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<br /> �� periods that I.ender aquires. The inaumnce carrfer providing the insurancc shall ba chasen by Borrower subJcct to L.ender�
<br /> approval which:hsll not be un�ROnwbly withhald. lf Bamwer falls to mwintain coveraga dcacri6ed ubove.Lcnder may.at
<br /> — Lenderk oplion.obtaln cov�rage to proteel Lender'a righta in the Property in ecccxdance with parngroph 7.
<br /> � u � � All insurwnee polieies and�enewals shwll lx Acceptubla to l.ender and shull include u swndard man�ege clau�e. I.nade� _____
<br /> --:-_=-�---�..-.�_-�__-,;.�, shall huvc thc dght to hafd thc policics and ranewala. {f�.cnd�:r c:.quires,i3arrawer shall pramptly givc ta l.cnder all rtreipts
<br /> �.-- - - of patd prcmfums und r+enew�l notices. lo the event of loss,Borrawer shoU�ive prompl notice ta the incurru►ce curier and �
<br /> _�=�,��;:r.r_%a Lende�. Lender may make procif of lass if not made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> ��'"�:=' Unless Le�dcr wui&�rtoa•cr orherwise ngree in writing,insuruncc pracceds 4hn11 F+e applied to restoradon or repair of
<br /> "� � ihe Property damaged. if the rcstoradon or rep•rir i:ecanomically feasibk und l.endar4 Eecurity �s nW lessened. If �he �
<br /> '�' �'�i� restoratian or repair is not econornlcnlly feasi6le or Lender's secunty would be lessencd. �be jnsurance praceedF shall bo —
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instn�ment, whether or nat the�due,with uny excess paid ta Borrower. If
<br /> �_.��_��-.- � Borrower abandons ttr Piroperty. or daes nat answer within 3D days a notice from l.ender�hat t�e insurance currier has _
<br /> � --- -�f.. offercd to senle a claim,then Lender mny collect the insnrunce proceeds. Lender may u�e ttie praceeds tu rcQair or restaro _-
<br /> T�� the rt ar to sums socured b this Securit lnstn�ment,whether or not�hen due. The 30-day peood w�ll bogin when -
<br /> �a�+� "u�+r. �� Y PaY Y Y
<br /> �� 7n.,�u.5r:.a��.s,o,.,�. the tattce is given. . ° _
<br /> —__ '�.�.�;:�';� Unless l.ender and Borrower othenvise ogree in writing,uny appliculian af prceeeds�o principal�hall nat extend or _,
<br /> .«.,..�� .a.:��.�x postpone lhe due dute of the monthly payments refemed to in p�ragraph� 1 and 2 or chAnge the amount of the paymenls. If __
<br /> � ��°'= unctcr � h 2! ;ts�Pro i�uc uirec!b Lendtr, Bormwer'� ri ht�n an insurance hclec and roceeda resultin
<br /> --�.,,. ' "r.t'�. _,�. P 8�F• P�nY q Y S Y P"� P 8 --
<br /> - ---.:..,,_ from damage to the PropeRy prior to the acquisition shall paxs to Lender ta the extent of Ihe surns secured by thic Secudty
<br /> °.""�_"""°'"`.��, Instrumentimmediatelyprior[otheacquisitian.
<br /> ��"�'���*����,:- 6. Occup�+acy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protecllon o� the Property; BaITOwer•a l.oaa Applicatton; --
<br /> �vii���`_'��`"0`;"��� I.eaceholda. Eorcawer shall occupy,establish,and use the Prciperty as Borrower!s p�incipal residence within sixty daya aofta' �
<br /> ,.�,'.,��K;,;v,�;';,��, . . the execuiion of this Securiry Instrument and shall wntinue to occupy Ihe Property ns Barrower's pvinc�pai rex�dence f r �_
<br /> _— t .,�;; :-•r; � least one yeu afler the date af accupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> ��� �ai��•�-:�S�.5 unreasonably wlthheld,or unless extenuating cir�umstunces exist which are beyond Borrawerk comrol. Borrower ahall not
<br /> .,Y ' ' d destroy,damage or impuir the Property,nllaw Ihe Property to deteriomte.or commi�waste on the Prc�perty. Borrower shall _
<br /> . �,�.�
<br />����.;�' � .;�yr�,::F.�,c�:.� be in default if any forfeiture s►clion ar proceeding. whether elvil or criminul, is begun lhat in Lender's good fafth judgment �::
<br /> could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materinlly impair thc lien creuted by chis Security Insln�menf or
<br /> � :�„�;i;,'y�„��y�. .�• � Lenderk security interest. 8orrawer may cure such a defuult and reins�ate.a�provided in p�grnph I S,by causing the ac tion �
<br /> _-'.,,; '"" -• or praceedi�g to bc dixmissed wilh u ruling that,in LenderF gooci fnith determinntion,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower'.s �„
<br />' �•���~�"�?';•~°� interest In the Property or other material impuirment of�he lien cre�ttd by this Secunty Inslrument or Lender's necurity
<br />. ?•" interest. Borrower shall also be in defuult if Borrower, during the loan upplicntion process, guve materiully folse or
<br /> • •,.a„�,x:�,:t•.:'.'" ----
<br /> .„,�;,;;..�::, '•.�,•r • •• inaccurate information or statementr+to Lender lor fniled ro provlde l.ender with any material information)in cannection wfth
<br /> � : ..� .� Ihe loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conrerning Borrawer's occupancy oP 1he
<br /> ,... _•_--,�»•:_-<_+;�w.,,,_',.SS.,_,� ���y�$�n�����c��knce. If thic Security Instrument is on e leasehold.Borrower shal l eomply with�II the provisiona
<br />- � � • of the lense. If Borrower acquires fee title to�he Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not mor�e unless L.ender agrces
<br /> •,��, ."° :. to the merger in�vriting.
