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a . <br /> '.,��_ . . . — — <br /> �� -- . — — __,..:.arr �Ni.i�thw�:..w.~ - =�.,— , <br /> �., " � .1���,ir.;::�tL'.�'o , ±iw _ <br /> ,-.�'�'�};M"`ti..r. ...' M1 �: <br /> , _ " _ - <br /> . ..�� .. - 1 . _ — -.� _ <br /> —=_�,�.3.��;� 9?— lo�x,21 <br /> "'M�`-'�'��'-' TOCiETHER WITH all lhe in►pravcnknly r��w un c�reaftcr cr��atccl��n thc pr��rty.cuid all casenxnt,,upE+urtena+►ces, — <br /> .��'*'=.g-u=��.° ' und fixwres now or hercaftcr a p�ti of�hc pmpcAy. All mplaccmentx und uddNi�►ns zholl also ix:coverad by this Securit� <br /> - �nrwment. All of thc farc�toing is�efcrtcd 1��in�his 3crurily Inxuument as�he"Pn�xny." <br /> -'�''�""'��- 80RROWER COV�NANTS 11w1&�rr��wc�ix luwfully rci+:eJ uf thc c.r�utc hcrcby conveycd und hrx the righl ta grunt -� <br /> �—�-=�is- _ - -° and convcy the RoE�Ry und�hut�hc Pinper�y i.wk�kumlk���J.�MC�pt for cncumbr�nres of rccarci, Banawer r�arrenta t��xi �--_ <br /> n " will defend generally Ihe title a thc Rvperty uguin�l ull cluim�wul�kmanJr,�ubk�t lo�ny cix:umbrunces of rece�rd. <br /> • i <br /> :z '�� ,g �� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbinex unifixm cuvcnsuuw fur nudonal usc cuxi non-uniform cuve�wnts wi�h <br /> - -- `""' " � Ifmited vnrindons by Juri�dic�ion toc.�nvti�ute a uniform Securiry in��rumem c�►vedng rcvl propeny. � <br /> " �- <br /> � � <br /> �� " ' �` UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower und Lender cavenant and agrec u.s fulluws: <br /> ` �, �`, l. payment of Prineippl and lateresti Preprymeat and Lwte Cha�er. EioRawer siwll promptlY paY when due the — <br /> ..:[� •'x ..' .:,/.��.��.••J : <br /> '_ .:�,,,a�_`�....,., princip�l of and interest on the deM cvidenced by�he Note and any prepaymenl unJ latc churgrx duc under the Nae. <br /> �>' : 2. Ftiads tor 71�xes and Inwraace. Subject to oppli�able luw or to u wdtten waivcr by Lender.Botrower shall pay to <br /> `'�"�`°°"�'��°� Lender un the duy monthly payments�uc duc undcr the Note.until !he Nwc is ps►id in full,u sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly <br /> ,•.+�: � ;,° � - :. . toxes and usses�menls which muy�ttnin priarity over this Security Insuument uc a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold <br /> ' ��' "" pnymems or ground rents on the Prupeny, if uny; (c) yearly hazard or praperty inxurnnce premiums: (d) yeariy flad � _ <br /> �� � , ':.;;::.�-:��. ' insurance premiums, if any: (e) yeurly mortgage insurance premiums. if uny;und(fl any sums payable by Borrower to <br />._,;�'y,.,;�' . � � Lende�,fn accordance with the provisions of parngn+ph R, in lieu af the payment of murtgage insurance ptemwms. 1'hese - <br /> --- - '-"-"''.' items ure called"Escmw Items." l.ender may,at nny timc,collect wid hold Funds in an amounl not to excad the maaimum <br /> - .. • - umount u lender f�r u federnlly relnted morlgage lonn muy reyuire for 8orrowerk escrow uccount under the Federal Eteal <br /> '�':�,r;.:H,°`.;s.t' " Estate Setdement Procedures Act oi 1974 as amended irom time to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA").unless a�wtl�er <br /> ='�'�y...;,�,�,�,:�;,�,�t� luw that�pplies to the Funds�ets u lesser umount. If so.Lender ony time,collect and hold Funds in en amount not to <br /> - - _ __ . exceed the lesscr amount. Lender may estimute U�e umount of Funds due an thc t+nsiv�f cu�rent daua and rca�onsble <br /> ,-r��- es�imates of espenditures of fulur+e 6scrow Items or aherwise in uccordance with upplicnble law. _ <br /> . n � 7'he Funds shall be heW in at� institution whose deposils are insured by a federal agency. instrutnentality.or entity <br /> � • „� (including Lender,if Lender is such an institu�ion)or in Any Federol Home Low�Bank. Lender shall apply 1he Funds to pay <br />- • . the Escrow Items. Lender mny not cha�ge Borrower for holding nnd npplying the Funds, ennually nnulyziog the escrow <br /> �.