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<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender oovenant and aAree as folbws: _
<br /> � 1.PA�t d Pri�ci�al a�latenit.Bomnwer slwll promptly paY wlxn due Ihe principal and interest indebtednesc �--
<br /> �° evidenoed by the Note.includinQ any v�riatbns raul�ing trom ctwn�es in the oontrnct �te.and aher ciu�r�es as providod
<br /> . � in the Note. °_ --�
<br /> ' � - ' 2,F�s tor Taxes and Insnr�ece,S�ib}�t tn applicabk law or waive�by l.,ende�,Borrower shall pay to l.ender on __
<br /> � [he day monthly payments of princip�l and interest are payabk under the Note.undl the Nwe is p�id in full.a sum It�erein — - --- - - -
<br /> ' '� ••Funda"1 equal to ane•twelfth of yearly taxes And assessnxnts lincludin�oondominium and pimned unit developnent
<br /> . ass�csments,if anyl which maY attain priotity over this Dad of Trust,and around rents on the Prupeny.it nny,plus �_ .-_ - ------
<br /> � "" one•twelRh of the yarly prcmium inatallments for har�rd insurnna,plus one•tweU�h ot ya�ly premium insullmenls fo�
<br /> ' ' � mort�age insur�noc,if any,all as rcasau�bly atirtwted initially and irom time to time by Lender on thc b�sis ot ascasnKnls�
<br /> � � � ancl bills And reASOrwble eatinwtes thcreof. Borrower shall not be obli�tod lo make Ruch p�yments of Fundr to L.ender
<br /> � to the extent that 8orrower makes such payments�o the holder uf a prior mort�e or deed of�ruYt ii�uch holde�b sn
<br /> inrtitu�ional lender.
<br /> � IP Borrowcr pays Funds 1a Lender,the Funds shell be held in an insliwtion�he deposits or ac�ouunts of whkh are _ _ _
<br /> , ' insurcd ar�uaramee�by a Foderal or siote a�ency lincluding Lender if L,ender is wch an institutionl.Le�der sh�ll Apply
<br /> �he Funds to pay suW u►xe�.Assessmems. insuranoe premiums and ground an�.Lender mAy not clwrQe far su hallin� e�_: ��_
<br /> � ' unJ applyin�U�e f•undti.analyiing�a�d accuunt or veriiying artd Qompiling s�id asx.csmenls and bills,unkss Lende�pays - �-
<br /> � B���mwe� intere+�� on the Fundc enJ npplicabk law permits l,ender ta mate such o ctwrQe. &xrower and l.ende�n�y -�h���
<br /> • agree in writing at the time of cxccutian of Ihis Deed of Trust that interese on the Funds slwll be paid to Borrower,ond � F�
<br /> unk�such a�reemen� is made or applicabk law requires such interest to be peid.Len�ler shall not be�tquirod to poy �„.��-�=
<br /> Bcxmwe�any interes[or es�rnings on the Funds. l.ender shell give to Borrower,without charge,an annual a000umina �";,°,"i,.,�.
<br /> of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit co the Funds was nwde.The �� -- � -
<br /> � Funds a�e pledged as additional securiry for the sums secured by Ihis De�l uf Trw�. �r:A�y,y, - -
<br /> lf'the amount ai'the Funds held 6y Lender,together with the future monlhly installments of Funds payable prior --- �____
<br /> .. , [o the duc dates oi'tAxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents,shaA exoeed the amount required to pay � ;;;,,�:;`r,_
<br /> .1*�'thw�:..
<br /> said taxes,assessments.insurance premiums and graund rents as they iall due.such exass shall be.at Borrower's option, ,..,.�*�,,
<br /> ;:�•,v�...
<br /> either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to&xrower on monthly installmentsof Funds.IP the amount of che Fu�ds t.,,,.;��;;__�
<br /> held by Lender shall not be suf�cient �o pay taxes,assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents as they iall due, _•••���-�a
<br /> � � Borrower shall pay to l.endcr any amaunt necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more payments as Lcnder may ��w
<br /> require. .�.>•;': .,
<br /> " Upon payment in full oi all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall pramptly rcfund co Borrower any Funds
<br /> - held by L.ender.If under paragraph 17 hc�eoi the Property is sold or the Propeny isotherwise acquired by Lender,L.ender �-••,,..�.,�<_ ;�
<br /> shall apply,no later than immediatcly prior to the sale of the Propeny or its acqu�ition by I.ender,any Fu�ds heW by
<br /> � Lender at the time of application as a credit agamst the sums secured by �h�s �OCi uP Truai. •�.,.-� ,�
<br /> 3.ApplicAtioa ot Payments. Unlesc applicable law provides otherwise,all paymeots aceived by l.ender under the ��� ` � I'
<br /> Notc and ragraphs I and 2 hereoishall be applied by l.endcr�rst in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower ,� ,
<br /> � under paragraph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the Note at the appliceble aontract rate,and Ihen to the principal ,..;Y.,,;,;y,.�s��
<br /> �,:�'�'�t`:�.
<br /> � d'the Note.