<br /> , � ' 7. PrMectbn ot I.endcr's Rlghts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfom� the coveaan�s and agrexments
<br /> ' ' '�� contained in this Security Instrument, or there i� a legal proceeding tha� muy tiign�ficunUy nffect Lender� rights in �he ��q•,;;,
<br /> , . � �� � Property(such as u proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condernnatian or forfeiture or to eniorce luws or regula�lons►,thon
<br /> " . : �� ���'• Lender may do and pay for whutever i�necessary ta protect�he vulue of�he Property and I.ender?s rightn in tho PrapeAy.
<br /> ' � Lender's actians muy include paying uny�ums secured by�►Nen which hu�priority uver this Security Inxtrumen�,appearing �•�
<br /> in coun,paying reosonable at�omey.c'fees und entering on the Propeny to muke r�epuirs.Although Lendar may lake action
<br /> ' �' "" ! ` � under this pnmgrnph 7,Lender does not huve tn do tio.
<br /> ���;'.•"` Any amounts dixbuned by Lender under thix ps►ragruph 7 shAl)become addilional deM of Burrower secured by this
<br /> � �`+;`.-�;%` Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ugree to other terms ot'paymem.�hetie amauntti rhall bes�interest fran ihe
<br /> � , � dat�of disbwsement ut the Nde rute und shall be puyuble, wilh interest,upon notica fmm l.ender to Barrower requesting
<br /> . 0�•m�nx. �;-�
<br /> ' ' � g. :Natgage Insurance. If Lender required morlguge inxurance ur u condition of making the loan secured by this _.
<br /> ,����`:?:' ,,, Stcuric}•Irtstrument, Borrower shall pay the prrmiums requfred�o muin�oin the mortgage insurance in effec[. If, for ony ____
<br /> � :.l.,'�:'•��`�;, seq�an. the mortguge insurance coveruge required by Lender lopsex or ceuxeti to be in effecl, Barrower shall pay the __
<br /> ��>'.''';' . '• pre�in�ms reyuired to obtain coverage subxtsuttiully equivulent !o the rnunguge insurance previously in effecL ut u cost �==`
<br /> � , `'�`•' � �+'; .� subslantiully equivalent to the co.t to Borrower of'the mortguge iosurunce previously in effec4 fnxn un altemate mortgage
<br /> ' • insurer approved by Lender. If substamially equivulent monguFe intiurance coveruge i+not vvuilnble.Borrower shall pay to _
<br /> ' � �1 Lender ench month;�sum eyual to on:-twelfsh of thc ycurly mortgugc in,urrnce premium t►ting paid by Bomower when the �
<br /> •'���.� ��� ' insurunce coveroge Inpsed or cea�ed to be in effert. LcnJer will:�ccepl,u�r und rctain these puymenls ae u losx reserve in Ii�u
<br /> � „ `�'' � ' of mortgag�insurunce. Loti�resPrve payments muy no longer tx rcyuired,ut the option ot Lendcr, if modguge insurance =
<br /> "��'•'� ' coverage(in the umount und i'or tt�r�+eriod thut Lender require+)proviJrd by un in+urer upproved by Lender a�ain becomes ="
<br />' nvnilnble und is nbtuined.Borrowrr+haU pa} �he premium.reyu ircd to maintain mortga�c insururnc in cffect.or to provide a `«
<br />. � . luss reserve,until lhe reyuircment 1'or mongAge insurance ends in uccordar�r with uny written ngreement t+etween Bortower �'
<br /> und Lender or applicable luw.
<br /> 9. Inspecfion. LrnJer or i1�agent mr) muke rca�nnahle rntrie+ u�xm and iny�xc�ians ut'th� Pro�r►y. Lender yhall
<br /> give B�xrower notice at thr�ime of or prior 10 an ins�xction ti�rilying reu+onuhle cau�c tor Ihe inxpertion. �
<br /> 10. Condemnafion. Thr pr�c�d.of an}•uwurd ur cl:iim tix damagc+.dirrrt ur c�Hircyucnlial. m ci►nnertion K•ith ;u�y �
<br /> �' . �
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