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201U097�� <br />EXHIBIT "A" . <br />A tract of land being part oY Lot Qne (1), Mainlaud and part oP Lot �ne (7.), Island and pa�rt ofacc�retion <br />Land .in the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) �of 5ection Twenty-Eight (28), , Township Ten (10)� North, � Range <br />Eleven (19.) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, and xnore particularly <br />described as follows: Referring to thc Southwest corner of said Lot 1, Mainland and assuming the South <br />line of sai� Lot 1, Mainland as hearing of N 89° 24' 44" E aud all 6earings contained herein are relative <br />thereto; thence N 89° 24' 44" E a distance of 30.05 feet to tha ACTUAL PLACE OF BEGTNNING; thence <br />N DO° 20' 58" E and parallel wit� the line of said Lat 1, Maiwland a dista�ace of 786.47. �ect; thence <br />S$9° al' 0'7" E a distance of ].002.Q9 feet; thence S 49° 2G' 3a" W a distance of 968.23 feet; thence S 2Q° 21' <br />19" W a distance af 16�..'16 feet to a point on the center line uf Holling Road (as constructed and <br />maintained, said centerline being on" a straight line between the Sautheast corner of said . Southeast <br />Quarter and the 5authwest corner af said Southeast Quarter); thence N 89° 59' 55" 'W an said center line <br />a distance of 114.57 feet; thence N 40° 24' 36" W a distance of 1.7� feeC ta the Sauth-5outheast corner <br />of said Lot 1, Mainland; thence S 89° 24' 44" 'W on the South line of said Lot 1, Mainland a distance of <br />99.31 feet to the place of begfnning <br />