<br /> � 4.Prior MortRARes And Decds otTrust;Charytes;Uens.Bbrrower shall perfam all of Borrowers obligations under °'�'`"�
<br /> any mortgege,deed of tnut or wher security agreement with a lien which has priority over this Mortgage,including Borrower's .�'
<br /> wvenants to makc payments wh�n duc. Borrowcr shull pay or wuse to be paid all taxes,assessments and other charges. �
<br /> , •-, 6nes and impasitions attribulablc w Ihe Property which muy attuin a prioriry over this[�eed oi Trust,and leasehold payments �` , , . ��_�
<br /> or ground rents, if Any. ! �' ° '_
<br /> 5.Hozard lesrrance.Borrower shall kecp the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured ; �
<br /> against loss by fire,ha•rards included withln the term"extended coverage",and such other haxards as l.ender may require � 1 ;i,,,�;: '
<br /> ' and in sueh amouots nnd for such periods as l.ender may require. , '•� ':`_
<br /> �� The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chcKen by Borrower suhject to opproval by Lender;provided, fi ' �� . .`�.'�: .`�,'•-�:�-:;,
<br /> ,.,,�• that such approval shall not be unreasnnably withheld.All insuraoce policies and renewak�hereof shall be in a fbrm aoceptable ; � _
<br /> to Lender and shall include a standa�d mortgage clause in favor of and m a ta�m aaeptable to Lender. l.ender shall have k , i..�sn,;_;_ao
<br /> ihe right to hoW the policies and renewuls thereof,suhject to the terms of any mortgage,deed of trust or other security ,3�;_:_-
<br /> agreement wilh a lien which has priority over this Deed oi Trust. ; ��':--
<br /> In the event of loss.Barrowcr shall givc prompt notice to thc insuranre carrier and l.ender.Lender may make proof � r'E.''.•:%�.•�,
<br /> � of los.c if not madc prompUy by Borruwer. j � -
<br /> If the Property is abendoned by Borrower.or if R�trrawcr fAils to responJ to l.ender within 3Q days from the date
<br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Bnrrower that the inFUrance carrier ofiers to sr.ttle a cluim for insurance benefits, Lender '
<br /> � is authori�ed to collect and apply the insuranre pra�eeds at Lender s option either�o re�roration or repair oi the Property
<br /> or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. �
<br /> 6. Preservatioa and Maintenonce of Propc�ty;Leaseholds;Condominlums;Pls�nned Unit Developments.Borrower
<br /> ' shall keep the Properly in goud re�reir anJ tihall not commit watite or�rmi�im�rirment or deterioration nf'the Property
<br /> ond shall mmply with the provisions oi' any leur.e if this lked of Tru+� is on:�lea�hold. If this Deed oP Trust is on a
<br /> � unit in a condominium or a planned unit develupment,Hc�rrower shall perforrn all of Bnrrower's obligations under the
<br /> ' declaration or covenants creating or gov�rning tlie condominium or planned unit development,the bylaws and reBu�e���s
<br /> • � � a(the condominium or planned unit develupment,and umstituent document�. '
<br /> 7.Prot��etion oi I.ender'x Seerrily.11'&�rrower failti i�+�xrli�rni the co�•enun�ti a�id a�reemrnts contuined in thiti Deed
<br /> • of Trust,or if any actfun ur pnx:crding i►ci�mmrnc��Q which matcrially aflcrt�LcnJcr'a intere�t in thc pro��eny,then
<br /> l,ender,at L.enckr's option,upon noti�e te�Borrc�wer,muy muke+uch up{x�raniti�.Jisburtie�urh�um�,inc:luding reasunable
<br /> uttorneys'fees,and takc such actiun a+ is nece��ry to protctit Lu�dcr's intrre+t. If Lender reyuired mortgage insurun��e
<br /> as a�ndition of making the Icwn kcur�d hy thi+Mortgage.B�rruwer shall�wy thc prcmiums reyuired to maintain such
<br /> insurance in effect until such time as thc reyuirement for xuch insuran��c terminate,in acc�rdance wuh &xrowcr's and
<br /> Lender's wrirten agrccment or upplicublc I�w.
<br /> . .,• � a� ��..ti�.. .... ..��;.�w. ,.��_,oro.,h 7 wi�h �„p�.,�.��h�rwm,,u �he�nnlir�ble cuntract rate.
<br /> r�i�y u�Tiuiiiiie vi�vi:i.,:.v � � ..;;.C,...M».. .,... o•-r
<br /> �hall beoome nJdilionul indebtedne�.<<�f Horniwcr xrur�til hy 1hi�I)eed ��f T'rust.U nlc5x Borrower and Lender agree to
<br /> uther terms of r►ayment,such arnc�unts�hull be�ryable u�xm notik frum Lcnder to 13ixrower reyucsting payment thereoP.
<br /> Nothing contained in this parugruph 7 shall reyuirc lxnJcr tu incur�ny expenx cir tukc any actiun hereunder.
<br /> B.Ia.spectbn.l.cnder may makc or uwse to tn maJe re:�tionable entrics upon unQ ins�tiun+uf the Property,pr�vided
<br /> that l.ender shall give Horrower no�ice pr'sx to uny,uch in��x�tiun�{xtiifying rras�iablc�:ausc�herefor relutcd ro Lender's
<br /> interest in tNe I'roperty.
<br /> I� 9.Condeasaailas.The prex.�eeds of any uward�r claim I'or�lumagc�,�lir�•r��,r�-.mu:yucntial. in connection with any
<br /> wndemnation or other taking oP thc 1'rc�perty,ur part ihcrcof,or fur c�nveyun��e in licu oP condemnation,are hereby
<br /> assigned nnd shall be�id to Lender,subject ro thc trrmti c�f any murtgage,deed af tru�t ur ather security agrc�ment with
<br /> a lien which has priority over this pee:d of Trust.
<br /> 10.Borrower Not Released;F'orbeArnncr By Lender Not a Wai��er.�xiensionof the time for�a}�p�entor modi(ication
<br /> of�+mortitation of the sum�se:cured by this Lked ot'1'rust grunted by l.ender to any succtissor inNnterlst oP Borrowcr
<br /> .�,� and all othcr parties who are or hercafter become u:c�n:larily liable shvll not o�erute tu release,in any manner,the liabiliry
<br /> . ��., � _._l
<br /> , -- -- �._ _ - _ _
<br />