�� '� -�'>: account, or verifying the E,crow Items, unless Lender pAys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Iaw permits <br /> " � '���' ��r°`���' Lendsr to make such u charge. However,Lender may requi�e Borrowcr ta puy a one-�ime charge for an independent real <br /> _ � "��l'�tai}ur' . :_ <br /> • estate tax reponing service used by Lender in cannection with thia loun,unless upplicable luw provides otherwise. Unless an <br /> ' agreement is made or applicuble law requircs interest to be paid,Lender shall not 6e required to pay Botrower uny interest or <br /> , � � eumings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may ngree in wrlting,however,thut interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender <br /> ' shall give to Borrower,without churge,an annual accounting of the Ftindc,showing credits und debits to the Funds and the <br /> purpose for which eru:h debit to Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for nll sums r�ecurcd by <br /> this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> -- • ^' If the F�nds held k+y [.sn�r exceed the umountc permined to he held by applicable law,Lende�shull account to <br /> ' �'�:� �• ,. � Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordnnce with the rcquirements oE applicable Inw. If�he amount of the Funds held by <br /> �•' , } �' � „ • Lender At any timc is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender rnay so notify Borrower in writing,and,in - <br /> :;,,;�.� ," such case Borrower shull pny to Lender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Bortower shall ma�e up the <br /> � .r��. deficiency in no more thnn twelve momhly puyments,ut l.ender's xole discretion. <br /> � ' � '•�' " Upan payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. L.ender shull promptly refund to Borrower any —___ <br /> ' , �� , Funds held by Lxndcr. If,under purugrnph'_'I,Lendcr+hall ucquirc or sell the Prapeny, l.ender,prior ta�he acquisition or _--- <br /> . � � � sale uf the Property,shall apply•rny Funds held by L.ender At the time of acqui+ition or snle us u credit against the sums <br /> � ,. secured by this Security In�trument. <br /> � . 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable luw provides otherwise,all pnyments mceived by L.ender under <br /> • " ' .. '" parugruphs 1 and 2 shall be upplied: any prepayment charges due under the Note:secund,lo umounts payuble under � r' <br /> paragrap h 2;t h ir d,to interest due;fou rt h,to principu l due;un d lati t,to un y la[e c B a r g es d u e under the Note. _� <br /> , 4. Charges: l.iens. Borrowcr shull puy ull tuxc., ussessmenls, churges, tines su�d impositions anributablz �o the � <br /> • Pro rt which ma attAin riorit over this Securil Instrument,and Ies�sehold n ments or round rents,if:u� . Born�wer �=- __ <br /> Pe Y Y P Y Y P Y B Y ��u.�- <br /> . •• shall pay these abligations in the munner providcd in parugr�ph 2,or if nol p•rid in�hut munner,Borcowcr shall pay them on �,_�;___. <br /> time directly to the p�:rxon owcd payment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lcndcr•rll n�itirrs of amounts to tx paid uncltr <br /> ' ''` this um ru h. If Horrower mukes thexe r ments directl Borrowrr xhall rom d fumir�h to Lender recei ta e�•idenrin �""" -m <br /> ��• P g p p'Y Y• P P Y P ' 8 ���s - <br /> �'`;.`t�'�• the payments. <br /> , �" . Borrower s h u l l p ro m p t l y d i ti c h s�r g e a n y l i�n w h i c h h u+p r i u r i t y o v e r�h i s S c c u ri t�•l n ti�r u m c n t u n l e x s 8 o r r o w e r:�a l a g r c� �=== <br /> ' in writing to the payment of thc obli�ution sccured by thc licn in a manncr acccptublc to L�nder,lb)rnntests in good fai�h the �':�_ <br /> ' licn by,or defends aguinst enforcemem uf the lien in,legul pnxccdin�s whirh in thc L.ender:opinion operatc ro prevent the ' <br /> • � ° � �enforcement of'thc lien;or(cl secur�s i'rom the holJcr of thc licn un:�grcement,alixfactury to Lrixler wubordinating the licn <br /> . , which ma unain riorit �`'-.-Y <br /> � „ ro this Se�urity Instrumcnt. If Lendcr dctertninc�tha�any piin of thc Prupeny i, .uhjcrt�o u hen y p Y <br /> ._ s' ' • over this Securiry Instrument,Lcndcr muy givc Borrower u noticr idrntifyi�g Ihc lien. BoRUwer shall satisfy tt�lien ar take �,. •• <br /> ., .one or more of thc nctions sct fonh�bovc within 1(�clays af thc Fivin���f nuticr. <br /> S. Hazard or Property Insumnre. Borrowcr tihal)kcep Ihe impmvrments nnw rxi�ting or hrrcuftcr encted on tlx �. <br /> • Property insurcd uguinsi lo,s by lirc,har.ards includcd within Ihr teRn"cxtendcd ruvrra�r"anJ uny othcr haz:uds,includin�t <br /> floods or flooding.Yor which Lender r�yuires in�urance. "fhi, inaurance ,haU lx muimuined in the amounts and for �he �` <br /> r <br /> . ' Form W211 9'9Y �ryr¢c:nj e puYr�� . . <br /> . . , . <br /> . � . <br /> . , � <br /> . 1y � ._ . _ __ _.._—_ <br />