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201009794 <br />There may be only one designated notice address undcr thiti Sccurity Instnunent at any one time. Any <br />notice lo Lendcr shull be given by dclivering it or hy mailing it by tirGt clas� mail tn Lender's address <br />slaled herein unless Lender has designated anoth�r addretis hy notice to I3orrower_ Any notice in <br />connection with this 5ccurity Tnstnimcnt shall not be deemed ta have heen given tn Lendcr until actually <br />reccived by Lcndcr_ If any noticc rcquirc�l by tltis Sect�rity Instn�ment is also requir�;d undcr Applicable <br />Law, the Applicahle Law rcquiremtnt wil] satinfy Ihe corresponding requiremenl. under thiti Security <br />Iustnirta cnt. <br />lb_ (aoverning Law; Scverability; Rulcs uf Cunstructiun. '17iis Security Inslrumenl shall be <br />governed by federul law und the l,iw of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. All ri�htti and <br />obligations conlained in lhis Securily Inslrumeirt are subject to any requirements and limrlations uI <br />Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly nr irnplicitly allnw thc �articG tn agrec by contract or il <br />might be silenl, but such silence shall not be construcd as a�r��hibition against a�rcernent by contract. In <br />the event that any provision or C�1l1FC l�f t}11F Secuz'ity In�trument ur the N<�te conflict� with Applicable <br />Law, such contlict shall not affcct othcr provisions of thi� Security Instrutncnt or the Notc which can he <br />givcn cffcct without thc cnnflicting provisinn. <br />A� u5ed in this Secutity Inslrumenl: (a) word� nf thc masculinc gender shall mean and include <br />corresponding neuter words or words of the feminine �cnder; (h) wordti in thc singular shall mean and <br />include Ihe plural and vice versa; and (c) the wnrd "may" �ives Golc discrctinn withnut any obHgation to <br />take any uclion. <br />17. Borrower's Copy. $orrower shall be given one copy of the Notc and of thiG 5ecurity Tnstrument. <br />18. Transfer uf the Pruperty or a Benelicial Interest in Barrowcr. tAs used in thi� Section 1 S, <br />"Tnterest in thc Property" mcans any Icgal nr bene�cial inletest in the Property, including, hut not litnitcd <br />to, those beneficial interests transferrcd in a bond fnt' c1e�d GOIILTAGL lOP L�GC(� installment saleti contract or <br />escrow a�rcement, the intcnt of which iti the tratasfer of tit.le by Bottower ut a ful.ure date ta a purck�ascr_ <br />If all ot uny patt of the Ptoperly or uny Interest in thc Property is �old or tran�ferred (or if Borrower <br />is not a natural petson and a benelicial interest in Borrower is snid nr transferred) without Lender's prior <br />wtitt.en con�ent, Lender may require immediate payment in fiill of all swns secured by this Securily <br />Insl.rument.. IIowevet, thi� option shall not be exercised by Lcnder if SllCIl cxercisc is prohibited by <br />Applicable Law. <br />If Lencl�;t exercises thi� option, Lender shull give Borrower notice of' acceleration. The notice shall <br />rrpvidc a peric�d nF nnt letis thsn 30 days lrom ihe date the noticc is given in accordance with Section 1S <br />within which Iiorrnwcr rrau�t pay sll �tuns secuted by this Security Instrument. If $orrowet lails to pay <br />these surns pri��r tu the expiratinn ��f thi� petiod, Lender may invoke any remedies perinilled by thiti <br />Sccurity without fiirthex .notice nr demand on Borrower. <br />l9. �orrower's Right to Reinstate After A�eeleratiun. If Borrower meets certain condition5, <br />I3orrawer shall have right to have enlotcement of this Security Instnunent discontinued at any lilne <br />priar tp thc: earliest of: (a) tive day� belore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in <br />this Sectu'ity Instniment; (b) tiuch other petiod as Applicahle Law might specify for the tenninaCion of <br />Battvwer's tight ta rein�iate; ot (c) entry of a judg►nent enforcing this Sccurity Tnstruinent. Those <br />c�>nditions ate thul Barrower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be duc under this SecL�rity <br />In�inament und the N��te an if no acceleration had occurred; (b) curc� any default of any other covenants or <br />agteements; (c) pay� all expenses incurred in enforeing this Security Intitrument, including, but not limited <br />tc�, reasonable ut.torneya' fees, properly inspection and valuation fecs, and othcr fecs incurred for the <br />p�►rpase [�l' protectin� Lender's inlerest in lhe Property and rights under this 5ecurity Instnunent; and (d) <br />t.akes 5uch action a5 Lender may reasonably require to assure that Lcnder'ti interest in thc Property and <br />rights under this Security Inslrument, and Borrower'ti ohiigatinn tr> pay ihe tiurnti tiecure�l by this Sccurity <br />Instrumenl, shall continue unchangcd_ �cndcr may require that Bottower pay such reinstatct��ent sumti and <br />expenses in onc or more of thc following forrns, a� select.ed by Lendet: (a) cash; (b) man�y arder; (c) <br />ect check, ha��k check, treasu.rer's check or cushier's check, provided any sL�ch check is drawn upon <br />an institutipn whose �leposits are insured by u federal agency, instnunentality or entity; or (d) Electronic <br />Funds Tranafer. Upon reinytaternent by $orrower, thiti 5ecurity Intitn�mcnt and obli�ations �c:ti►red hereby <br />� � <br />�' <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannle Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE) �osii� Page 11 of15 i��t�ei5: Form 3U28 1/01 <br />!� �� �. <br />