ault fheretofore or fheroalter oCCUmng.or ellect any notice of default or notrce ol sale hereundvr or
<br /> (nvalldate any act done pursuanl to eny such notice.Notw�thstand�ng Benehaary's conhnuance m possess�on or rece�pt and
<br /> appllcat(on ol rents.�ssues a prolrts.Benehciary shall be enh tled to exerdse every nght prov�ded lor�n th�s Deed of Trust or by law
<br /> upon or aRer the occunence vl an Event ot Defeult,mc/uding the n ght to exo�ase the power o/sale.Any ol fne achons iererred to�n
<br /> thfs paragraph may be faken by Beneliciary at such hme as Bonetiaary may determine wrthout regnrd to the adequacy of any
<br /> security!or the Indebtedness secured heretry.
<br /> (b) Benel�ciary shell, without iepaid to fhe adequacy of any secunry lor me Indebtedness secured hereby.be enhtled to the
<br /> appointment ol a ieceiver 6y any court havmg�urisdichon, wifhouf noUCe.fo take possess�on o/,protect,and manage the Trus►
<br /> Property end opeiate fhe seme and col/ect the rents.�ssues and profds therelrom.
<br /> (c) Beneliaary may brmg any aclion�n any court of competent�unsd�cGOn ro loreclose�his Deed ol Trust or en/orce any of the
<br /> Covenanfs hereoL
<br /> ,
<br /> ' `' i _ _
<br />