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<br /> ��:�-
<br /> . af the orj�inal6orrower and Borrower's suoo�sssa�rs in imercst. Lender shall�at hc�ufred ta oommena praoeedings A�ninst �1. _�
<br /> o� s
<br /> such sucassar or rcfuse to extend time for payment or atherwise madify Amonlza�bn oi thc.ums secured by this D�eed
<br /> of Trust by renson ot any demond nwde by the oriainal Barrowe�And Borrawer's succesca�s in ime�est.Any torbearance ���i-
<br /> by l.endcr ln exercisin�Any �i�ht or remedy he�eunder.�u olhe�wise afPorded hy upplicable law, shall not 6c a w�ive� �:.-�
<br /> � of o� reclude tht exercise of any such right or remeciy. �-_�.__— _
<br /> � .. _._ � 1��,�,�.��p p���; JdM sutd Srrc�al I.1a6111ty; Co-sl�tttecrs. The covrnants and agrcementi ttenln �-�--
<br /> ` .��� �� � oontained�Iwll bfnd,and thc d�htg hereunder stwll inure ta,thc respecdve sucaxssors and assi�n�of Lender and Borrower. ���
<br /> ...
<br /> . .-
<br /> " �uhJect to�ho p�ovisians of para�{raph I6 hereof. All covenunls and Agraemems of Barrower sholl be jofrn on severa .
<br /> : ~,•� •. Any Borrawer wiw��si�ns Ihi�lked of Trust,hut Jw.w no�execute tFk Nule,lal is cu signing this Deed of Trust only E_ _ - _- __
<br /> • � � �a�rAm and oonvey Ihat Burruwer R intera� in the Property�o L.ender unde�ihe t¢rms of thi� peed ot Tru�t,lbl is not � �
<br /> " ` ^ penonally Ifable on thc Nate or under thi�Deed of Trus�,ond Icl ugrees thot l.cnder und uny nther Borrowcr hereunde�
<br />' � °�� " may a�ra to eztend.madify.forbeu�.ar mukc any other accommodntions wi th regurJ�o the�crms aP this Deed of T�ust �,' —
<br /> � or the Note, without that Ba�rower's wn.rent and without relrasing thac Borrower or maiifying Ihis peed af Trust as �_
<br /> ` �o that Borrower's interes�in Ihe Prope�ty. --
<br /> 12.Notke.Exacpt for any notiae roquired under u�licubk law la be given i n anolher munner.lal any notice to Bonawe� �,�-_-,'
<br /> � .. � provided for in this Doed oi'T�ust shall hc Biven by delivering it or by rnailing such notioc by cerii�ed mail addresxd �_
<br /> �o Borrower at thc Property Addresc ar at such other address as Rarrowcr mn y designAlc by notice to l.ender as provided --_ __
<br /> herein.and Ibl any naice to L.ender shall be given by certified mail to Lenders address stated herein or ro such othe� '��-
<br /> � addrcss as l.ender may designate by notice to Borruwe�as provided harcin.A�y no�ice provided far in this Deed of Trust �,�_L-
<br /> " ' shall be deemeci to have been givcn to Borrower or l.endcr when given in the manner Jesignated herein.
<br /> ' 13.CovemiaR l.aw:SeverabiUly.The state und local laws of the jurisdic�ion in which the Prope�ty is Iacaled shell �v�=--
<br /> apply except where such laws conflict with Fedeml law:in which case.Federal�w applies.In the event that any p�o�ision ��-'�`""-
<br /> or clause nf this Deec1 of Trust ar the Note conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shAll not Afiect ather provisians � .° - _______�_
<br /> ��• ' ��
<br /> " of this Deed oi Ttust or the Nate which can be given eifect without the conflic ting provision,and to this eml U�e provisions � -
<br /> � � � of this of Trust and the N�te�re declared to be severable. As used here in,"costs.""expenses"a�d"attorneys'fees" _ __
<br /> include al �ns,tq��extenlr�i Arqbibited by applicable law or limi�ed herein. ..;-,�•�-=�
<br /> . . 14. o 's Copy.Bor�ihal!be Purnist�ea a ooniormed oopy oP the Note azxi oi lhis Deed of Trust.�f reuuesled. --.-��-
<br /> �'N�:...�.
