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-!�WI��-�`1�5C����' �r. ! ��;�g�C:CY•• os� h�s1�l•'�`;1� a�'� '�fr,Ap-�'• . -' . '��. 14 << ���lf .... " �..�.—_. .. <br /> t� r�s}�wS.��{l i �c r � ti.�.Luyi�Z7?�., �i�3 i[•,♦ �e�a�• <br /> �R• ,q, �� ..,.r.. i� ! ".�.�-. ..,.. .. ..u.w_ 'T, <br /> �i �a�s� t `;%��� � . - � <br /> . ..'�b. . ' • _' <br /> . , . - <br /> � . <br /> . ...: �. ' •.`:.. . --- <br /> . �. T'. ' „1� . � <br /> ,.L�M�Y"if.��l"'_�_" _ . ' " -. : .. -- •_. <br /> . _ <br /> . , .. y..r�------ <br /> " • ,..�-� <br /> � _ __'"– - _--.___ .-._ _ - � .__. ' _"—. <br /> • YY <br /> P <br /> � `,��,.:,:;� 92-- 1o4i3� <br /> `� ,� ..�; ,.,t <br /> . �r�,-,�. . .,,* . — <br /> ��3 ., _ � _ •� If Lcndcr reyuired mortgAge insura�cc as a condition af ma�ing the k,an secured by this Security Instrument. -- <br /> ° . � &�rrower.hall pay the premiumc required lo maintuin the insurance in effect until�uch time as the rcquirement Por the _ _ <br /> �f��. , , �� insur�nce Icrminate,in accordancewith Bonower's and Lender's written agreement ar applicnble luw. <br /> .:.. <br /> ,� � , ,. ,,. 8. Inspection, Lender or its agent may make res�sonable entricw upan anu inspcctions of the Property. Lendnr <br /> , � M;,, ..:_.;� ;,,° sholl Rne Horrower nance yt t he timr ufur priur io en inspectiun e�xcifying reasonable cause for the inspctitio�. �- -----_----_—_ .---- <br /> - � „ 9. Coadanwtion. The praceeds uiany award or claim fcr ar consequentiul,in connection with <br /> - , . �ny condemnution ar other taking of any part oP the !'roperty,or Por conveyance in lieu of condemrwtion,are hereby <br />�:; � a���ned and shull be paid to Lender, <br /> ' In the event oP u total ts�king of the Property,the praceeds shall be upplied to the sums secured by this Security <br /> ln�trument,whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower.!n the event oP a partial taking of the Property. _ <br /> " � unlcss Burrower and Lender otherwise agrce in writing,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br /> ..�� . �• the�mount of the procecds rnultiplied by the Pollawing fraction: (a)the total Amount of the sums secured immediately – <br /> ..� bePore the tAking,divided by(b)the Pair market value oP the Property immedi�ttty before the taking. Any balance shall be i _ <br /> ., paid to Borrawer. �–-T— <br /> � If the Prnpeny is,alnndoned by Boaower,or if,aRer notice by Lender to Bonow•rr that the condemnor ofl'ers la <br /> " moke yn award ur seule a claim fordamnges,Borrower fnils to respond to Lender within 30d:�ys after the date�he ncHice is _ <br /> a' •� given.Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at i�s option,eilher to rcstoration or�epair oi the Propehy or � � <br /> � to the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�wfiether or not then due. { � <br /> � � __.. Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise a,�trer in writing,any application af pcacceds to principal shall not excend or ��',f'�-- - _ <br /> - postpone the due Jate af't he rnonthly payments�ferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the umount of such payments. ��, •� <br /> 10. Borrower Nat Relea�ed; Forbear�e By I.e�dc�Vot a W� Extension oP the time Por payment or —_. <br /> modiflcution oP amartizution of the sums secured by this Serurity Instrument granted by Lender �o any succeasor in �-''�"= _ <br /> interest of Horrower shall not operate to�kase the liability ot'the