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� ,-�—z- _ _.. - ,-��.. .. _7�. <br /> ' M1,�. ,: ... __ . <br /> , , •��,��s,i�`; ,rw•���� " . _.,�. � �... <br /> wy _ <br /> ` " <br /> -. i _����,..�. _ -_., __, ..�_ _ <br /> --� .-___ .�. _ _ <br /> "_'"'._ ._.. <br /> . :�.. . .. "_ .___.__—. ._ — ' __ <br /> :�;� �� � ..�- . 2_,, p ,,1 � <br /> a,� .�.�.� 9 1 �� <br /> .��� , �� << <br /> :�'�=�"�.�:".�_,.- ' periudF thut Lencicr reyufres. Tlx intiurunce carricr pnwiding thc insur,�ncc�hull hc by Horruwrr,ubjcct to LenJerk <br /> ---�-=����•� ..;� upproval which bhull not be unrcasonubly withhclJ. If Burrower fuil�tu muintuin cuvcra�r dcxritxd uix►vc,Lcncicr nwy.W <br /> --����,�., _.e.;,�;� Lenderk o�tion,oMuin coveruge tu protect Le��ler�righty in�he Property in ocrurdunce wi�h{wrugrapl�7. <br /> ��_•- <br /> ���(�u� All insurance policie�and renewulx shull br ucceptoble to Lender wai.hall include u �lundani mungage clau�e. Lcnder -- - <br /> -.�� -��;,�.-,. shul!huve the right w hold the}x�liciev eted n•�wwalK. If'l�ndcr m��ufnss.Rorrowcr,hall pran�tly Kivc to I.enJer all rcccl�++ � <br /> �� , of paid premiums and renewAl noticc+. In�he event of'luss,Bnrro�.ver +hull yivc pmmpt nwice to Uu lmurunce carTicr wM! <br /> :� � �,„ I.cndcr. Lender muy make proof at lusx iP n�►t maJe prampdy by Bormwe�. <br /> .�._. ,,,,,,;�;;,�..,_, ,., Unlrss Lender und B�rrower i�thcrwisc agr�r in writing, in�uranre praerds shull h� upplicd tu re��cxa�ion ur Pcpuir uf <br /> :,.;^ the Praperty damaged, if the restoro�ion or ap�air i. ea�uuiuicully frarible unJ l..:nucr. �writy i. nut Ie�uneJ. U'the �- <br /> :��_:.v j{��i,S�1�� re.rtoratiun or repair iti not economically fensiblc or Lxnderz xecuri�y w�wld bc Irs+�enrd,the insur�uxc pr�xc�Jv tihull be <br /> ..�•:� upplied tu the sumr �cureJ by thiz Securily Instrument. whether or not then due, wi�h any ezce�+ paid U� BoROU•er. Ii <br /> •a��:. : ...,� •., <br /> ,,= - •b� .'�= ' Bonower abandonx th�Property,or duex not unxwer within 30 duys a natice (mm L.ender �hat the insurunce currler ha� <br /> ''�'�"'�'s" '�`ti' offered to xetUe a cluim,then Lender muy collect the inxurance pruceedc. Lender may use the pnxeed+�w rcpuir or resture <br /> ��"'"'�`�'••-''� the Propeny ar to p�ay sums sc�:ureJ by this Securiry Inwrument,whethrror nat�hen dun. 'I'he :�0-duy{x:riud will begin whrn �— <br /> ti w...�� ' the nodce is given. <br /> - �. �!f�t7*�, :�- <br />-- Unless Lender und Borrower uthcrwise ugree in writing,uny application af pnKCedy tu priikip•rl nlull�xit cx�end or <br /> _ . . ..... ..�:.. . <br /> �� �"'�•-• .::°,-..z:.- ' postpons the due dAle af the monthly pAymen�,refermd to in p;uu&mphr 1 und 2 or chunge the umcwnt of'the paymcnts. If <br /> �,�� .. . <br /> -�� <br /> _-�:,;,�*,.._„�;�'•.,; under paragrnph 21 �he Prvpeny ir: ucyuired by l.enc+�►. H�xr��wrr:ri�ht tn nny imurunce policies�utd proceeets rewulting <br /> .�S J��':Y a�. <br /> .�;,,.