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.���1 M �r ."!i',- �t r . . .�t'I S�}4��`'l7�7�'''t�tr1�r,`� � . ., .' 1 .' -T�. <br /> -� . ; .s.;�hYi�i�:�rP.. .Mr.,. . _ _ � <br /> ,..�wr , �• .. <br /> :..r .�,. • . . � . + � . <br /> :! � � � . : . .: '' <br /> ... _. <br /> ,. • ---- <br /> . ... <br /> _��_ i �-- -- - --- <br /> .=y.�;'., �— <br /> . �. ._� � 92— za y <br /> �•'i�i%'l,_.w._..�.._, _ ' ��IYO <br /> } <br /> — condcmna�ion ar other wkinR of Nny pan of the PropcRy,or far ccmveyance in licu of condemnA�ion.ure hereby uxxi�ned ond <br /> -_.��� shull be paid to Lendcr. <br /> In the event of a tatal taking of the Propeny, the proceedw shall be applied to the wums r+ecured by IhiK Security <br /> �____ __ ___� InKtniment,wluther ar nut then due,with uny cacesa pafd io Burruwer. In thc evenl of u partial tuking of thc Propeny in �_ <br /> which the feir mnrke�v¢luc of thc Property immediatcly beforc thc tuking is eyuul lu ar greuter ihan �he umount af�he xumx <br /> ��°"T.���..� eiecurcd by thix Sctcur�ty Instrument immediately before ihe tuking.un�czs Hormwer und Lendcr uli�ciwi,c ugrcc in writing. • <br /> -__=° the�wms Recured by Ihix Security Instrument shull be rcduced by the nmount af the praceeds multiplied by �he following <br /> _=��'i:-�T� fraction: lu)thc total umaunt of the sume secured immedintely bcfarc�he taking,dividcd by lbl the fair murket value of the r_ <br /> ..��� --—.�,..��v.•-� <br /> � ..� Pmpeny immediately beforc the laking. Any balunce nhuN be pAid�o Bormwer. lo �he rven� uf u puniul tuking uf t ic <br /> ;�� -•=�� Piropeny in which Ibe fair market veluc of the Prapeny immediutely beforc the taking is Icss thun the umount af the xum� <br /> �r��r.:- r,ecured immediately before lhe taking, unless Borrower s�nd Ixnder othenvise ugree in writing or unle�s applicublc Inw <br /> '°`��'� "4 then due Provides,lhe praceeds shall be applfed to the xums+�ecured by this Security lnstrumenc wheiher or nat Ihe sumx are <br /> �Y <br /> ��:v.'�,�;! _t;�''�!'� ' If the PropeRy ix ubtmdoned by Borruwer,or if,after notice by I.ender to Botmwer tfiat the condemtar offers to muke <br /> �:�,:"'.'• un nward or Ketde a claim for damngec. Borrawer fails to respond to Lender within 30 dnyK after the datc the nntice ix given. <br /> �';�;i;,�,�'�' :f �� , Lende�is awhorized io callect nnd npply�he proceeds,at its option.elthar to restoration ur nepuir of tF�Propraty or yo the - <br /> --- ,�^-:,_�s����'' '�'!,'", �cumc secured by thiK Secu�ity Instrument,whelher nr not then due. <br /> � --�' R�=--= Unlass L.ender und Borrower Wherwise agree in w�iting,any upplication of proceeds to principul slrrlf not cxsrrx`J or 4L <br /> ---f� . �"==:'�--��`"'t-"'� c ne the due da[e af the manthl n mems referred�o in arn ra R 1 und 2 or chun e the umount of�uch a ments. <br /> .vA�xia� po,tpo Y P Y P B Ph B P Y <br /> 3t�'���' - 11. Borrower Not Releaxed; Forhea�unce By l.ender Not w Walver. Exten�ian af thc [imc for payment or <br /> -__`�c�-v ,..� r.�w.. <br /> �����;ti � - modificution of umortization of the�ums secured by this Secunty Insuument granted by Lender to any.uccessor in 3nterest <br /> -����� of Burrower whall not opernie to release the liabiliry of the original Borrower ar Borrowe�4 successors in interest.Lender <br /> "i?'