<br /> at the ti of ution�or af��¢IdOrdetioo hereof. . � .-
<br /> • ' IS.R �lt6o I.oan A�I�t°1�3rrower sludl Fui�ll all of Borrower's obiig�tions under any home rehabilitation, ��.��-
<br /> �' � improvement,repair,or other loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender.l.ender,at Lender's option,may . •:.c. „`,�
<br /> �:,�:�,;;�.,:'� require Borrower to execute and deli��er to Lende�.in a iorm acceptable �a Lrnder,ao assignment ai any rights, claims
<br /> � •�-°:�:.`•.:%,' . or defenses which Borro��er may have uBainst the parties who supply labor,mace�ials or services in conneetion with ;..-;;;��
<br /> . .`�'�'� improvements rnade to the Pmperty. :.
<br /> . � � �6.T�al qie Prqc�rty,IP Borrowe�sells or transfers all or any part of the Property ar an interest thercin,excluding •�
<br /> �--�- 1a1 the Creation da lien or encumbrance au&xdi�tdie to ihis Dxd aS Tr�ut,Ibl a trsnsfer by devise,desc�m,�r by�peratbn ��r• � • '� .
<br /> ' � of law upon the death of a joint tenant,Icl the grant of any leasehald interest oi three yeArs or Icss not containing an '�: �
<br /> �r"� option to purehase,ldl the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliunoes,lcl a transfer to a relalive . ;�
<br /> � ���:� resulting from the deu�h�'a Bar�ower, IQ u trunsfer where the spouse or ch ildren oP the Borrower become an owner of . +
<br /> "��' �he properly,lg1 a�ransfer resulting irom a decree uf dissolution oP marriage, k�lsepa�ation agreement,or irom an incidentel
<br /> � property settlement agreement,by which the spouse of'the Borrc►wer becames an owner of the propeny, Ihl a t�ansfer
<br /> " into an inte�vivos trust in which the Harrower ic nnd rembins a beneficiary and which dc�es not relate to a transfer of �
<br /> rights oi axupancy in the property,or lil any other transfer or disposition dexribed in regulations prescribed by the Federal ,
<br /> ' `"`'' Home Loan Bnnk Board,Borrowcr shall causc to bc submitted iniormatian required by l.ender to evaluate the transferee : `��;;,�_
<br /> ��'�`��� ns ii a new loan were being made to the transferee.f3orrower will continuc to bc obligated under the Note and this Doed _,j°�;;_��
<br /> � � uf Trust unless Lender releases Borrower in writing. � . =y�:
<br /> �� ' � li l.ender does not Agree ro such sale or transfcr,Lender may declare ai 1 of the sums secured by this Doed of Trust _��_-�,;:_
<br /> ' � ' . to be immediately due nnd paYable. If Lender exercises such option �o acoelerete.Lender shall mafl Borrower notice of _ _
<br /> �.�;.,, , � accekration in uccordance with paregraph 12 hereoi. Such notice shall provide a period of not fess than 30 days frorn ;,`;:•_;
<br /> ' ..:�;;�' the date the notice is mailed or delivered within which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. It Borrower fails to •�•,.,���;
<br /> ���;��•;'"�.�' pay such sums prior to the expirntion of such�xrial.Lcnder may.withou�fu nher notice or demand on Borrower,invoke � .-:�!_;-''`
<br /> •. �r r�c;:s;.—
<br /> ' �� ��`�'`• � any rem��dies permitted by paragraph 17 hcreoC ' ��'�j°"-:
<br />