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<br /> � 92- �0413� _�._ - ------_
<br /> ,. ,� �,�,���.,' UNIF'ORM Ct)VE:NAN15 Iinrrowcr And Lenderc��vennm unJ agrcr,ir fi►Ilowti
<br /> . 1, P�yment uf Prlaclp�l�nd Interecti 1'repayment�nd I.�Ic�'bargc�. F�►r���w���.n��u �r�����r�>> �,.��N�����au�
<br /> `` "'g�e •. the principal��Pund in�crrx�un�hc dcbt cvidcnrrd by thc Natc und uny prepaymcm�wd laie chur�c.dur uodcr thc Nu�c �
<br /> n '`"'�"°"'," 2. Fundttor T�KOr�ad Insunnce. Subject tawp�licuhlc law ar In u wntlrn wu�vcr My I.rndcr,Fi��rrowcr�hall ruy
<br /> '���"�'�'°.'�� � `` to Lcndcr un�hcJny mnn�hlY paYmcntr Are due undcr thc Na�c,umil thr N���r i��►�ud in full,a+uni 1"I�uucl�'1 cyuul iu
<br /> ;,--��`---�` -• onc-twelRh uf: (u) ycurly lu�u,und u�k�s5u►eiuy whicb muy ulU�hi priurny ��arr Ibi� S«unty in,trumrn�:lh► yrurl� -�- - ---
<br /> "v��:,"' _ �- -
<br /> _,. 8 � IeaschulJ puy�ncuts �n gruund rent� rn� Ihc Pn►perly, �f uny: (rl )curl� hurnrd �n+ur.mcc prrm�um,; ;w�!1�11 yrurl� ---
<br /> . � .:
<br /> .. � " ���. " � m��nga�e�ntiuruncc pr�mium+,if uny.Th��itcm.urccalled"��r��w i�em�." l.cndcr nwy etiumu�c thr Fund+Juc nn thc
<br /> ��'` basiK��fcurr�ntdutuundrea�nnuMra�imul�h��ffutur�eu�i+wi�em+.
<br /> ' " '� -� �} 7 hc hunds rhall l+c i�clJ m un in+tituuuu the dr�x�.it.or uccuuui,uf whicl�air in,urcJ ur guar.mtcrJ h� a 1'cJcra!ur � --- -
<br /> ' ."�,, . " »tate agency lincluding Lender if I.ender iti r;uch un Instilutian). I.cndcr�h�ll upply thc f�undti tn ray the c+cruw iicn��.
<br /> ,;. � Lendrr muy orn charge Pi�r M�Iding und appiying thr Funds,anulyiing the ucrount or verifying�he�wc;rnw item�.unl�,.
<br /> y=, '. � ° l.endcr pay�Fiurrower inlcrest on the Funds and�pplirable luw permi�� 4cndrr to mukr wrh s►rhurgr. Nurmwcr:uiJ
<br /> � r`� �'' „ Lender muy ugrcr in writing that intcrest 4hall br pnid on the Fundti. Unle+r an ogrcemrnt i� mud�or upplicublr luw
<br /> requi�e,in�erey��o he puid, Lrndcr tihull not bc required to puy Harrowcr uny intenwt ur rarningti on�hc Fund�. Lcndcr
<br /> _ xhull give to Burruwcr, without churge,un annuul accounting of the Fundr�hawing cn�di�s and debity to th��Funds und t hr
<br /> , pury+otic for which each debit lo the Funds wur mnde.The Fundc are plydged us additianal tiecuri�y firr thr+um�+�cured hy
<br /> ^ ' � thisSecucitylnstrument. ___� �-- ._
<br /> � �� If the nmaunt of the Funda held by Lender,togcih��r with the future monlhly payments of Fundti payublc priur u�
<br /> the due dales oPlhe escrow items,xhall exceed the amount rcquired to puy the cwcraw items when due,the exe�x shall be,
<br /> • " At Barrawer'x option,eilher prompdy repaid ta Horrower or credited to Borrower on monthly paymentr oP Funds.lf thc =
<br /> • amounl oP the Funds held by Lender is nat suflicient to pay the escrow items when due,Rorrower shull pay to l.ender any —
<br /> .,'r '. r, ,. „ amount ne�ec.wry to make up Ihe de8ciency in one or more paymenls as required by Lender.