___ _ <br /> -- - ;_���;;,�n'���`-,� shull not be requircd tp commence pr«e�dingw aguinst any tiuccesar in interest or refuse to extend �ime for pay�r,ent or _ <br /> - _ "^°�• •'" otherwir,e modify umur�izution of�he sums secured by this Sceu�ity Msu'ument by rcason of any demand made by the original — <br /> '�slNQk,e(de.�.>:_.' _ <br /> - �: Borrower or Borrower5�successors in inlerest. Any forbearunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hfiall not be a Y <br /> �- �?+��""�' woiver of or prcclude the exercise of any right or remedy. -� <br /> -- .: ,, ��,.. —_ <br /> � --� r-;t4t� 12. Succes�sors and AssiRns 8aund;Joint and Several Lfabillty;Co-signera. Thc covenunts und ugreemerKs af thi+ ..�--.� <br /> � �ini!.:�or,���,.r��, <br /> --- ;� . Securlty Instrument shall hincl and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Bormwer,r:ubject to the proYisions of <br /> °•_�'� ,. .,:..' •�Y;sN�;�� purugrnph 17. B�rmwer's cuvenanta und ugn�ements shnll he joint and severul. Any Borcower N•ho co-signs this Security __ <br /> --'`-h�� �'��,i�YFYf��;" Instntment but doex not execute the N�te: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to manguge,gant a�nd c�nvey that _ <br /> - '`'��" Borrower?s intercst in the Propeny under thc terms of thi�Security lnstrumenr, (b)is not personully obliguted co pay the sumti =- <br />--�;���.,�,,.�� <br /> .��>•, .� . <br /> —_. ..,;���� �+ecured by thix Security Instrument:und Ic>ogrees that Lender und uny other Borrower muy agree to extend,mod+fy,for ur <br /> -_�� '�`'""•`.�� �: " '�"� or mnke uny uccommodutians with regnrd ta the terms of this Security Instniment or Ihe Note without tluit Sorrower's <br /> _ — .,�i..,<<,,•., ,.. <br /> �� � �f�f, ,� , ° consent. <br /> ;�,� ���_,�� ' 13. I.oan Cho��.w. If the loan secured by this Security lnstmment is subject to a luw w•hich�el+ inuximum lovn <br /> � , .„�. :�°�.--:;i--�' -` charges.and�hu�iuw i.6nully iute�Weted,o i�at the interest or other laan charges ca!lected ar to�e r�(!ected in cnnnf'�tion ._ <br />_,�G'�� � -•- with the lonn exceed Ihe pertnitted limits,then: (ul any xuch loun charge shull be reduced Ny the:unount necessnry w reducc <br /> , ' , �•• the churge ta the permitted limit;and(b►uny xums alreudy collectcd fmm Borrower which exceeded pern�itted limits will he <br /> :=f.; • � �a. • � r�efunded to Borrower. L.ender m.iy chootie to mnke this itfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u — <br />_::,L, , . direct payment�o Borcower, If u refunJ reduces principal,thc reducpon will be tremted ay u partial prepayment wilhout any <br />�•-�� pr+epnyment charge under�he Nate. <br />�_„�;� � . � . ,,: �.. 14. Notke�. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thix Security Iostn�ment�hall be�iven by delivering it or by <br /> �z� � .,��.