`_ ,; „� „ from domage ro the Pirop�rly prio�w Ihe acyuisiYtpn�hall pas�;u�l.ender to�be extent ut Ihe xums securc�l by�hie: Security <br />- �' �i':�s:•,f; ' Inxtrument immedintely priur lo�hr acqut�ition. <br />--°�.':'�'"''`'�''''"�"' '� ,�,i: 6. Occupancy. Preservatiun. Maintenance and Pmtection oF tbe Property: Borrower'a l.oan Applk�tloa= <br /> ��_-:�'-��`,�"' 'e Leasehatdw Borrower shull acupy.e,ts+blixh,and usc ihe Prnperty uti Borrowcr'x principal rc:sidence within vixty days after <br /> ' _��..,:s�.a�,�.�;.: <br /> •'"�'`;�z ::_ z-, the exccudnn of Ihi�3e4uriry In��rument and chnll c:antinue to�xcupy ihe Property as Borrawerti principal rc�iiknce fa�at _ _ <br /> - �+�..�� ., <br />- � �.�; '' lea+t one yenr afler the datr of �xcupancy, unle,+ Lend.r �Kt�envize ugrees in writing. which con�ent nhall nat be <br /> __ �'`�.:,..; .�:�.. ., unreusons�bly wilhheld.ur unless cxtenuati�,circum�tancex ezist which ure beyond Borrower�contral. Bom�wcr yhull not <br /> - ' •�� ��' '• dextr��y,dumage or impuir�he Propeny,ullow�he Propeny ta deieriarule, or commit waste c►n ihe Property. Burmwer shall <br /> � °n be in defuult if any forfeiture actirn�or praeeding,whether ci��il or Ixgun�hat in Lender;gaxl fuilh Jeulgmsm� <br /> • h � could result in forfeiture of the Propeny or otherwi,e materiall�� impair �he lien creuted by this Securiry Instrument ar <br /> , • ' Lender,kcuriry interest. Borrowrr muy curr tiuch u defuult umf r�in+t:ue,us provideJ in parugruph 18,by cuutiing the uctian <br /> � ,, �'� or pnx:eeding lo be di.mi+sed wi�h u ruling thut,in Lcnder's gcw�l faith Jeterminu�ian,ptrclude+fbrfeiture of�he Borrawerc <br /> • . _,: , ',', intere.t in the Proprny ur olher muteriul imp•rirment of�he lien crcuteJ by thi. Srrunty Inxirumen! or Lcnder's �ccurity <br /> "' intcresL BnROwer yhull ulso Ix� in Jefuult if Borrowcr, during th� luun upplicution prcxcr,, gavc muleriully false or <br />•- �'�s..6.:�, inuccurate inFixmu�ion or�tutements to Lender lor tuileJ�o provide l.ender wi�h any ma�eriul informution)in cunnectian wilh <br /> �„ • the loun evidenced by th� Note. i�cluding, hut not limited ta, repra�entulii�n+conceming Borruwer+ occupancy of the <br /> .�,� `�� � Propeny us u principu! rc.idence. If thir Scrurily Inslrumem i+on a leuxhold.Barmwer zhull comply with u0 the praviuionx <br /> -- - -; ` ui'i{ic Ira,c. if Sui���wsr a.:yuires i'ce sittc tef th:!'mpcay.she lr�;c:holc!and�he !'ee title shsll not meroe unless Ltt�er ngrt�r <br /> ' �' to the mergcr in wriling. <br /> '� ti' : ' �.�'� 7. Proteclion oP l.cnder's RiRhts in the Propertv. If Borrowcr fail�to prrti�rm the cuvenam� :md�grecmems <br /> � • wn�aincd in ihis Serurity Instrument, or thcre i. a Iegal pnrredin� that muy.ignificvmly affe�t Lender: righ[s in the <br /> �� ,��, � Property f�.uch:�.