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2 ��D�a7 "194 <br />acccleration heti uccurred, reintitate a� Pravided in Section 19, hy cau�ing the action c>r prr�ec;eding to bc <br />cli5mi55ed wilh a n�ling tha1, in Lender's jucigment, preeludes lorfeilure of ihe Property or othet maierial <br />impainnenC of Lender's inlerest in the Property or right� under this Security Instnunent. The proceeds of <br />any award or claim fi�r darnages that are attribLrtable 10 ihe impairment of Lencler's interest. in the Property <br />are hetehy assigned and shall be puici Io Lender. <br />All Miscelluneous Proceeds ihut are not upplied lo reslorulion or repuir of the Properly tihall be <br />applied in the order provided lor in Section 2. <br />12. Sorrower Not Rcicascd; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waivcr. Extension of the time lor <br />payrnent or moditication of amorti7aiian ol'the tit�tra� tiecuted hy thi� Secunty Tt�sttl�me[�t �tat�tecl hy Lend�r <br />to Borrower c�r any Succcssor in Interest of Borrower 5ha11 not operate to release the liability uf Borrawer <br />or any Successorn in Interetii ol' Bottower. Lencler shall not be tequired io commence praceedingti against <br />any �ucceti�or in Interest of T3orrnwer or to refuse to exte��d timc fi�r payment or othcrwisc modify <br />amortization oF th� sums secur�d hy thiti Security Intitrument by reati��n of :�ny �lernand n�a�e by the nriginal <br />T3�rrowcr or any Succcssors in lnterest of Bc�rrnwer. Any fi�rbearance by Lender in exercising any right or <br />remedy includine, without liinitation, Lender's acceptanec of payments froin third persons, entities or <br />Successors in Interest ot� $orrower or in amounts lc�s than the amot���t then duc, shall not be a waiver of or <br />precltrcle the exetcise ot any ri�hi ot temedy. <br />13. Juint and SeVerul Li:�hility; Co-Signer5; Successors and Assigns $ound_ Borrowcr covct�ants <br />and agrees that Bntrnwer's nhli�ations anci liabilily shall be joint and several. IIowever, any $orrowet who <br />c�-signs thi� Secunty Insttumenl but does not execute the Note (a "co-srgner"): (a) is co-signing this <br />Security Instnunent only to mortgage, grant and ennvey thc co-signer's interest in thc Property undcr the <br />tcrms nf thiti �ccurity In�tnuncnt; (b) is nnt p4rsonally obligated ta pay the sums secured hy this Security <br />Intitrumtnt; and (c) agrees that Lender ancl any c�ther $orrower can aeree lo extend, modily, £otbeat or <br />make uny ucconunodalion5 with reeard to the tenns of this Security Instnunent or the Note without the <br />co-tii�ner's cnntieni. <br />�uhjcct to thc provitiions of Scctipn 1 R, any Successor izi Itaterest of B��rrower wha assutt�es <br />I3orrowcr'ti c�bliti:�tic�nti und�r thin Sec«tily Insttument in wtiting, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain <br />all of Barr��wet'� rigtAts and hene�ts undet lhis Security Inslrument. Borrowet shall not be released frorn <br />Borrower's oblieations and liability under this Security Instrument unless Lcnder agrees to sueh rcicase in <br />writing. The covenanls and agreemcnts of thi� Security Instn�mcnt tihall hind (except as providcd in <br />5ection 20) and benetit the successnrti and atitiigns of Lendet. <br />14. Loan Charges. Lender inay charge I3�rrnwcr fees for ticrviccti performed in conncetion with <br />Bottower'ti deluult, li�r ihe purpose oI� protecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this <br />Security Ittstn�meni, inclu�ling, but nc�t limiled Io, ullorneys' fees, property inspeciion and valuation lees. <br />In regard to any othcr fces, thc ab�ence af express authority in this Seuutity Insitument to charge a�peci�c <br />lee to $orrower shall not be constnicd as a rrohibition ot� the charging af such fee_ .Lender may not chargc <br />fees lhat ure expressly prohibited by this Security Instn�ment or by Applicable Law_ <br />If the Loan is subject to a law which ticts maximurn loan chargeti, an�l that law i� finally interpretcd so <br />that tl�c interetit ��r nther lc�an charges collected or to be collecled in cunnection wilh the Loan exceed ihe <br />pettnitted lirx�it�, then: (a) any �uch loan chatge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the <br />charge to the pertnitted lirnit; and (h) any suxn5 already collected 1'rom Botrowet which exceeded petmitted <br />liinits will be rehuided to $orrower. Lendcr may choose to make thiti refitnd by reducing the princi�al <br />owed under the Nole or by making a dircct payment to I3orrower_ If a refi�nd reduceG principal, thc <br />reduction will be treated ati a partiul ptepayment without any prepayinent charge (wl�ether or not a <br />pxepayment charge is pr��vicled for under Ihe Note). Borrower's ucceplance of any such refund made by <br />direct paymcnt to I3orrowcr will constitutc a waiver of any riglat nf actinn F3r�rrc�wer might have arisin� aut <br />of such overchargc_ <br />15. Nutices. All noticcs givcn hy Borrr�wer c>r Lender in �annection with thi� Security Insitwnent <br />musl be in wriling. Any notice to $orrower in connection with this Sccurity Instnimcnt shall bc dee►ned to <br />have been given to $orrower when mailcd by first clatiti mail or when actually delivered to i3i�rrower's <br />nolice addres5 if senl by other mcans_ Noticc to any pne Bnrrnwcr shall ci�ta�titute .notice tn all Borrowers <br />un1e5� llpplicable Law expressly requires otherwise_ '1'he notice address shall be the Property Address <br />unless Borrower has designated a substitute notice ad�lresti hy notice to Lender_ I3orrower �hall promptly <br />notify Lender of Rarrower'ti cliange of addretis. If Lender specilies u procedL�te for r rling rrower's <br />ctaange of acldte��, then Borrower shull only report a change of address thro gh t s�ci�iec�rOCedure. <br />NEBRASKA- 5ingle Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE)�os��� Page10of15 i��ciai5: Form3028 1/01 <br />L�� <br />