<br /> � ��. ` � � �� Upon payment in full of al)sums secured by this Cecurity Tns�rumen�. Lcnder shall prumplly refund to I3orrower ���T -----
<br /> - .. •• nny Funds held by I.ender. If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or Acyuircd by Lende�.Lcnder shall upply.nu luter � ,
<br /> �� than immediately prior to the tiale of the Property or ils Acquisition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender nt�he time of��_"���
<br /> •"� �� � applicationasacredi�agains�thesumssecuredbythisSecuritylnstrument. `�;
<br /> . ° 3. Appllcatton of Paytnents. Uoless Applicable!aw provides othenvise,all payments received by Lender under ��.:.,;�.,_
<br /> '�� " • ^ purugraphs 1 und 2 shall be Applied:first,to late charges due under the Note;second,to prepnyment charges due unJer t he � ,
<br /> ' . Note;third,to Amounts pAyable under paragraph 2;fourth.to interest due;and last,to principal due.
<br /> °� �� 4, Ch�rr�{ee�;Uens. Borrower shell puy ull taxes.assessments,charges,Bnes und impositions attributable to the �;ti;-�
<br /> �� " Praperty which may attain priority over thia Security Instrument, and leaschold puyments or ground rent�. if any. '
<br /> Harrower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bortower shall ,
<br /> �• puy them on time directly ta the persan owed payment.Bor�ower shaU promptly furnish to Lender a�ll notices of amounts ,.�� r
<br /> to be paid under this paragraph.IP Borrower ms+kes these payments directly,Borrower shall prumptly Purnish to l.ender •* _:;, � �; �i�'
<br /> - --- . receipiSGVidruclllgihc p�lyjiiilii�. ,,,:; i
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any licn which has priority over this Security Instrument unles.�BormWer: (a) �''! �•�_
<br /> �r.,....
<br /> agrees in writing to t6e puyment of the obligation securcd by the lien in a manner acceptuble to l.ender;(b)contests in goad 'n': ' �5;:
<br /> � faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement�f'the lien in,legul proceedings which in the I.ender's�pinian operate�o ' ...,�.,�:.;r , ' '
<br /> prevent the ent'orcement of the lien or f�rPeiture oP nny part of the Property:or(c)secures Prom Ihe holder of the lien +m 'i'
<br /> agreement satisfactory ta Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument,If[.ender determines thut any part of ��id y�. ;
<br /> the Pro rt is sub'ect to a lien which ma attuin riorit over this Securit lnstrument, Lender ma ive &�rrowrr A ''�'`�'�"�`'•
<br /> . Pe Y J Y P Y Y Y s ,•;r�'�+'�•:l�.
<br /> , notice identifying the lien.Borrawer shull satisfy the lien ar takc one or more of'the uctions set for�h abcwr w�thin 10 days „_ � , � �
<br /> of the giving of notice, -,-
<br /> S. Haz�rd Insa�nce. Borrower sh�ll keep the impravements now existing or hereufle�erected�m the Nro�xrty =
<br /> insured aguinst loss by fire,hnxards included within the term"entended coverage"and uny other hAZardti For whKh Lender .�� • _=__
<br /> . l�uu�=;
<br /> r uires insurance. This insurunce 6hA11 be mnintained in thc amountx and for the periods that Lender requir��s. The m� -:
<br /> in urnnce cerrier providing�he insurunce shull be chosen by Bc�rrower subjecl to Lender's approval which siuill nat be ..��==
<br /> �. unreasonably withheld. ' ' — _
<br /> " All insurance policies and renewols shall be ucce�table lo Lender and xhall include a standard mortgage clause. � � � •-
<br /> , "' I.ender shall have�he right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requires,Barmwer shull prompdy give to Lcnder • �:�:��"'"
<br /> . . • aU receipts uP paid prerniums nnd renewAl notices.ln the event oP loss,Borrower shall ive rc�m t nouce to�he insurnnce ����°=-:�'.=-
<br /> ,,.�,: g r r � �xY,,,��.-�__ .