�•r pnxecding in bunkruptcy,probatc,for condcmn:�lian ur fiirtcilure ur to enf'orcc luw�or rcgulntion+l,thcn <br /> ' Lender muy do unJ puy ti►r whotevcr i� nccr,.ury te�prutect thc value ol'dk Pmp�:ny and Lender+right,in thr F'ropeny. <br /> {�• . = Lendcr:uctions muy include puying any wm+�ecured ny u lien which hu.priority over this Security In.trument,appearing <br /> . , in court, puying rcu+onable•raurney.'fcr.and�ntering on ihe F'r�x:r[y to muke npain. Although Lender may take actiun <br /> undcr�his puragruph 7.Lcndcr dik,no1 huvc�o Ju,u. <br /> Any amoun�+JitihurticJ I�y Lendcr undcr�hi� parugruph 7 ,hall her�mir uJdilionul det�of Borcuwer secun:d by thi. �_,,, <br /> Sccurity In+trumcnt. l�nlr�+Borrnwcr anJ L.cnJrr ugroc tu other tenn� uf paymrnt,thc+c umuunts.hall Ixur intcre�t frum the �:-.: <br /> dute of JitiburKmrnt uI Ihc Nutc r:Nr anJ rhs�ll Ix puyablc.wHh inlcrc+t, u��n n�nicc frcim Lcnder to 13om�wer reyucxting <br /> '"'�' -.. puymcnt. <br />- ' 8. Mortgakc Inxurunce. If Lcndrr rryuircJ nwrtga��in+urancc a.+i�•unditiun��t'muking thc loan�rrureci by�hi� <br />. . Sccurily lutiwment. Borruwer +hull pay Ihc prcmiwna rryuireJ li�maimt�in Uu mor1E;��c in,ur�inrc in�Ilert. It�, tiir any --' <br /> rcusun. thc mort�!u�c intiurancc rovcrugr rcyui�cd by l.rnJrr lap�r� nr rca,c� tu Ix �n cl'fect. Nnrrowcr ,hull pay thc <br /> • pRmium. rcyuired lo i�Muin cuvcragr whti�untially cyui�•al�nt to th�nwng:�gc imuran�c pmviuwly in rl'Pcrt. u�a co�t �,'` <br /> �3- <br /> „ . tiubstunliully cyuivalenl Io Ilx�ru.1 tu Hortnwcr ul'�hc mongage in,urtincr prc��iou�ly in ell�cl. Irunt an altcmal�nwrt�age <br /> in.unr upproved by LenJrr. II'ruh,tumiully ryuivulenl mortgaEc in.ur:nur r��vcrngc i.n��l uvaiL•�Mr.Borcowrr�hall pay lo �`� <br /> Lendcr ruch m�m�h a,um�yuul tu unc•Iwclfth uf�hc��rurlv nwngugr in�urancc prrmium Ik inE puid hy Bom►wcr whcn Ihr �`�` <br /> -. • insuranec cuvem�;�IapxJ�irrc:�.cJ tu Ix in cllect. Lendrr a•ill urcept.u,r and r�u�in Ih�,�pacmrm.a.u lu.+rr.erve in lieu �^_ <br /> - , uf mun�ugc in.urancc. Lo.ti resrrvr p:ryntrnl, may nu longcr Ix rcyuircd.;u Ihc uplion uf Lrnd�r. il'murtgagr in,uruncc � <br />_ ' covcra�;c lin dte untuunl tuxl liir Ihr periixl th•ri Lrndrr rryuirr.l pruvi�k�l hy:m in.wtir u��provaJ hy l.rnJrr again Ikcomc� <br /> . " uvuiluMc anJ i�uhlvin�J. Borro��cr.hall p:iy thr pmmium�rcyuircJ 1�� roainwin mongagr in.urunrr in cllcrt.or ti,rruviJc a �. <br /> lo�,r:scrvr,until ihc reyuiremem for mungugr in.uruncr rnJ,in accurJance w i�h any�oriuen ugnrmrnt Ixlween k3�x�niwer <br /> � , � ., anJ LcnJcr ur appliruhlr lua, �I , <br />. 9. Inspctifion. Lrndrr ur ii+agrnt ma� inaAc na.un:ihlr rntri��u�,�m:mJ in,�xrti�, thr Pro�nihy. Lcnckr.hall �. <br /> �!tYC gu1'IY�wCf IIUtICC:It(hC 11111.uf ur pri��r t��:m in,�xruwi.� n�i.��o;�hlr c:iu.0�i�l'Ih�ill+�hiU��11. <br />. l0. Condemnuliun. Th�pruc�rd�ul am a��ard ur cl:iirn lur Ja�naLr,.�lir��rt�n run,r��urn� cunnrr�iun ��ith�m � <br /> > , timFl.•Pnw�l� •Funnie\1t�e�4�rddle�larlVlh'lIR�11�ti'1'NI'\1F.\1' 1'nU��mic'�n.n.mi. 4iV11 ������r?.•I�•�+r:��� I <br /> ' . �de.rt 1-i►o�.hum•.In� � <br /> - - I��1Mit��.�II 1 WME'aM4u.Mr.1. 41\bin7al-Ilq <br /> • � i u�. <br /> � <br /> .) <br /> � <br /> - , '� �_ . .. _— _. . .. <br />