•.,.:.,.;,;, • , mailing it by tirnt clnsw moil unlers vpplicnble luw reyuircs u+e of anaher method.The notice sfiall be directed to the Propeny <br /> ` � Address or uny other uddrrss Borrower designutcx by notice to Lender. Any notice to L.ender xhull be given by fin�clus� <br />�r{: � s,'�,,�c_:.:: <br /> ._ � . � �i. � •t.;:,r,.,' '. mail to Lender'.s uddress stuted hrrein nr:ury��ther uddrexs Lendrr designutes by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provided for f��:..: <br /> ' �'�' ' in �his Security Instn�men� +huU Ix deemed ta huvn c�en�;iven �o Bcxrnwer or Lender when given us provided in thix _.�_. <br /> "�=-r. ., ,Z��.:.j,;•.,i'! . <br /> s ; ,�,� �_ <br /> , . r ti�', , ptuagruph. <br /> °�^` ��� � � I3. (:overnins LAw;Severability. Thi� Securiry Imlrument shall bc govcmeci by Prderul luw unJ thc law of the ��,:: <br /> -:, �� ;x�;::;�,�:..,-�• jurisdiction in which Ihe Propeny i.locaied. In the event thut uny provi,ion or rlauxe of tfiiz Security Ins�rument or the Note �. <br /> �� - conflicts wilh upplicublc law,tiueh amflict,hall nut atTert uther pr�wisions of thiti Securiry Intitrumrnt or the No�e which eun � <br /> =-:i rr ' " be given ei'fect without the confliciing pruvixion. To thin cnd thr pmvi+ions ol'this SecuNry Instrunxnt und Ihc Note urc E''`` <br />'. :�'" � . --� declurcd to lx uvcruble. -- <br /> _=•'''. ' l . :u•';,f,,. + 16. Borrower's Copy. Borcower+hull lx�±iven unc cunti�rnieJ copy of the Note and of thi.Sccurity Instrument. �,_ <br /> _y�;�`.•.'� ' 17. 'IY�nnsfer of the Property or a Beneticlal Interest in Borrower. lf aU ur un� pun oF thc Nroperty or uny interest in ..�- <br /> it is sold or transfcrrcd (or if u tx�ncticial inleir+t in Borr��wer ic sokl cir tramfrrRd und Bormwcr i�nol u nulurul penonl F <br /> � �� withaut Lcnder's prior written ronknt.Lcnder may, u�ia option. nyuire immrdiute payment in full of a►II wm�sccurcd by ( <br /> - � � � this Security Inx�rument. However,ihis aption shull nol tx exerri�eJ by Lendcr if exercixe i,prahibited by federul luw us of <br /> ;r • the dute of this Sccurily In.lrument. °°� <br /> ,;•�. . If Lender exerciticz ihi,opliun,l.rndrr,hall givr Bi�rrowcr n�Nicr ot�uccclrrution. The�tnlir��hull providc u pericid of <br />. • not less Ihun 3f1 duys 1'mm Ihe Jate thr n�nicc i+JclivereJ ur mailrJ within which Borrowrr mu+t pay all�um,,rcured by thix �'��� <br /> . n � d ::. Suuriry In�trumcnt. II' Born�wcr faih�u pay lhe,c ,um�priur lo ihc cxpir•rtii,n ul Ihi. �xriod. Lcnder muy invokc uny �-- <br /> . ' �. : remedic+FxrmittuJ by thi�5�wuritv In,�nuncnt�+ithoul l'urlher nin irr nr drmund on Hnrruwrr. , <br /> . i;;;. . 18. Bu�ruwer's Ri�;ht to Reinatute. II' Burn�+�rr mert, rrnain rundili�►n,. Huiru�vrr �hall havc thr ri�!ht ta havc �,'•: <br /> . i ' ?`fY�' enforcemrnt of tBin Security Inxtrun►e���di>runtinuc d at an� timr priur tu t he car lirr��I': ia l 5 d:iy.l��r wrh uthrr�xrial as ' ` , <br /> �. . � <br /> : :; <br /> . SlnElc Famd?�--Fannk I►fuc�Fnddfe�1uc CMhtIR1f INVI'Nl';11ktiT•-1�ndunn Cu.cnunl. 4�40 �/x�gr�ur d�wxe�s� . <br /> . _I <br /> •��'.,; � <br /> , '.;•,•i, � ' ��'. <br /> . � ..- ;,.il' . <br /> .�� �,•1�%: <br /> • . <br /> ..;. .. <br /> '�� ��• ..� .�:'�' _ — _ ._.—�" _ .... . . . . .. - - . .. . . .« -.._- .._._ .. � . � • L'MhTlh'�M"r <br /> . � � , . . '--, . , ._ . . . i� . .. <br /> . 1 � . <br /> 1+ ' <br /> l . <br /> , �.. <br /> 'y • �-- --- <br />