<br /> carrier ond Lender.Lender may muke praof oP loss if not mnde prompUy by Borrower. , ''"""`
<br /> , 7'��,';'-=�-
<br /> � Unless Lender nnd Horrowcr otherwi�agree in writing,insurance pr�xceds sh•rll be applicd to restoratinn or repair � ' - - �----
<br /> ,,:., ''�,.`.: °-.�_
<br /> of the Property dumaged,if thc restorution or repair is economically fc:+siblc and Lender s se�:uri�y i,nut lessened.lf the
<br /> restoration or repair iti not economicully fensible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insur3nce proceeds shnll bc � . '�:�n:,.--
<br /> applied ta the sums secured by this Security instrument, whether or not then due,with any�excess paid to i�orruwer. If • �A.`:�
<br /> � 8orrower abandon�the Properry,or daw not unswer withio 30 day�A notice from Lender that the inxurance carrier hos ; '•:.�'_��
<br /> _� ' ,;,; oflered to settle a cls�im,then Lender may collect the�asur�ncc proreeds.Lender may use the pr�keeds to repair or restore
<br /> ' . the Praperty or to pay cums secured by this Securit�•Instrument,whether or nat then due.The 30•day�ric�d will begin ,
<br /> . when the noticeis given. ����� .
<br /> • •� Unless Lendcr:�nd Borcawcr atherwise agree in N•riting,any applicaliun uf rrixecd�to princiral tihall no�cxtend or
<br /> � � postpcme the Jue dute ol'the monthly payments referred t��in puragraph,1 and 2 or rbange thc ami�unt of the p•ryment�.If ',
<br /> � � under paragrnph l9 Ihe Property is ucquired by Lender,Aorrower's right to uny insurxnce policies and proce��ds r«ulting
<br /> from dam+�ge to the Property prior to the uryuisitiim shall pa.s ro I.cndrr to the extem of�hr.um.�ecurcd b�•thi,�cturit�� •
<br /> ' Instrumenl immediatel�•prior to the.icyui�i�ion.
<br /> • 6. PreservaNnn qnd�taintenuncc uf Property;l.cuscholds. Horr��w•er.hall n��t d�+tru}•,damagc i�r.ubti�anu:tll��
<br /> chunge Ihc Pruperry,allow thc Pm�xrty to dMCriorr�c or rummrt ��•:�+Ir. IP th�+ 5crur�ty hntrument i�on a Icu.ch�.IJ.
<br /> , Horrower shuU cnmply with ihe provi��on.��f�he leasc,and if flor���N�rr uryuire+fc�titlr t��thc Pr���+rrty.the Ira�ehuld and
<br /> ' � fee tiNe�hall not merge unlrss Lcnder agrer��i�thc mrrgrr in w ntinF.
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender's RiRhts in the P�apert�•; �tortAnRe Insurance. If H��rrnw•cr faih �o �xrti+rm the �
<br /> covenanls ond agrrcm�nt�containeJ in thi�Srcurit}• In�trumen�.��r Ihrre i.a 1eFal pr�keeding Ih•rt mu�.igmhcantl�•aflitt .
<br /> . Lender's ri¢hts in the Protxrts•(+uch •r,a pr�kredinR in hankruptr�. �raMate,f��r r�mdrmnatian ur t��eid:�rcc luN� ur ,
<br /> lrrgulutionxj,t hen Len�ier may da anJ pu�•li�r wh:urvcr i�nrce��ar�la prutert the valuc af the Pruprrt�anJ LenJer'ti nghi�
<br /> , io the Pruperty.Lendcr's uctiunx may inrlude pa�inR any.umti�crurrd b} a hen w•hich ha+pnurity� u�rr t lur 5ecunt}
<br /> lnstrument,up�c+ring oi r��urt,pa�mg rra+anablr attornr�•:fr�w nnd rmcrmg on thr Proprrty tu m�kr rcpair�.Allhaugh
<br /> l.endermzry take,�rti�,n under thi.�ara�r.iph 7.Lenderdurs n��t h:i�r tr J�,•o
<br /> Any�umaunt�Jisburx�d hy Lrndrr under thi�paraRrupf�7.lu�ll txc��mr adJ�tiunal debt ut'I�orrawrr.rcurrd h��t hi�
<br /> Securily Inslrumrnt.Unl��ti Burru��er unJ Lender a�rcY tu uthrr trnn.of pr�mrnt,the�e amuunh.hall t+��ar�ntrrc.t fr.mt
<br /> the dute uf J�.bur.rment :N the N�,tc ratr :md .h;�ll hr �a}aM�. t�nh inirrr.t, up��n m,li:r trnm 1 rndrr tr liarm��rr _
<br /> reyur5ung paymcnt.
<br /> . �.� k � �
<br />