original Borrower or Horrower's surcessors in interest. �':�'""��� <br /> � �'z.:icL`�����. <br /> Lender shall not be required to cammence praceedings against any successor in interest ar refu�:to rxtend time fur t' . :r�;:::,• <br /> �� payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reuson of any demand mude y �`'^'"�'� <br /> �bf�•r:: <br /> . by the or�ginal Borrower or Borroa�ec's successors in interest.Any forlx�aranoe by l.ender in eaercising any right or remedy ;'�'«�•��.1 <br /> N�i�z.e�, „ <br /> � $�"n 11. Suc�VCCSCOrs und IAssigas Hound;Jaiat and Seve I.�bility;Co-sianerr. The covenants and ugreements of ''��4;':'''�,_„�, .i <br /> f'u�R'y. � <br /> this Security Instrument stiall bind and benefit the succe.gsors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions .+; ;• <br /> of parngrnph 17.Borcoeer 3 covenants and agn�ements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ��;_. " <br /> �- Inairuwc��i but d�not ex�atc th:. :tiaic:ta)is co xigning s.*.��c�.�sty!rs*_n�mcnt only ro mnrigage,grant und convey _�:____ _ � <br /> that Borrower's interest in the Pcoperty under the terms of chis Security Instrument;(b)is not personAlly obligated to pay �;:ar^ <br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument;pnd(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bnrrower may ogree to extend, �yf~,_.;�. � <br /> � . . � modify.Porbear or make any accommodations ahth regard to the terms of tbis Security lagtrument or the No�e without y"�. + ;��';;�.�:• <br /> Ihet Borrowcr's consent. � <br /> ' 12. I.oan CharQes. If the loan xctiurced by this Security Instrument is cubj�t to a law which set�maximum loun ��%�s� ..�, <br /> ' �.�...-,.� .... • <br /> charges, und that Inw ic fin-rlly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges rollected ur to br rullected in ' ' . <br /> wnnectiun with the loan exceeci the permitted limits, then: la) any such loan charFe shall be reduced by �he amount � ' `. ' i <br /> ' necessary ro reduce the charge to ihe permitted limit;anJ(b)any sums ulread}'collected f'rom Aorrawer which exceedeci • <br /> . • permitled limits will be refunded to Bnrruwer. Lender m•ry chaisc to make this refund by rcducing the principal��wed . <br /> under the Note or by making a dircct payment to Borrower.IPa refund reduc��pnncipal,the reduct ion will br�reated as a , _ _ <br /> ° partial prepayment without uny prepayment chargc under the Note. � � `�_ <br /> , 13. I.egislallon ABecting Lender's Rights. If enactment or expiration of applicublc laws has the eH'ect of � _`.Yy^ <br /> ° ' rendering any provision of�he Note or this Sc�urity Instrument unenforceable vccarding to its termy,Lender,at itr option, � . <br /> , • _ . may requirc immediate�ayrnent in full of oll sums uwured by thix Security Instrumrnt und may invi�ke any remedies ^ �"'�; '=° <br /> • permiued by p•rrngruph 19.!f Lender excrrisrs this option,LenJer shalt�akc the steps sperified in thc second parugraph of --- <br /> � ,� parugraph 17. `; <br /> 14. Not(ces. Any notice 10&�rruwer pmvided for in this Se�urit�Instrument�hall be givcn by delivering il ur by ..`.lil.- <br /> , mailing it by first cla.ys mail unlrss applicablr luw require.r use of unothrr methad.The ni�ticc�hall be directed to the � �-• <br /> Property Address or ony athcr addre�c BoRC.wer designnlex by nu�i�e�o l.ender. Any� noticc ti�I.rnder shall be given by r'��• �•• i:� -' <br /> � first clnss mail tu Lender's addrr+sst�t�i heruin ar any other addre+s Lrncl�r dc+ign�t.w b�nuticr tu H�rrrowrr.Any nniice ;, �_ '"°""' <br /> . provided Fi�r in this Security Instrument:hall be deemed tu huve been gi«�n tc,BorraNrr or Lender w hcn gi�•en us provided - -�_ <br /> inthispvrograph. '��• ���� <br /> IS, CoverninR; Severnbilih�. This Sccurity�Instrument�h�ll Ix g���erned b}frdcral law•unJ the luw of th� <br /> jurisdiction iii which the 1'r��pern iti l�xated. In thc evrnt tha[any praviwi�m nr rl�u+r��f thi,5rrurtty Imtrument or�he � <br /> Note conflict+with applicabl�IaW.�uch ronflict shall nut�ffrrt other rnni.riom��f thi,Scrurny Iri,�rument ur thc tiote <br /> . which can Ix givcn efi'ect wit hout ihe rnnflirting provi,ian. I'o thi.cnd the pru��v�m+��f th��Srrurit�Insirumrnt and thr . <br /> ' Notr ure dc�:lared tu be severable. <br /> 16. Borrowcr'SCopy. dorroHrr xhall h��!nrn�nir crnti,�mrd rn��y ��t�thr ti�,tc:m�f i,f thi�ticrurit}•In�trumcnt. ' . <br /> 17. Transte�nf the Propert}�or n BeneHciul Intcr�5t in Horruwcr. IF�II��r :+m parl ��t'Ihr Proprrt� ��r any <br /> interc,l in il i��ald�,r tran.frrr��i�or if a h�nrticwl intcrc.�in H��rraarr��,��W or tr;m•tcrr�d:�nd N„rmwrr��nal a n•r1ur.�l <br /> . �xr�unl u•ilh�,ut I.rndcr'.pn,�r.�ntr�n.c,n.ant.Lcndcr m:�>.at m„ru�,o.rryu�rr unmcdi.itr p:��mrui m 1'ull af:ill�um. <br /> � ��curcd hy thi.5r�urttt In+trumcnt. HnNr��r.Ihir��pu�m .tiall m�t hr rtct�i�c.l h� 1 rndrr if crrrr�.r i. pn,hihilrJ �+� <br /> federalla���a�ufthrJatr.�ithi�5c�urit� In.trum�n�. <br /> If Lrndrr rxerri.�rthi,�,pU��n.l.rnJe� .hall�;i�r Horn•urr n��t��c��I's:rcicr:ui�,n �I�hr n��ucc.h:ill pr���iJc:i�xn��J <br /> of m,t Ir»th�n?OJu>•frum thr datc thc nunrr i+drinrrrJ�•r n,�sl�J«i�hm u I��ch B��rri�HCr mu.t ra>all,um.,rrur�.i h} <br /> thiti Srcurity In�trumrnt. If Burraxcr I:�il�t��pa� thc��wm�rru�r to thr�t�irati�,n uf t hi,rrn��J.I cuJrr m:i� m�nl,�an� <br /> .. __.. rem��dici txrmided h�th i.ti�rurn�I n,trumcnt w�rth��ut li�rthcr nutirr„r Jr�n:uid�m Nurr����ri. <br /> 18.Horrowcr'ti RiRht t�► Rcintits�tc. It'liarr��wrr m�ci,ccrt:un cvndrta,n..Ifarrr«rr.n.d� n;i�r inr nEiit i��n:i�r <br /> enti,r�rmcm al tht.5�wurn� Imtrwncnt�1i,c�,nnnurJ at:m� tunr�,rn�r 1��th�rarls�r��l'.1:�1�.1.i����•i�u.'I���ihrr�,rrwd:i. <br /> � 8i1�7Il1':IE1Il'I:IµDl:l\ �(�ttil�\ �U� fl'lll�[.tlrmrnt 1 hrt��rc.:I�C i�� t{IC��h�l41"1\ ��llf�U.11l�li�:111\ ����NC����1 �.i�t i��11t.UtIC��Itl 1�11� <br /> S��urrt� Invrumrnt:nr Ihl cntrt of:�lu�lgmcnt�nli+r�tn�tln.ticruru� Imlrumrnl I h��.r��,u�ltt�.�n..u.t h.0 lir�r���ri <br /> la► pa). I rndrr all �unt�u h�rh t6�n���nd.l I+c.1ur unJcr thi. ticiunn In.trum.�nt .�nd thr \nt: h.nt�:rlrraUnn <br /> �k.urrc�. Ihl� J�t:�ult ��f an� �,thcr i�nCn.�nt.�,r .�Ercrmrnr.. �.i �.i�. .dl r���rn.r. mr��n�J m rnGa:m�; tln• <br />... � 1Cl'U�I!\ In,trumrnt. Ill�llldlfl�. hUt tl�tl IItl11ICd tt�. fCJ��41dl�ll'dll�'�Ill'ti�� ICC�. .�n�i i,ii ld�.�•. •.;1..!: !�'t�,�^ .�• ��'ILlri ttl:l\ - <br /> � rca��m:�hly reywrr h,a��ur�Ihal Ihr hrn�+f thi� lrrunt� (ntilrutnint. I�n�irr'. neht. m thc Ih�•�•��in .ind N�ni,��arr'• <br /> ��hhg.w�m t�� ��) thr ,utm ,ccurr.l h� tht. 5ccunh Intitrum�nt .liall .�ntnnu: un.•h,iner,l 1'�,�m ictn.t.i;�•nirnt i,� <br /> Il��rn,wrr.thn tircur�h 1 a�trurn�ut.inJ tht�+hhE;u�un,.c:ur�d herch}.h.ill rrnt.un Iull�rlli•.•ti•r.�.i1 n��.n�m h.ul <br /> �kiurrrJ H�,w<<rr.thi,right t��rcmtit;wtr,n:,�i�,,,��r�i��„�f,<<a�c nl'arr�lrr.�u�,n wiJr���:ir.�er.iph� I i��� 1' <br /> . . � � _� <br />